Summer Shape-up, Phase Two?

Next Thursday marks the end of our one-month Summer Shape-Up project. We’ve made tremendous progress together, and we’re cheering each other over the finish line. It’s amazing how much you can accomplish when you ‘re part of an enthusiastic, supportive team!

Do you want to join a Summer Shape-up project in June?

Why Summer Shape-up?
Keep your momentum going on a project you’ve just started. 
Pare down or beef up a just-finished novel.
Add frequency, intensity, and/or accountability to your writing sessions. 
Establish fitness-related goals, to help offset all that butt-in-chair time
Combine energies and expertise with a committed, supportive group of LJ friends.
No initiation fees and no monthly dues.

We’ll start next Friday, June 1st, and we’ll weigh in with a progress report every week during the month. Let me know if you’re interested!
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  1. Anonymous

    Great idea!

    I’d be in for another month. I know that checking in every week has helped me stay on top of my writing goals. May was a good month!

  2. I would definitely be in for another month. I’m a member of , but it’s such a large community that you really can’t count on getting any consistent support. This is a much more cozy and encouraging group.

  3. Being the ridiculously goal-oriented girl that I am, I say, YES!

    Plus, it’s the only thing that’s making me stick to my fitness goals.

    Plus, everyone is so darn nice.

  4. I like the idea of continuing through June. I feel like cutting it off at the end of May will catch a lot of people just as they’re getting momentum … so I’m all for keeping on keeping on! 🙂

    • I agree 100%! YAY! I’m glad you’re excited about continuing, ’cause I am, too.

      Get ready to post your new goals on Friday, June 1st. You can post them on your own blog, of course, but please make sure you also post to our Summer_Shape_up LJ community, okay?

    • Of COURSE you’re going to be part of the team…we wouldn’t have it any other way!

      Get ready to post your new goals on Friday, June 1st. You can post them on your own blog, of course, but please make sure you also post to our Summer_Shape_up LJ community, okay?

  5. I’ll continue on so I can work on CLEM (add WOLF if I don’t meet my goals by next Thursday, too :))

    Also continue to walk daily with light weights and do at least 50 crunches every other day.

  6. I really sucked in May…I guess I’ll give it another shot in June. (There was just so much going on in May. I was stressed. I hope things are finally going to start to get better now…)

    • That’s terrific! Congratulations again on finishing your grueling semester. I can’t imagine any goals you’d come up with for this project would be as challenging as that. Good thing, right? 🙂

      Get ready to post your new goals on Friday, June 1st. You can post them on your own blog, of course, but please make sure you also post to our Summer_Shape_up LJ community, okay?

      • Thanks so much! I can’t wait to get started in the coming week!!! I’ll make sure to post to the comm.

        I got my first real rejection from Glimmer Train today. They didn’t like Old Ghosts. lol… It’s a wee bit ouchie, but in a weird way, it feels really good too!

    • Well…at least online. LOL.

      SO, are you joining us? I hope so! You’d inspire us all with your prolific, productive, supportive self. 🙂

      If you want to be part of our project, get ready to post your new goals on Friday, June 1st. You can post them on your own blog, of course, but please make sure you also post to our Summer_Shape_up LJ community, okay?

  7. I can’t believe June is almost here!
    May was a good month – and I look forward to June.
    Let’s catch up, Melodye…be on the lookout for an email….

  8. This is great, I’m in! In fact just reading this has me fired up to achieve my May goals. Must make sure this time around to include…BIC offsetting. Think I ended up do more BIC offsitting, sigh.

    Thanks for going another round with us!

  9. Count me in! I’d like to see this go right through the summer and into the fall…so sign me up for the long haul!

    May got off to a slow start for me what with computer problems but this last week has finally kicked into a higher gear.

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