Summer Shape-up is a friendly challenge for those of us who want to whip our works-in-progress into shape.
Planning to join us? Before Tuesday, please create an action plan that’s appropriate for your situation and your own body of work. For example, this might a good month to add definition to a project you’ve just started. Or, if you’ve just punched your last ticket on the Fast Draft Express, perhaps you’re ready to pare down or beef up some weak scenes. Been hampered by your inner editor? Make this the month you get rid of those weighty self-doubts. If you’ve been slacking lately, you might want to add frequency and intensity to your writing sessions. And hey, how about throwing in some fitness-related goals, to help offset all that butt-in-chair time? Bottom line: set your goals high enough that you’ll have to stretch to reach them, but don’t hurt yourself by creating unrealistic expectations.
If you want to be part of our team (and I definitely hope you do!), please write your goals and plans in the comments section. Next, mark your calendar so you’ll remember to begin your new routine on Tuesday, May 1st. Let us know if you need some coaching, and of course, we’ll always be here to cheer you on. We’ll weigh in every Tuesday in May, and we’ll celebrate our final results on Friday, June 1st.
UPDATE: You might also want to join our LJ community: Image credit here.
I would like to add 10,000 words to RAZOR
I would like to verbally Scotch tape AFTER THE PROM back together again with the new slants and wealth I want to add to Draft 2 that I ripped apart into little pieces and now have strewn about the floor like so many tile squares from Writers Are Us
My action plan, like always, is to work on writing when I can fit it in somewhere
This is a great idea!
My goal is to finish my first draft of Summoning by June 1st.
Hopefully, you’ll be writing with a kitty on your lap. 🙂
Sounds awesome, Meg. Glad you’re joining us!
I would like to complete the final edits of Good Night, Odile, and have a solid query letter and synopsis ready to go for submissions in June.
My plan won’t be activated until the second week of May: I’m just finishing the rewrites today and tomorrow, and I want to give it a rest for a week to come back to it with fresh eyes (and critiques from some lovely friends!). However, I’ll give it everything I have from the 8th of May onwards, and of course I will cheer everybody else on in the meantime. 🙂
Thanks for starting this, Melodye!
Odile as a name
Hi–just stopping by to note that my dad’s sister’s name was Odile, and she was the only American I ever knew with that name. We pronounced it Oh-Deal. She was constantly spelling it for people.
My dad had five sisters: Odile, Orlean (said “Arlene”), Yvonne (called “Weetsie”), Maudie, and Mary Lou. And one brother, Herman Otto. His name was also unusual: Dal. Not short for Dallas. Just itself.
You’ll probably find that a lot of agents and readers carp at you to “use normal names.” I am a child of the sixties and see unusual names as a plus. So try to let that roll off your back. It’s good to have an unusual name. Even if you’re only a character in our novels.
Re: Odile as a name
Thank you, I appreciate the feedback! The title is actually a sentence of dialogue from later on in the book, directed to the MC (who is a ballet dancer herself) who always preferred dancing the part of Odile rather than Odette. However, this is definitely a good piece of advice to squirrel away. Thank you again!
I’m so glad you’re joining us! Looks like you’ve reached an exciting part of your writing journey. 🙂
Thank you! 🙂 It sure feels exciting. I can’t believe I made it this far, finally.
My plans for May are kind of hodgepodge:
1. To finish the last 25K of my Paranormal/SF YA in the first two weeks (yes, I am still Fast Drafting! Some of us write books longer than 50,000 words, you know! *G*)
2. In the last two weeks, get through as much of the Snowflake as I can on my Fantasy YA, with the hope of having a complete outline done by the end of June.
I, too, like that Snowflake Method. It’s really helped me organize my thoughts.
Good luck!
Thanks for taking the lead in shaping us up, Melodye!!!
I will begin revising WINDFALLING using notes from my fabulous critique partners.
I have some characters to whip into shape, or they’re outta there!
I have some scenes to cut and some to tighten.
I want to go through the whole mss with a fine tooth comb and see if the plot moves forward steadily and that I’m using all the senses and that all of my dialogue has a purpose.
Don’t worry, after my conferences, I will definitely shove the manuscript in my drawer and then look at it with fresh eyes before I submit it. 🙂
Re: Thanks for taking the lead in shaping us up, Melodye!!!
You’ve accomplished great things so far; I have every confidence you’ll reach your goals in May!
Yikes. I think I may have to pass this time around. I need to focus on getting those queries out. I’m going to dip my toe in the pool of starting a new WIP, but I may wade in as opposed to taking a big dive. I’ll participate if you do this again later on, ‘kay? Sounds like a cool idea!
I don’t think I’ll lead for more than a month (everyone deserves a turn, y’know), but I’ll be watching for your progress updates, as always.
Yay! This is exactly what I need and the timing is perfect!
I’m on my way out the door for a twelve-hour shift at an office where LJ is blocked. (I know! Can you believe it?) My on-the-fly goal is to fill in the missing scenes in my manuscript before May 20th. Then I will use the remaining eleven days to revise the rest of the scenes that need more attention.
I’ll think it over today and figure out if this goal is too ambitious or not ambitious enough…
Your goals sound great, and I’m glad you joined us. The way I look at things, you can make changes to your goals as need be. Need (not want) being the operative word. Heh. In fact, that’s what I ended up doing last month!
Yay! This is exactly what I need and the timing is perfect!
I’m on my way out the door for a twelve-hour shift at an office where LJ is blocked. (I know! Can you believe it?) My on-the-fly goal is to fill in the missing scenes in my manuscript before May 20th. Then I will use the remaining eleven days to revise the rest of the scenes that need more attention.
I’ll think it over today and figure out if this goal is too ambitious or not ambitious enough…
I want to complete at least a first draft of Wolf Call by June 1. Thanks, Melodye. I need somewhere to be accountable right now. 🙂
Yeah, me too. I do better when I work toward a deadline.
Glad you’ve joined us!
I want to complete at least a first draft of Wolf Call by June 1. Thanks, Melodye. I need somewhere to be accountable right now. 🙂
That’s my main goal for May – Balance
WRITE- 500 words daily on an MG I started [ so I don’t get ‘rusty’]- I find it hard to start back on a wip – if I don’t write everyday
REVISIONS – create my own Revision Retreat and stick to it – to revise my YA that I finished for FDE.
READ [ or listen to ]- a novel each day [ MG YA or adult]
SHAPE UP – making sure to lose that BIC look LOL!!
walk on the beach and boardwalk daily!
swim at the gym.
Re: Balance!
Balance is a wonderful thing. I like your varied focus. (foci?)
What beach do you walk? Atlantic or Pacific?
Atlantic — Re: Balance!
I’m a Jersey Girl — we live less than 2 miles from the beach
Abt 4 years ago — we lived right across the street from the ocean :o)
Atlantic — Re: Balance!
I’m a Jersey Girl — we live less than 2 miles from the beach
Abt 4 years ago — we lived right across the street from the ocean :o)
I MUST have the last revision of Novel # 2 completed by June 1st. This will give me a couple of weeks to complete the final editing–and then submit– before Novel #1 hits the shelves.
This doesn’t look “likely”…but I’m in!
“…Before novel #1 hits the shelves.”
What a fabulous goal — so much positive things are wrapped up in that sentence!
Glad you’ve joined us!
Me too, cuz my a** is dragging here… 😀
I MUST have the last revision of Novel # 2 completed by June 1st. This will give me a couple of weeks to complete the final editing–and then submit– before Novel #1 hits the shelves.
This doesn’t look “likely”…but I’m in!
Good to see that others are finishing first drafts too!
My goals:
~Finish first draft of FRIENEMIES by May 13.
~Polish up PAYBACK by the end of May so I have something new to sub if BRIDESMAID doesn’t get any takers.
~lose 2 lbs. per week up to 8 lbs. – this winter was a lazy one!
Wow, I’m really impressed that you’re working with not one but THREE manuscripts simultaneously.
Too much BIC time this winter for me, too. heh.
Well I see that most have set goals around their writing. I guess I would set a goal of getting a title for my book that I haven’t even thought about writing.
Your second challenge has caught my attention. I recently was at the mall and overheard someone behind me saying something about passing that “DOUBLE WIDE”. Now I didn’t see anything in front of me that resembled a double wide. Then it hit me, they were talking about me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have been going to the gym for a work out but have missed more this month so I will accept your challenge and hit the treadmill more. Maybe loose 1 pound a week? Thanks for the challenge.
NO WAY on the “double wide” comment. Somebody has compromised eyesight and a BIG MOUTH!
Glad you’ve joined us!
Oooh ooh ooh!
I want to run or work out 5 times a week and lose 5 lbs.
And to finish another third of my fairy story.
Yay! I’m happy that you’ll be part of our project.
Is your fairy story a middle grade, YA or…?
My goals:
1. Work on synopsis for BULLETS
2. Write at least 10,000 words for BULLETS
3. Go over suggestions/comments from Lauren Barnholdt on my paranormal.
4. Query ten more agents if I don’t get any takers on my paranormal
Ambitions, aren’t you? That’s great — I’m guessing you’ll be mighty proud of yourself by the end of May.
Glad you’re part of the team!
I want to write at least three chapters for BULLETS. That’s about 10,000 words, right? Or maybe 5,000.
My biggest thing I need to do is just write this story and not get distracted.
Are you feeling the same way with your memoir about your father?
I’m not sure about word counts for chapters. You might want to ask that question in a separate post. Some of the memoirs I’m reading run two pages to a chapter. From there, the range goes up to about 15 to 20 pages.
Yes, to your question. Working within an organizational structure and a deadline are KEY ingredients for my success.
You might enjoy the notes from the Festival on this topic. I’ll post those tomorrow or Wednesday.
My goals:
1. Work on synopsis for BULLETS
2. Write at least 10,000 words for BULLETS
3. Go over suggestions/comments from Lauren Barnholdt on my paranormal.
4. Query ten more agents if I don’t get any takers on my paranormal
Write/work on WIP 30 minutes each night minimum (last month is was 15 minutes per day minimum). Place glittery star on calendar every day I accomplish this. Aim for one chapter per week. Not sure about this part since this is brand new and I haven’t started acually writing this project yet.
Get back in the gym 5x per week by the end of the month. Tues (tomorrow) and Thurs the first week and add one day per week from there. I won’t give myself a weight loss goal because my metabloism has really slowed down in the last couple of years. Place glittery happy face sticker on celandar each day I accomplish this. (Yes, I’m 38 and I have goal stickers. 🙂 )
Walk the dog every night before bed.
Here’s your first glittery star. Your goals are fabulous, and so’s your idea about stickers. 🙂
I’m going to:
-create an outline and scene by scene layout of my WIP
-finish research on the subject matter
-flesh out enough scenes that it feels tangible, real, and less of a WIP
and to do this…..
keep my place clean and tidy for a clear mind –
last night i looked around the mini-wreckage and realized some clutter has to GO
Re: and to do this…..
Oh, I need to do this, too.
I’m adding it on.
Re: and to do this…..
you’re welcome –
it makes a big difference for me 🙂
Re: and to do this…..
Oh, I need to do this, too.
I’m adding it on.
You’re definitely making great progress on the path you’ve set for yourself. I’m so glad for your suggestions, and I’m happy that you’re part of our group!
Thanks, Melodye –
This will be a great month watching all of us move along to meet our goals.
Okay. This is such a good idea. I am not committed! YAY!
Writing Goals:
1. Revise Time Stopper Again.
2. Revise WHY I DRINK.
3. Revise WEIRD.
4. Write 50 new pages.
Physical Goals:
1. Actually start doing weights again even though I hate going to the Y, because I always feel like such a slacker.
2. Do 30 minutes of cardio every single day, even if it’s lame cardio.
3. Work on building up running every other day.
“I am not committed! YAY!
Conflicted, are we? Commitment phobic, much? LOL.
I love your goals — how fun that they involve weirdness and drinking. Heh.
Okay. This is such a good idea. I am not committed! YAY!
Writing Goals:
1. Revise Time Stopper Again.
2. Revise WHY I DRINK.
3. Revise WEIRD.
4. Write 50 new pages.
Physical Goals:
1. Actually start doing weights again even though I hate going to the Y, because I always feel like such a slacker.
2. Do 30 minutes of cardio every single day, even if it’s lame cardio.
3. Work on building up running every other day.
Oh Boo. 🙁 I’m essentially in lockdown until the end of May. (May 22) I have all of my end of semester madness to deal with. I’d planned on launching into my manuscript after the semester ended, so it looks like I can’t play for now. Boo. But after that, I plan on launching into 3 glorious months of writing like a maniac.
You’re having to do an awful lot of structured writing for school, I’ll bet.
We’ll be sending you good thoughts for a smooth landing on your semester. After that, we’ll be glad to see you join our group. 🙂
Thanks very much. I can use all the good mojo I can get. 🙂
And yeah, lots of structured writing. Bleh.
I can’t wait to sign up once I get paroled for the summer!!!
Oh Boo. 🙁 I’m essentially in lockdown until the end of May. (May 22) I have all of my end of semester madness to deal with. I’d planned on launching into my manuscript after the semester ended, so it looks like I can’t play for now. Boo. But after that, I plan on launching into 3 glorious months of writing like a maniac.
Hmm…I’ve been slacking on my writing lately, but I’d like to write one poem a day and post it on LJ for every day of May.
Excellent! I’m looking forward to reading them!
I’m working really hard to finish revising my mg, looking for flaws and holes with the small stuff. I have some plot changes to make. I really want to get this ms. ready to be subbed sometime soon.
Let this be the month that you get that mss revised and submission ready. Glad you’re part of our little project; I’ll be looking forward to reading about your project.
I’m working really hard to finish revising my mg, looking for flaws and holes with the small stuff. I have some plot changes to make. I really want to get this ms. ready to be subbed sometime soon.
1. Tweak WOLF by end of first week and send off
2. Revise one chapter of CLEMENTINE a day
3. Write missing scenes for CLEMENTINE
4. Find time every day to walk and stretch
How exciting, really, to have so many positive projects under way! I’m looking forward to hearing where WOLF ends up and how CLEMENTINE progresses.
1. Tweak WOLF by end of first week and send off
2. Revise one chapter of CLEMENTINE a day
3. Write missing scenes for CLEMENTINE
4. Find time every day to walk and stretch
1. Tweak WOLF by end of first week and send off
2. Revise one chapter of CLEMENTINE a day
3. Write missing scenes for CLEMENTINE
4. Find time every day to walk and stretch
Summer Shape-Up
Note to self: turn off inner editor
Stop agonizing about making the perfect plan and make “a” plan.
Free write synopsis and grow the characters.
Begin to write “it” rather than writing “about it”.
10,000 SPD (steps per day) = smaller BIC (butt in chair)
This is great timing and a great idea, Melodye. Thanks!!
Re: Summer Shape-Up
Your goals match mine perfectly…I am trying to outrun my inner editor by writing faster. It didn’t work so well last month, until I went back and did more outlining. For me, having a structured outline is key.
Can’t wait to hear how it all shapes up for you this month. Oh, and be sure to friend the members of this group so you can see our friends-locked entries on the project. 🙂
Re: Summer Shape-Up
I’m a tortoise. I admit it. Even if I tried to write/walk/think fast, my inner editor would run circles around me. Right now I’m thinking that a little less zen-ness is in order and that, like you, I need to sit down and work out a really good structured outline. I’m feeling excited by all of this but I’m also feeling a little overwhelmed by it all, so it’s probably the perfect time to get out for that long walk and let things percolate and settle, so I can do some productive work. Thanks for friending me. I friended you back, which seemed like a good idea since I love reading your posts.
Re: Summer Shape-Up
Sounds like outlines — and our Summer Shape-up — are great places for us to start.
Re: Summer Shape-Up
Yes! And our timing is perfect =:]
Re: Summer Shape-Up
Yes! And our timing is perfect =:]
Re: Summer Shape-Up
Sounds like outlines — and our Summer Shape-up — are great places for us to start.
2500 words per weekday, which should net me 2 finished drafts (Brown Shoe Diaries and Calendar of the Living and the Dead).
And 1.5 miles each weekday on the treadmill.
Thanks for donig this, Mel!!!
Re: Goals
I’m so glad you’ve joined us!
Two finished drafts sounds so impressive!
How many miles are you walking already?
Writing EVERY day, not just editing. Scribbling in journal definitely counts.
Finish edits on short story and get it out.
Mail two queries on current novel.
Rewrite chapter in novel, finish edits outlined in last readthrough.
Hopefully all that counts. It’s a stretch for me, since I’m in school and writing papers weekly for that, and I’m going to have at least one midterm due this month. But. I don’t want to lose sight of my own original writing, either.
All of that counts — and it adds up to huge accomplishments by the end of the month. I’m so happy and impressed that you’ve joined us, especially since you’re also going to school.
Thanks for posting this! I heard about you on Julie’s LJ.
I just finished up the Fast Draft Express adventure and I’m ready for another one!
Here are my May goals:
1. I lack consistency, so my goal is to write EVERY DAY for at least 15 minutes. These have to be new words.
2. I hate editing, so my goal is to edit EVERY DAY for at least 15 minutes. I will be editing my 2006 Nano, roughly titled Alien Secrets.
3. I haven’t exercised for too long, so my goal is to start working out at home at least three times a week.
4. I have a huge pile of to-be-reads, so my goal is to read at least four of them this month.
Thanks again!
YAY! It’s great to see you’ve joined our project.
Consistency’s a big thing for me, too — that, and working toward a deadline.
Good luck!
Hey Melodye,
I’m joining!
My goals are:
1. Finish my LAST revisions on my MG.
2. Hopefully squeeze in another chapter of my YA WIP.
“Finish my LAST revisions on my MG.”
That sounds really good, doesn’t it? I’m so glad you joined us. For sure, I’ll be cheering you on!
(I’m here via
I am a master procrastinator when it comes to writing and editing. I’ve got 5 nanowrimo novels sitting around in various states of disrepair, but I’ve never had much luck either finishing or editing any of them. In a perfect world, my shape-up goal would be to pick one nano novel and produce a completed first draft, but, given the fact that my May is going to be insanely chaotic (new boss @ work, housesitting all month, moving to a new house by June 1st), I’m going to give myself an easy one:
*Spend 30 minutes every day *seriously* editing/rewriting/tweaking a nano novel.
If, through some miracle, this goes smoothly, I’m upping to the goal to:
*Pick one novel (probably my ’04 story) and spend 45 minutes a day on it – minimum of 15 minutes new writing and 30 minutes editing/revising.
I’m hoping I’ll get so wrapped up in this that my piddly little 30/45 minute goals will be thrown out the window, but I need to leave myself some wiggle room given all that’s going on this month.
Here’s to forward motion!
That sounds great! I think it helps to stretch yourself, but to also be realistic. Looking forward to hearing about your forward motion!
Oh, and remember to add me to your friends list…if we have a friends-locked entry about this, I want to be sure you can read it (and vice versa).
Count me in!
I’m late, I know, but I just found your site, thanks to jmprince, and I’m a huge fan of peer pressure (middle school teacher and middle grades writer…it figures!). Anyway, here are my goals:
1. Finish first draft of middle grades WIP (I’m 50 pages in with about a hundred to go, I’m guessing.)
2. Revise Campfire picture book WIP by May 15 for NESCBWI.
3. Finish the teachers’ guide for the first three chapters of Spitfire, my middle grades historical novel that’s coming out this September.
4. It would also be nice if I got my running back up to 20 miles a week, but sometimes I’d rather eat chocolate, so we’ll see.
Thanks for the incentive!
Re: Count me in!
YAY! I’m glad you found us!
I’m all about peer pressure, too.
You’ve got some ambitious goals there, girl! Are you doing all of them at the same time? (Congrats on the novel you’ve got coming out this fall. How exciting is that?!?)
You’re a runner? I wish I were. I understand it’s great for quick fitness. Maybe you could educate us a little bit about how to get into it this month.
Count me in!
I’m late, I know, but I just found your site, thanks to jmprince, and I’m a huge fan of peer pressure (middle school teacher and middle grades writer…it figures!). Anyway, here are my goals:
1. Finish first draft of middle grades WIP (I’m 50 pages in with about a hundred to go, I’m guessing.)
2. Revise Campfire picture book WIP by May 15 for NESCBWI.
3. Finish the teachers’ guide for the first three chapters of Spitfire, my middle grades historical novel that’s coming out this September.
4. It would also be nice if I got my running back up to 20 miles a week, but sometimes I’d rather eat chocolate, so we’ll see.
Thanks for the incentive!
Get my MG BAS3 (or some other novel) ready to sub! Once and for all! And maybe my PB, Pie, as well.
Hi, and welcome to our team! Are you in the middle of writing one or both of these, or closer to the beginning pages? Wherever you are, we’ll be rooting for you!
Oh, and do add me/us to your friends list if you’d like. 🙂
another latecomer
Hey, I’m late to the party as usual! Just dropped in via Sacha’s site.
Just so happens I joined a gym last week, so I’ve got that part covered. Goal for my WIP: four new chapters written by June 1.
Thanks for doing this. And good luck meeting your goals!
Re: another latecomer
Hi Linda! Do you have an LJ account, or will you be dropping by with/for updates? I’m glad you joined, and I’m looking forward to hearing about your progress!
Thanks for your good wishes to me, too. 🙂
another latecomer
Hey, I’m late to the party as usual! Just dropped in via Sacha’s site.
Just so happens I joined a gym last week, so I’ve got that part covered. Goal for my WIP: four new chapters written by June 1.
Thanks for doing this. And good luck meeting your goals!
Okay, okay. I’ve finally decided to jump on the train here.
I’m wearing my “sloth” bracelet right now, and have had to switch it four times already this morning. Blech. I hope I can keep this up instead of just forgetting to do it. Complaining is far too much a part of my internal system.
So here’s my goals for (the rest of) May:
1) Wear the sloth bracelet. Don’t be lazy. No complaining, whining, or nagging.
2) Switch my customary answer to “Thank you” from “No problem” to “My pleasure.” I got that from the counter clerk at Chik-Fil-A, and realized how nice it really is to hear.
3) At least do major story arc edits on Elves Over Easy
4) Find either a second job or volunteer work to make me happy.
Maybe, if all goes well:
5) Profit!
That’s terrific! It’s our pleasure to have you on the team. 🙂
That’s terrific! It’s our pleasure to have you on the team. 🙂
Okay, okay. I’ve finally decided to jump on the train here.
I’m wearing my “sloth” bracelet right now, and have had to switch it four times already this morning. Blech. I hope I can keep this up instead of just forgetting to do it. Complaining is far too much a part of my internal system.
So here’s my goals for (the rest of) May:
1) Wear the sloth bracelet. Don’t be lazy. No complaining, whining, or nagging.
2) Switch my customary answer to “Thank you” from “No problem” to “My pleasure.” I got that from the counter clerk at Chik-Fil-A, and realized how nice it really is to hear.
3) At least do major story arc edits on Elves Over Easy
4) Find either a second job or volunteer work to make me happy.
Maybe, if all goes well:
5) Profit!
Hi, Melodye! For some reason, I can’t get the earlier thread “reply” link to work, so sorry for posting this as a new thread!
No, I don’t have an LJ account … I have a Blogger account but haven’t made the commitment to LJ just yet. Takes me a while … I have some commitment issues, obviously! But, yes, I will stop in for occasional updates on my progress.
BTW, my WIP is a MG mystery, the second in what I hope will be a series.
Hey Linda!
I’ll look forward to hearing more about your mystery…I’m not a YA writer, but I definitely enjoy hanging out with all y’all!
Be sure to check in on — and post to — the Summer_Shape_up community, too, so we can all enjoy your updates. 🙂
Hey Linda!
I’ll look forward to hearing more about your mystery…I’m not a YA writer, but I definitely enjoy hanging out with all y’all!
Be sure to check in on — and post to — the Summer_Shape_up community, too, so we can all enjoy your updates. 🙂
Hi, Melodye! For some reason, I can’t get the earlier thread “reply” link to work, so sorry for posting this as a new thread!
No, I don’t have an LJ account … I have a Blogger account but haven’t made the commitment to LJ just yet. Takes me a while … I have some commitment issues, obviously! But, yes, I will stop in for occasional updates on my progress.
BTW, my WIP is a MG mystery, the second in what I hope will be a series.
Sorry that I am late signing up. Thanks for doing this Melodye! I really need the kick in the pants. I had bronchitis and then pneumonia during Jo’s JoNoWriMo+1.5 and didn’t accomplish a heck of a lot except for revamping a few of my shorter fairy tales. So… My goals are to:
1. Do a final revision of Anya
2. Begin revising and expanding Footprints which members of my critique groups say should be expanded to MG length. I am having a very difficult time adding filler, as the story is all there in a nutshell. And seeing it is based on an actual event, I’m stymied as to how to veer away from what happened and expand the bloomin’ thing.