Sugar and Spice

I sent an email (okay, a diatribe) to a good friend yesterday — not directed at her but about something that matters a great deal to both of us. Initially, I wasn’t quite sure how to read this part of her response: “Wow – you have a lot of gingersnap in you!”  Should I take that as a compliment, I wondered? Short answer: yes! Everyone knows girls are made of sugar and spice — but not in equal measures, day to day. Sometimes life’s recipe calls for a pinch of sugar; sometimes it requires heaping handfuls. Same thing with spice. 

Tangentially related matter: Apparently, President Bush doesn’t do email.  
“I tend not to email or — not only tend not to email, I don’t email, because of the different record requests that can happen to a president. I don’t want to receive emails because, you know, there’s no telling what somebody’s email may — it would show up as, you know, a part of some kind of a story, and I wouldn’t be able to say, `Well, I didn’t read the email.’ `But I sent it to your address, how can you say you didn’t?’ So, in other words, I’m very cautious about emailing.”

However, it seems Bush is a tad more comfortable with Googling
“One of the things I’ve used on the Google is to pull up maps. It’s very interesting to see that. I forgot the name of the program, but you get the satellite and you can — like, I kind of like to look at the ranch on Google, reminds me of where I want to be sometimes. Yeah, I do it some.” 

Someone recently sent me an email, challenging me to Google the word ‘failure‘. Click on the link if you’re one who likes gingersnaps.


  1. But isn’t that artificially generated? It’d be really funny if somehow natural google statistical data made that happen. But someone’s been hacking that.

      • If you look up above the results, there is a little box that says “why these results?” that explains how someone hacked it. Or at least when *I* google it, it does. Maybe they’re hacking me!

        • Googlebombing

          They’re not hacking, they’re googlebombing. This technique was used by the Repugnicans in 2004 against Kerry and now the opposition is fighting back using the same technique. Chris Bowers has a list of congressional candidates and links to negative articles about them that he’s asking bloggers to googlebomb. (If you’re interested, Google “Chris Bowers” and read the second link). I’d happily help out but, alas, I don’t get much traffic here on LJ. 🙂

  2. Google me another lie

    If Bush truly used “the Google,” he’d know how easy it is for those of us still living in the reality-based world to Google his lies, and maybe he wouldn’t have been arrogant enough to tell George Stephanopoulos “we’ve never been about stay the course.”

    But what am I thinking? Truth and documentation don’t matter to pathological liars.

      • Re: Google me another lie

        The man has never been held accountable a day in his life and with the so-called liberal media enabling his every lie and manipulation of the truth, he sure isn’t about to start telling the truth now.

        We need change and we must be that change we want to see.

  3. I guess that shows the humorous politics of the Google peeps, considering the word “failure” doesn’t show up on the webpage or in the invisible meta tags. It’s either that or someone paid a hefty sum of money to get that webpage to show up at the top of the search.

  4. I guess that shows the humorous politics of the Google peeps, considering the word “failure” doesn’t show up on the webpage or in the invisible meta tags. It’s either that or someone paid a hefty sum of money to get that webpage to show up at the top of the search.

  5. Darling, Melodye,

    To whom do I notify that you are made with honey? 🙂

    The world?

    Dear World,
    Melodye is not gingersnap, but rather HONEY. . .no not from tree sap, nor gingersnap, but HONEY! Thwap! Get it?


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