“Subliminable” message?

CNN International’s “CNN Today,” airing at midnight Eastern, led with this graphic. 

Alas, though British Prime Minister Tony Blair announced his impending retirement, Mr. Bush did not. CNN regrets the chyron error.

But if true, wouldn’t this be one of the best Mother’s Day presents ever?

(Screen shot and story via MediaBistro).


  1. Ahh man. . . .

    I almost believed it – until I saw Tony Blair in the photo

    The closest Bush will come to resigning is to say that benchmarks are a good idea. . .
    he is resigned to that statement.

    • Re: Ahh man. . . .

      I know…my heart skipped a few beats, too.

      Yeah, benchmarks…let’s wait to hear how they’re defined, and who they’re for.

  2. Ahh man. . . .

    I almost believed it – until I saw Tony Blair in the photo

    The closest Bush will come to resigning is to say that benchmarks are a good idea. . .
    he is resigned to that statement.

  3. I so wish it were true…

    even if it did mean that Darth Cheny were President for a short time until we got to impeach the dude (because there’s more evidence against him at present than Bush)

    That would have MADE my Mother’s Day. No, my YEAR!

    • Re: I so wish it were true…

      Yeah, I hear you. It would alter the lives of many people (for the better) if Bush were to resign. *is wistful*

      LOL on the icon. I love it — and good to “see” you, too!

    • I see lots of shifts occuring, but none quite this dramatic. Doesn’t hurt to dream, though…and in the meantime, to hold *everyone* accountable.

  4. Oh man, I saw that screen capture and had a brief moment of pure ecstacy. Dang. So Bush is losing his favorite poodle. We’ll see what the next PM does.

      • Paradoxically, we don’t have a lot of time to set things right, do we?

        Well, only what, a year and a half or so until this clown leaves office, but setting things right is going to take a long, long, long time. Of course, we could start earlier if these idiots resigned. lol… Oh, we wouldn’t ever be so lucky.

  5. Oh man, I saw that screen capture and had a brief moment of pure ecstacy. Dang. So Bush is losing his favorite poodle. We’ll see what the next PM does.

  6. Wouldn’t that make Cheney the new President? I, personally, think that’d be worse. I trust that guy about as far as I can throw a used Kleenex.

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