Thank you,
mirtlemist and
onegrapeshy , for passing on the The Stylish Blog Award to me!
As you’ve no doubt read by now, this award implies a few responsibilities:
1. Thank and link to the person(s) who nominated you.
2. Share seven random facts about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to five blogging buddies.
4. Contact those buddies to congratulate them.
I’m going to bend a couple of the rules, ’cause ha!, I’m a trend-setter, donchaknow.
Without further ado, here’s seven five random facts about moi:
- I own a Christmas Sweater. Yes oh yes: one of those hand-knit, three-dimensional tops, circa 1980s, that threads all of the season’s magic—glittery stars, prancing reindeer, and a decked-out Christmas tree–into festive holiday attire.
WhimsicalTacky as it is, l can’t bring myself to toss it.
- Quirk #98,484: I get very uneasy when my back’s to the door.
- I excelled in Vacation Bible School. J
- We took my in-laws on our honeymoon to Paris. “Wha–?” you might
incredulouslyreasonably ask. To my mind, the answer’s fairly straightforward: They were rapidly approaching their late 80s, and increasingly feeble. And though they’re world travelers, post-9/11 regulations made it too challenging for them to navigate airports on their own. So I thought, Hey, let’s bring ‘em along–it’ll give them an opportunity to visit cherished relatives (and favorite landmarks), perhaps for the last time ever. My husband agreed, bless his ever-lovin’ heart! Not your typical get-away, but it was a happy experience, nonetheless. And we’re honeymooning in Europe again this fall– just the two of us this time.
- I love hymnals–timeless music, set to print, and the rituals of which they speak. I like the way they smell: moldering paper, mingled with sweaty palms and sweet perfume. Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer them to their modern-day counterparts (PowerPointed lyrics, scrolling across a sterile, pull-down screen).
You’re stylish, too, my friends, by virtue of the fact that you face the world head-on, day after day after day. So if you haven’t yet been tagged, consider this your cue!
I own a Christmas Sweater.
And I want to see a picture of it this Christmas!
Call me quirky, but I get very uneasy when my back’s to the door.
I just like to be near doors. At all times. Now more so than ever.
I excelled in Vacation Bible School.
I taught it once. Do you believe they trusted me with toddlers?
We took my in-laws on our honeymoon to Paris.
Now THAT was sweet!
I love hymnals
Me too. And I sure wish they’d go back to the traditional hymns at church, even if they do stretch your vocal chords beyond any humanly-possible range. I do love the smell, too. There is nothing like it, no book in the world that smells like a hymnal.
I’ve got a few months to think about it, but maybe, just maybe, I’ll surprise you with that picture. (Hey, we should have a holiday fashion show!)
I’m thinking your #2 comes of similar things as my #2…
Love your list! 🙂 I own a Christmas sweater, too. It comes with a pouch to insert a AA battery so that the lights that bedeck the reindeer on the front twinkle. lol. Yes, it’s tacky, but hey, it’s Christmas, when tacky is totally allowed.
I think it was lovely and awesomely thoughtful to take your elderly in-laws with you on your honeymoon. Such a good heart!
AA batteries are a holiday necessity! (Now I’m thinking we’ve GOT to have a holiday fashion show on LJ!)
I’ve never regretted that experience, not even for a teensy tiny minute. We’ll always have those memories, as will they.
I love every one of those!
Why thank you!
Another topic: I’m so glad we met one another–and at PJ’s Abbey, one of my favorite OC spots! They’re turning the business over to a Mexican chain restaurant at the end of next week, and while the food’s probably going to be delicious to some, I liked the menu as it was. We went back for one last visit on Saturday, so sad…all the decor was stripped from the walls, and the waitstaff seemed despondent. I sure hope the Orange Historical District requires the new owners to keep the character of the building intact…
Nooooooo! That was such a wonderful place, and the food!
I am so glad you went back. And I am glad we got our chance there!
“Quirk #98,484: I get very uneasy when my back’s to the door.”
Just like Wild Bill Hickok! — PL
Ha ha ha–and ye haw! Wild Bill & I might have a few things in common!
Oh, and btw: You’ve been tagged, Oh Fashionable One. 🙂
Hahahaha. All the things I never knew about you! Great post:) And congrats on the stylish blog award. *hugs*
You’re stylish, too, my friend, as is your blog. It’s your turn now…didn’t you read the note at the bottom of my post? 😉
Hahahaha. I’m a dork. I stopped reading before that…Thanks so much. I’m gettin’ busy!
Great answers– esp. the Paris trip. You are an excellent human being, my friend. Just sayin’.
I’m surrounded by excellent friends…what can I say? 🙂
If you come to my neck of the woods in the fall, you’re sure to look me up, right? I’d love to show you around!
Sigh…I’d SO love to see you!!!! But we’re visiting France and Italy this time ’round. Wish we were going to be closer!
France and Italy are way more exciting countries, so I don’t blame you… I hope you have a fantastic time!
As always, I love learning more about you.
I had no idea they were using technology for hymns nowadays. Weird.
It’s so weird, Susan: I enjoy — and benefit from — all that technology offers us. But (and you call me a fuddy duddy for saying this, if’n you wanna) I think some things should be more sensory than high-tech allows, hymnals among them.
Coming to Europe?
Love to see you (and meet your husband) if you pass by/through Frankfurt.
Do let me know if you come to Germany. I’d love to help out with your travels.
It’d be SO much fun to meet up with you and your family! But *sigh* we’re not visiting Germany on this trip. Still, I appreciate your offer so, so much…and I’d love to shepherd you around OC, should you ever come this way.
I look forward to when we meet in person.
Funny things happen–the way paths cross, so one of these years we’ll meet.
I want to get to OC–maybe one of these years. (Is the summer SCBWI in that area?) I don’t anticipate getting to that area for a few years– because of our schedule and transfers between countries next summer. 2013 is a possibility, or it might not be until 2014. Or ??
Oh–question. Are there any writer conferences there in the winter, like in January or February? If there are, I might make a special trip.
The summer SCBWI conference is in LA, about 90 minutes north of here. Definitely workable, and I’d love to meet up with you there. I do believe there are lots of other conferences in the area, as well, but I don’t have their schedules handy. Time to employ Teh Google? *g* Consider expanding your search to San Diego and nearby communities. Oh, and maybe you’d enjoy a conference that spans additional genres (but that also includes kidlit/YA)?
I’m with you–I believe our paths will intersect at some point, and that it’ll be a lovely experience, whenever/wherever it happens.
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