Sports Illustrated Article

Hi y’all. Just a quick post from Mississippi to let you know that the Sports Illustrated story for which I was interviewed will appear in the October 9 edition, in the SportsCard section, at around page 26. Depending on where you live, the issue will be available on news stands beginning this Wednesday, October 5th.

Now, since I’m visiting in a very rural area you might see the article before I do. If you do, please let me know what you think.


  1. MISSISSIPPI ??????????????????

    A lady from the left coast in Mississippi? Better be careful, someone just might show you something that would want to make you move to the South and become a Southern Belle. I hope you enjoy your visit to the South.
    Congrats on the article. I will be looking for it and let you know what I think.

  2. MISSISSIPPI ??????????????????

    A lady from the left coast in Mississippi? Better be careful, someone just might show you something that would want to make you move to the South and become a Southern Belle. I hope you enjoy your visit to the South.
    Congrats on the article. I will be looking for it and let you know what I think.

  3. Sure will! WIsh I was you, traveling around…I’m off to Chicago in two weeks tho — something about DH and business. SHRUG> as long as I get to eat at the Greek Isles, I’m there.

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