“…do an awful lot of talking.” — Scarecrow, The Wizard of Oz
Just heard word that King Bloviator Rush Limbaugh has a new report available online. Read all about it, men and women: THE WAR ON MANLINESS threatens the “feminization of the American Male!”
The litany of wars grows ever longer: The War on Terror; the War on Conservative Values; the War on Christmas, Easter, and Christianity itself. And yet, the battlefields in question are always so nebulous, the descriptions of so-called warriors and their strategies so, well, weird.
I’ve grown war weary; how about you? I’m tired of straw-man logic set up by scarecrow political wonks– whose own brains have apparently been replaced by straw.
I’ve grown war-weary, how about you? I’m tired of straw-man logic set up by Scarecrow Conservatives — and, yes, sometimes LIberals — whose own brains have apparently been replaced by straw.
Yes. God, yes.
I’m wondering when/if the general public will ever feel the same way.
Yesterday Rush Windbag was all up in arms over this immigration thing. I figured out why he and his ilk are so vehemently against it – more brown people here that can vote means less of his conservative fools in office…
It’s all so cowardly, isn’t it? How sad to live a life based on fear.
Love that quote from the Scarcrow, lol. It seems to fit politicians perfectly.
Absolutely, it does!
Oh, wah. It’s the same as the Christians and Republicans claiming they’re under attack. You run the freaking country, people. Shut the f— up!
Methinks Rush has a small penis.
Ha ha ha! Or maybe his name is a better clue.
I don’t get it. *wink*
I agree that maybe the book should lose the word “WAR.” But what about the concept within?
I haven’t read the book, but what exactly is the role of “a man” nowadays? It seems like it’s become a sort of evil to be manly, even though no one seems to know what that is anymore. The concept seems to repulse people.
There is no prescribed role these days (I believe). Maybe that’s what makes some men (cough*Rush*cough) so uncomfortable — no one’s providing a script.
How does a father teach his son to be a man if he doesn’t know what to teach?
As a *hopefully* future father (Not for years though), this concept haunts me down dark hallways some nights. Usually I just plug in the nightlight.
Further questions include, but are not limited to, “What sort of rite of passage will I be able to offer my son when the time comes?” How do you know what the passage will be if you don’t know where he should go? Why is a defined role for men such a bad thing?
My point is that *you* should define that role, based on your values, not someone else’s. If someone else has a path that resonates with you, fine, follow it. But just be careful that it heads in the direction of your own true north.
In my opinion, we get in real trouble as a society when we consistently (and without any thinking on our own) “mega-ditto” someone else’s point of view.
This topic is so intriguing. We do get into trouble when we “mega-ditto” copy someone else’s point of view, carte blanche. I guess I just wonder – Are there certain universally masculine/manly/man characteristics or qualities? I don’t think there are any universal actions or jobs or recreations.
But if there aren’t any universal qualities that define manhood then how can any one person know a man when they meet one? Would that encounter then be based on our own values as well?
These questions are, of course, just the wonderings of a young man trying to figure out how to pass on manhood to his future son.
OOg. I hear Rush, I turn off rush.
Course,I do that for any member of the current administration as well… I don’t think there’s much difference anymore.
I wish the makers of thorazine would send the lot of them free samples, free beer for consuming said samples on a daily basis, and then a follow up lifetime supply, delivered to the doorstep. Or we could just throw the bums out…
I’ll take door number two. It’s more of a long-term goal, but perhaps a more permanent fix.
might i add? would you consider adding in return?
Sure thing — always happy to meet/have fun with new friends! I’ll look forward to learning more about you/your projects/your thoughts. 🙂
Oh thank you so very much!
Scarecrow is wise!
And I am war weary too.
And Rush, well he’s just a … well, let’s just say he’s someone not worth listening to.