Paws in the air for SMITTEN WITH KITTENS! Co-created by Florence and Wendell Minor, it’s the purrfect read for a Caturday afternoon, before or after a catnap. What better way to celebrate International Children’s Book Day? Any day, really—this picture book is a melt-your-heart tribute to all types of kitties, from cover to cover and every page in between.

SMITTEN WITH KITTENS is an adorable, read-aloud romp with kittens who perform mischief and mayhem of all kinds…cuddly, curious, cats-in-the-making, whose superpower comes of charming you with their naughtiness and then snuggling into your lap for a nap.

Wendell Minor’s illustrations are disarming, in that the graphite drawings are smudged so they look like fur. Now and again, the black and white images are punctuated with playful pops of color.
Rumbly, tumbly, bouncy, flouncy kittens tumble across every page…

Shhhh! Once the kitties are napping, be sure you turn the page. Quietly, please, so as not to disturb their rest. You’ll want plenty of time to browse the “Fun Facts” about felines! Did you know, for instance, that cats sleep about 18 hours a day? That might seem like a lot, but then again, maybe not. Thumb through the previous pages and think about all the energy these furballs burn when they’re awake!

This book is at once heartwarming and entertaining, and definitely re-readable. No surprise, it was inspired by the “fabulous felines” who’ve graced Florence and Wendell Minor’s home with their presence, filling their days with joy and leaving sweet pawprints on their hearts.
I first heard about SMITTEN WITH KITTENS when we were grieving the loss of our sweet Toby. When he passed away in late January, I thought I’d never fill the void he left behind. But love has a way of expanding, doesn’t it? We’ll never forget our gentle giant, of course, but we found room in our hearts to adopt another rescue kitty.

Meet Jeffrey “the Big” Lebowski, aka The Dude. It’s a big name, legendary even. He’ll have to grow into it, but I’ve got no doubts whatsoever that he will. He’s already laid claim to every corner of our house, and on the day that we brought him home, our hearts grew at least three sizes.
You can purchase an autographed copy of SMITTEN WITH KITTENS from The Hickory Stick Bookshop. It’s a popular book, widely available through online vendors as well as brick-and-mortar bookstores. Looking for a lovable kitten of your very own? Your local adoption agencies/shelters are the feel-good, do-good way to find the purrfect matchup.