I used to be a crafty person. Not like Wily Coyote or Felix the Cat–I’m talking about embroidering, scrapbooking, cross-stitching, and other artsy stuff.
I haven’t done anything hands-on-creative for a very long time. Who knows, I might have lost my touch.
I’m working on a Super Secret* craft project today. My youngest sister’s visiting me this weekend, and I want to give it to her as a surprise.
This project-which-shall-not-be-named-for fear-of-jinxing-it includes the following supplies:
- A shadow box frame
- Special glue (with ventilation!)
- Antique buttons (from my Nana’s button box)
- This picture
- Tons and tons of patience
If it turns out well, I’ll show it to you tomorrow.
* cathyipcizade knows, but she’s not telling.
good luck!! Hope its perfect.
Thank you! I hope it is, too. I’d love for her to love it.
I know…I’m an Artful Blogger. 🙂
I LOVE That Name. {}
What a wonderful sis you are 🙂
I love my “baby” sister.
Very cool.
I sure hope my idea translates well… 🙂
I love crafts! Show it to us when you’re done.
My kids and I made paper beads last week, like the Ugandan women make. They turned out very colorful.
I’ve never heard of paper beads, but they sound like fun–and I’ll bet they’re beautiful. Would you please (oh please) post pictures?
That sounds lovely. (And I’m glad you have good ventilation!) Can’t wait to see a pic.
Ha–That glue is lethal!
I’ll post a pic when it’s dry. 🙂
Well now I’ll just bet your sis will simply love the suprise. I know my sis has made some prints from old photos of my Dad and Mom. Nothing could take the place of them for any price. Now don’t fret about the project…. just finish it with much love.
You’re so right about old photos being precious. We have very few, and each one is a treasure. This picture of our beloved Nana (of whom we have only a handful of photos) has deep, sentimental value.
I’ll bet it’s going to be gorgeous, Melodye.
Gorgeous, I don’t know. But made with love? Absolutely.
Photos coming soon…
Cannot wait to see what craft comes from your art. Or is that the other way around? {}
I don’t think I know about this sister. Mei-Ling? Oh Mel. I am such a flub. Forgive me.
Psst to Cathy: What will it take to gitcha to schpill dah beanz?!
It’s no surprise that you couldn’t keep track of all my sisters. There are so many…!
The beanz got spilt on my next post.