What we instinctively know, scientists can now confirm: Spending time at the beach is an all-natural, proven remedy for physical and emotional stress.
In his recently published findings, marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols speaks to the meditative, healing effects of the ocean. He calls it “blue mind.” I call it “Vitamin Sea.” If you’ve ever sat at the water’s edge–salty breezes ruffling your hair as the incoming waves swirl around your feet and the seagulls serenade you–you’ve probably experienced the side-effects: slowed breathing, peaceful thoughts, openness to others, and an overall sense of wellbeing…cures for almost everything that ails you.
If you don’t live close to the ocean, other water sources will do. Lakes, rivers, even bathtubs and rain showers can reap positive benefits. “Our brains are hardwired to react positively to water and being near it can calm and connect us, increase innovation and insight, and even heal what’s broken,” Nichols says.
A low-cost prescription for my dear, sick friend, and for anyone who’s feeling the slightest bit under the weather. As the good doctor says, “I wish you water.”
PS I’m experimenting with memes, as a storytelling medium. So fun! This image memorializes my first encounter with Elegant Terns, at Laguna Beach last winter. Love those Groucho Marx toupees!
We are both so so fortunate lucky to have shoreline water so close in our lives. Your ocean …. and the healing northern lake my grandparents shared with us – and now we share with our grandchildren – from spring thaw to winter freeze-up every year. It is my saving grace. I wish you water, Melodye!
Oops. “Fortunate” was the word I meant to use – but adding “lucky” is also good! And I love those wild and wonderful Groucho Marx toupees, too. Lol.
Lucky is always good!!
Those terns, lol. Elegant terns, at that. Bwahaha. Water tickles our senses–sensibilities, too. 🙂
Water as a saving grace…that is exactly right!
From HuffPo: “In ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicinal wisdom, and traditional Chinese medicine, the water element is crucial to balancing the body and creating physical harmony. Rivers have long been seen as sacred places, and in a number of different spiritual contexts, water has symbolized rebirth, spiritual cleansing and salvation.” Nothing new here, but it’s great to know that our affinity for water runs clear and deep, across cultures and time periods–and even among dear friends who live at a distance. xo
Nothing like the water to do the heart and soul good..You know that is why I live in Portland. Not just because of all the rain but because of the water all around me. Love to watch it, sit by it and play in it!!!
You are a water baby, for sure, and Portland’s the perfect home for you. But you’re always welcome at Chez Shore. Come visit our home by the sea!! xoxo
I can see you now, Carol…kicking off your sandals and splashing in the waves! YES!!! to all of that! xo