Here’s a teaser trailer of Away from Keyboard, Parts I and II — a vlog featuring robbiewriter and me. Watch as we introduce ourselves, our writing projects, and our friend and guest star, jonstephens . Stay tuned…on Monday, we’ll cross-post Part I! Can’t wait ’til then? Here’s a flashback to our very first video!
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Panera kicked you out?????
Now you three are inspiration for guerilla filmmakers everywhere….
We may or may not have been kicked out of Panera; but in these episodes, we’re booted from a different venue altogether.
Yay for subversive vbloggers everywhere!
We may or may not have been kicked out of Panera; but in these episodes, we’re booted from a different venue altogether.
Yay for subversive vbloggers everywhere!
Panera kicked you out?????
Now you three are inspiration for guerilla filmmakers everywhere….
Panera kicked you out?????
Now you three are inspiration for guerilla filmmakers everywhere….
For reasons having to do with the Witness Protection Program, we cannot disclose our location. Watch Parts One and Two, to see if you can guess! 🙂
Amazingly good! I’m hooked!
Wheeee! Isn’t this fun?
Amazingly good! I’m hooked!
Oh how fun! You all look great and very comfortable with the camera. You’ve got to tell Robyn that she reminds me of Julia Roberts! Are you all planning a full feature soon?! 😉
Each episode runs about 5 minutes, which will likely challenge the attention spans, er, *imagination* of even our most loyal friends and viewers. 🙂
Can’t wait to see more on Monday. You all are so cute!
Thanks! We’re having lots of fun!
Can’t wait to see more on Monday. You all are so cute!
I liked this very much and look forward to seeing the episodes!
(No one else mentioned this so maybe it’s just me, but I had trouble hearing Robyn a couple times because of the music you added).
Hmmm. I hope that gets better in the upcoming episodes. Let me know, OK? I’m wondering if that’s the background music piped in by the Super Seekrit, undisclosed location.
I liked this very much and look forward to seeing the episodes!
(No one else mentioned this so maybe it’s just me, but I had trouble hearing Robyn a couple times because of the music you added).
How funny! You guys all looked and sounded differently that I expected. It was a joy to “meet” you.
Thanks! 🙂
Maybe I’m wrong, but I think our debut vlog is even funnier:
This is GREAT! I await the next installement with bated breath.
(and I thought I was going to be in a media rut when my shows wrap up for the summer! Thanks for saving me…)
Ah, got you hooked, eh? (Bated>hooked, get it? Sorry, bad pun)
We’re your midseason media replacements? Oooh, the pressure’s on!
This is GREAT! I await the next installement with bated breath.
(and I thought I was going to be in a media rut when my shows wrap up for the summer! Thanks for saving me…)
What a great trailer, and what a great title for your vlog!
I’m loving it!
Yes, Robbie was very difficult to hear with the music. For some reason, you came through loud and clear (not that I’m saying you’re loud or anything)!
Ha, but you would be right!
Robyn and Jonathan are the techies in the threesome; they’re editing geniuses.
Er…meaning that they’re talented editors, not that we’re geniuses. Heh.
Ha! I love it! Great editing! And hi, Jon! It’s nice to see you in the mix!
Gotta thank Robyn and Jonathan for the on-site editing. Robyn pulled all our clips together, compressed and uploaded them to YouTube. In essence, the responsibility for bringing order to the chaos fell squarely on her shoulders. Lucky me; I just showed up and had fun. =:)
Gotta thank Robyn and Jonathan for the on-site editing. Robyn pulled all our clips together, compressed and uploaded them to YouTube. In essence, the responsibility for bringing order to the chaos fell squarely on her shoulders. Lucky me; I just showed up and had fun. =:)
Ha! I love it! Great editing! And hi, Jon! It’s nice to see you in the mix!
So cute!!!!
You guys are way too adorable! Congrats to Jonathan on the request for a full. And is that a new hair color for Robyn? I didn’t recognize her in the still shot with the YouTube play button on her face! I look forward to the next one …
Yay, Jonathan! Yep, that’s a new hair color, but shhh! Don’t tell anyone it’s Robyn (reasons revealed on Part One, on Monday).
I can’t see your video on my dino computer – Wah!
But I’m sure it’s fun and you look gorgeous! 😉
Oh, no! Try pasting this link in an open browser window:
If that doesn’t work, could you see tomorrow’s episode somewhere else?
Thanks for your very kind words. Let’s see if you still agree after seeing the video clips. 🙂
I was able to get it to work in a different browser, but since I have dial up to go with my dino-puter, it was sloooooow.
You looked great (Robyn & Jonathan did too), but it was hard to figure out what you were saying at first because it didn’t load all together.
“secret lives of tro … (wait several minutes for new section to load) …phy wives and I’m also writing a …
But luckily, after it loaded I was able to replay it at a faster speed. BTW, why didn’t the others tell you to wear green too? :0)
Good luck with the pod cast!
Maybe it’s better to wait ’til you get to work to see tomorrow’s episode. That poor dino computer must have had quite the workout today!
You’re right — I think there was a conspiracy between the two of them to make me stand out, and not in an I’m-part-of-the-‘it’-group kind of way. Heh. 😉
I’m working from home this week (my boss is in Bologna for the book fair), but maybe I just have to download it while I’m doing something else and then watch it later.
Next time ask what everyone is wearing, or bring extra outfits, just in case 😉
Oh great…someone mentioned the green shirt thing. I told you that you should have worn green too. Geez! Oh wait, that wasn’t planned. Doh!
It’s not easy, not being green.
Hey, when are you gonna post this v-log to your LJ?
I did a few minutes ago. Woohoo! Thanks for letting me join you ladies. I had a great time. I also had an amazing time in Catalina this weekend, so thanks for understanding that I couldn’t stick around a long time to talk afterwards. All good stuff!
I only noticed because I’m an artist as well as a writer. I can’t help myself.
Me: “Look, 2 green shirts and one blue shirt!”
Other people: “Yeah, so?”
But I could be the art director for your next one … 😉
I shoulda had your keen eye looking over my shoulder/out for me. You willing to relocate? 🙂
Well it might be warmer there, and I would like that in the winter. I don’t know if DH would want to move though. I’ll let you know if we wind up moving to CA 😉
Note for next time: All you have to do is make sure you’re the one in the middle (if they have matching shirts and you don’t).
Very cool! I love video posts.
Thanks. We had fun making it. I hope you’ll stay tuned for Parts I and II, starting tomorrow. We’d hate to play to an empty theatre. 😉
OK – you three are having WAAAAYYY too much fun! The writing life is supposed to mean chained-to-the-keyboard in a windowless room, surrounded by piles of paper, of which most is wadded and thrown on the floor…isn’t it?
Seriously – I can’t wait for the next epi!
Yep, we certainly are! We’re all about breaking all the rules.
That is a great idea!
(Your dad is a tent revivalist?::sympathizes:: My dad is a pentecostal minister)
Oh, we should talk!
Glad you liked it, and welcome. I hope you’ll come back for Parts 1 and 2.
mind if I friend you?
As far as I’m concerned, we can never have too many friends. So hey, friend away…and I’ll friend you back. 🙂
Are you going to make it to the Festival of books?
As far as I’m concerned, we can never have too many friends. So hey, friend away…and I’ll friend you back. 🙂
aw…we’re going to Saturday.
If you’re not busy on Saturday evening, a bunch of us including and I are meeting up for dinner and writing talk….we’d be delighted if you joined us!
I’m not sure yet, but wanna email me the details? I’d love to meet all y’all, even if it doesn’t work out for this Saturday night!!!
newport2newport AT gmail DOT com