Preteen Mag Pitches the Military

I’m no fan of censorship, but when it comes to this, please register me as a conscientious objector.

“Parents and teachers are complaining that the latest issue of a popular magazine for preteens amounts to little more than an early recruitment pitch for the Army … Most controversial has been a set of classroom guides that accompany [Cobblestone Magazine], which suggest teachers invite a soldier, Army recruiter or veteran to speak to their classes and ask students whether they might want to join the Army someday … [T]he guides looked exactly like the official recruiting material distributed at high schools.”

At the risk of sounding unpatriotic on a 4th of July weekend or being accused of not supporting our troops, I have to agree with those who’ve already spoken out in opposition. This definitely crosses over the line.

To paraphrase Reading Rainbow’s LaVar Burton, “You don’t have to take my word for it;” you can read it for yourself. Click here for a description of Duty, Honor, Country, the magazine issue in question. Then link here and here to see the accompanying lesson plans that fanned the flames of this recent controversy.


  1. I agree with you. As a former teacher, I would have felt awkward with this issue. Maybe this has to do with my own views about the war in Iraq but I don’t think the school is a place to voice opinions either way on the current conflict. I remember during 9-11, how our principal told us not to bring up the tragedy unless a child did. We were to stay with our usual classroom schedule. You wouldn’t believe some of the things I heard from both parents and children. I think that article in the current Cobblestone magazine will open up a can of worms.

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