Emergency Rallies to Stop Iraq Escalation
“After the voters, the generals, and the Iraq Study Group all told President Bush to lead us out of Iraq, he is planning an escalation and will send more troops as soon as this month. Congress can block an escalation but it is uncertain if they will. They need to hear from us immediately.
TONIGHT, MoveOn members across the country are organizing Emergency Rallies to Stop Iraq Escalation. Host your own event or search for one in your community here.*”
Pass the word…post this to your blog and forward it to your friends and family.
Please also call or write your representatives.
*I’ll be at this one if you want to meet up with me:
When: Thursday, January 11, 5:00 PM
Where: Main Beach, corner of PCH and Ocean Avenue, on the ocean side of the street
Laguna Beach, California
Curses–nothing within thirty miles of me. Well, I’m going to do some phone calling this a.m.
At the site, there’s information about how to organize your own event… 🙂
I’m glad you’re making phone calls, anyway. We all need to speak up now, more than ever.
I looked at that–and thought, that’s a job for someone who doesn’t work sixteen hours a day. And who knows people in the area. Phonecalls, though, that I can do.
Every bit — EVERYTHING and EVERY VOICE — matters. 🙂
Every bit — EVERYTHING and EVERY VOICE — matters. 🙂
This whole thing is truly mind-boggling. Thanks for the links!
It sure is. I hope you have time — amid all your wonderful book-related activities — to march and/or contact your representatives. 🙂
I just used the links to email my reps–thanks for make it so easy!
I just used the links to email my reps–thanks for make it so easy!
Thank you so much for posting this. I’m going to turn around and essentially copy your post to try and get more people to come to our local rally and to write our representatives.
YAY, you!!! 🙂
Also, when writing your Senators, please ask them to support Senator Kennedy’s resolution that would require Bush receive Congressional approval to escalate the number of troops.
Information on Kennedy’s resolution is here http://www.bluemassgroup.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=5894
Excellent suggestion!
I’ve not seen you around these parts before. WELCOME, and thanks so much for posting this idea. The link makes action much easier. 🙂
Excellent suggestion!
I’ve not seen you around these parts before. WELCOME, and thanks so much for posting this idea. The link makes action much easier. 🙂
Also, when writing your Senators, please ask them to support Senator Kennedy’s resolution that would require Bush receive Congressional approval to escalate the number of troops.
Information on Kennedy’s resolution is here http://www.bluemassgroup.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=5894
Thanks for posting this. I’m gonna take a look and see what they have in my area. This really needs to stop =/
Ah, I found one right down the street from my house tonight! I’m gonna be there.
YAAAAY, you!!!!
Ahem…anonymous = me.
I’m so proud of you and your willingness to demonstrate your courage and convictions!!
Thanks for posting this. I’m gonna take a look and see what they have in my area. This really needs to stop =/
Wish I could meet up with you in warm Laguna Beach! But son and I will be dressed in our woolies for the rally either in Beaverton or Portland.
I’m so proud of you and the strength of your convictions. In spirit, I’ll be marching beside you. 🙂