This ‘n That
Do you have a favorite writing instrument you use for signing important documents? I do — and like Robyn Schneider’s thrift shop, I think of my fountain pen as a lucky talisman.
Here it is, a gift from my husband, from Mont Blanc’s “Hommage a Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart” collection — a symbol of my decision to become a full-time writer. (Is it any wonder that I love that man?)
I signed all my query letters with this pen, and I used it again today for something really fun: signing my Writers House contract!
Contest lovers, lookie here! I need a new title for my work in progress, so I thought it’d be fun to have a naming contest. There’s a small reward for the winning entry, but if the prize doesn’t suit you, maybe your altruistic sensibilities will win you over. Please, oh please, help me rename my book!
File this next bit of good news under the category of “Ladies Who Lunch.” A West Hollywood trophy wife has agreed to come out from the pages of my book and appear in a photo for our publisher submissions — and most likely for any eventual book tour, as well. We’re getting together for lunch next week at the Ivy (“Where the Hollywood elite meet to eat”). If her photographer friend isn’t able to join us, I’ll bring my camera and we’ll find someone there to be our personal paparazzo. Heh.