Finding Our Way Back Home
Emilio Esteves is on a promotional tour for Bobby, his not-yet-released film about Robert F. Kennedy. On Oprah yesterday, Esteves said, “I believe that the death of Bobby Kennedy was, in many ways, the death of decency in America. … And I believe that we lost our way. We need to reconnect to our humanity because we have come so far away from that. We’ve come so far away from treating one another as brothers and sisters. … We’re so much better than where we’re at.”
Amen to that.
I’m choosing to believe that these midterm election results portend a shift back toward civiility, a willingness to once again work together toward a common good. More than just hoping, however, I’m willing to do what I can to help make it so. The long road home to a United States of America will be difficult, and we can’t find our way back on our own. We have to travel this road together. So next to my computer, I’ve posted these inspiring words, excerpted from Bobby Kennedy’s address to the nation on the day after Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination:
“Those who live with us are our brothers, that they share with us the same short moment of life, that they seek, as do we, nothing but the chance to live out their lives in purpose and in happiness. Surely this bond of common fate, this bond of common goals, can begin to teach us something, and we can begin to work a little harder to become, in our hearts, brothers and countrymen once again.”