Fashion’s slippery slope

Meryl Streep won best actress honors for her brilliant, boss-from-hell homage to Anna Wintour in “The Devil Wears Prada.”  Again, as always, it’s all about the shoes.

Nevertheless, it’d be a cold day in h*ll before I’d pull on a pair of Yaktraks over my Manolos! A girl has to hold tight that fine line between form and function, no? I didn’t even know they existed until my Birkenstock-wearing son, who lives near Seattle, casually mentioned he might buy a pair (*inward wince*).

Come to think of it, what sort of fashionable footwear’s best suited for this inclement weather? Here in Orange County, the citrus may be freezing, but indoors and in the evenings, my Ugg-swaddled tootsies are not. By mid-afternoon, our temps are hitting mid-60’s, warm enough to brave the elements in a pair of Roxy flip-flops.

I’m sending warm thoughts to those of you who are affected by the freezing weather. If you must be out and about, please be careful. Maybe today’s not such a good day to be prancing around in those Pradas….