A heart necklace, just for you!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Photo credit: Bleeding Hearts, from DailyPhoto.org

P.S. Quick, does anyone have a pair of warm boots or a coat I can borrow? I’m headed to Texas today, and wouldn’t you know it, the weatherman just told me I should expect snow. Oh, no! I don’t have a decent winter jacket in my SoCal wardrobe, and the closest I come to cold-weather footwear are these! (Don’t you dare laugh at me; I can’t help it that I’m delicate flower weather wimp who’s better suited for warm climates.)

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Act now! Quantities limited!

Last April, I blogged about the panel discussions I attended at the L.A. Times Festival of books. I liked a couple of sessions so much that I bought the DVD recordings. One that might be interesting to some of you is “Young Adult Fiction: Rites of Initiation.” I also have a very entertaining recording of Mitch Albom interviewing Frank McCourt. I’m happy to mail either one to you if you will, in turn, pass it on when you’re finished and/or make copies for other people who might also want to see them. First come, first served; I only have one copy of each.

(In cleaning up my office, I’m discovering all sorts of junk buried treasures! I seriously need to rent a dumpster hold a garage sale.) 

UPDATE: [info]artistq is the lucky first-round winner. She’s agreed, however, to pass them along to you when she’s finished. Interested? Send her an email at the address she’s provided in the comments.

Left to Right: John Green, Per Nilsson, Andreas Steinhöfel, and Markus Zusak

Spreading the Love

Back in grade school, I was the little girl who never stayed in any school long enough to make many friends. No surprise, then: I nearly always came home empty-handed on Valentine’s Day. I’m not telling you this so you’ll feel sorry for me, but rather, so you’ll understand what I’m about to suggest.

It’s fun to swap cards and candy with one another — sweet, tangible evidence that we’re loving and loveable creatures. But this year, I’m thinking we might also reach out to the American soldiers who’ll find themselves a long way from home on February 14th.   

You can donate airline miles to help reunite returning troops with their families, buy calling cards so lonely soldiers can phone home more often, or send healing thoughts to wounded service members. Here, to make it easy for you, is a website that’s chock full of links to over 150 nonprofit, legitimate organizations whose sole purpose is to connect our military men and women with kind-hearted people like you

If you’re short on cash or time’s an issue, you can surely find a few moments to 
thank the troops by email. As one contributor noted:

A soldier in Iraq can’t see your ribbon,
Or the flag at your front door.
But a letter they hold in their hands,
To them means so much more.

Let’s work together to make sure none of our troops is forgotten on Valentine’s Day.