I’m happy to report that I’ve been wearing my purple bracelet for more than 24 hours now, and I haven’t had to move it to the other arm once. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil – that’s me, for at least the next three weeks.
While browsing my friends’ blogs tonight, Julie’s FAST DRAFT EXPRESS post caught my eye. 50,000 words, maybe more, drafted in a single month? It sounded so seductive. “No more of this bird-feather-by-bird-feather business,” I thought. “I’ll give wings to several flocks of birds at a single sitting!” True to my nature, and before I could stop myself, I signed up.
And now, a swarm of butterflies have taken flight in my tummy. Nothing fatal, of course, just a little fear of the unknown. I don’t regret my decision, but if I’m going to be successful, I need to (re)focus on the positive. When I squint my eyes and tilt my head just so, I can see how being forced to writer faster will help me outpace my inner critic. And it’s the perfect set-up for failure opportunity to use some choice swear words remain positive under pressure. Right? Right?
My dear writer friends, what do you think about FAST DRAFT writing (or for that matter, NaNoWriMo and other projects of that ilk)? Tell me everything – the good, bad, and ugly, plus your tips and tricks. If I have to switch my band back and forth because of our conversation, so be it. Before this bullet train leaves the station, I need you to sit down next to me and dish.
By the way, I still have a few purple wristbands available, so if you want me to send you one, just ask. A few people thought about joining us in Project Pollyanna, then declined. Not that I’m pointing fingers, mind you; I’m just pointing out the facts.
One more thing, posted without commentary because I want my purple bracelet to stay put. Apparently, I’m not the only one thinking about writing a memoir. At the annual Radio and Television Correspondents’ dinner last night, President Bush told the audience he’s contemplating a book about his life. “I’m thinking of something really fun and creative for mine,” he said. “You know, maybe a pop-up book.”