According to U.S. Census Bureau statistics, there are approximately 300 million people now living in the United States. Consequently, even though we take pride in our individualism, it’s getting harder to come up with unusual names.
Some monikers are more common than others, of course. For example:
503 individuals are named George Bush
18 answer to the name Donald Trump
6 call themselves Jesus Christ
2 go by Britney Spears
But in the entire U.S. and A, there is apparently only one me.
So there you have it, for whatever it’s worth: statistical proof that I’m one in 300 million.
Well–there are 162 people in the US with my maiden name (Francis) but predictably, none with my married name (Ipcizade). 🙂 I guess we’re both unique! But we already knew that. (wink)
Oh, yes, we sure did. We don’t need no stinkin’ statistics to tell us that!
Interesting name you married into. What’s the origin, if you don’t mind my asking?
Yes, I will forever be spelling it 🙂 My husband is originally from Turkey so it’s Turkish. You actually pronounce every letter, but people don’t often realize that (ip-chih-zah-deh)
There are no other Ronica Davis’s, but there are 14 Ronni Davis’s. According to that chart, there are no Aidan Davis’s, but I KNOW that’s a lie!!!
HOLY CRAP. I did the evil apostrophe thing!!
There are no other Ronica Davises. Oi.
Aiden wasn’t born before the last census (in 2000), was he? That’s when they recorded the names the database is using to get that 0 for his name.
So, 0 not counting you, right?
Yeah, that’s the statistical oddity…if you’re not listed in their database, you don’t exist. Hence, the 0.
I added myself in the mix to get that ratio. 🙂
Well, I definitely have to agree that you’re one in 300 million – and that’s a very good thing 🙂
There are 46 people out there walking around with my name. Well, I think they’re walking…..
Also did a little search of other famous ones:
0 Liberaces (You’re in good company)
1 Elvis Presley
80 Marilyn Monroes
134 Jackie Kennedys
I don’t envy the Monroes or Kennedys….
Liberace, eh? I’m not a gifted piano player like he was, but I do have a musical name.
Fun stats, thanks for sharing ’em!
Liberace, eh? I’m not a gifted piano player like he was, but I do have a musical name.
Fun stats, thanks for sharing ’em!
Also did a little search of other famous ones:
0 Liberaces (You’re in good company)
1 Elvis Presley
80 Marilyn Monroes
134 Jackie Kennedys
I don’t envy the Monroes or Kennedys….
Well, I definitely have to agree that you’re one in 300 million – and that’s a very good thing 🙂
There are 46 people out there walking around with my name. Well, I think they’re walking…..
LOL! I did that one. It said there was 0 of me too. I’d totally buy it because my (my husband’s) last name is really rare except… my sister in law and I have the same first and last name (middle initial too actually). So it missed her–or me. 🙂
It’s not a perfect database, but then again, what government-created document is?
I adore your icon, by the way!
So true!
Thank you. I found her on the intenet somewhere. I have the hair and a typewriter. I want to get the body back in 2007. Wish me luck. 😉
It’s not a perfect database, but then again, what government-created document is?
I adore your icon, by the way!
I’m 1 of 108 with my married name (Walters,) but only 1 of 2 with my maiden name (Nimmo.)
So there you go: some researcher might posit from this data that you lose your unique identity when you get married. LOL
So there you go: some researcher might posit from this data that you lose your unique identity when you get married. LOL
There are 268 others with my name. No unique for me.
Although, something’s screwy with their stats because it says there are 0 Tubbiola’s in the United States, and I know a whole family of them.
The database isn’t perfect; it’s government-created, which probably explains quite a lot.
You’re definitely special/unique, even if your name isn’t!
There are 35,996 folks in the US named Kelsey. 99.9% of them are female. Kelsey is, in fact, a man’s name. Go figure.
Hmmmm…that’s really interesting. I guess names, like everything else, evolve over time.
There are 63 people in the US with my real name(first and last together) but only 3 with the name that I’m thinking of writing under. I’ve bookmarked the site and may play around with it trying out various pen names.
Oh, now that’s a fun and original use for the site! I’m glad you found it useful. 🙂
Congratulations! 🙂
Oh, yeah…as if I had anything to do with this “accomplishment”!
Congratulations! 🙂
Hmmm. I’m a 0 too. In fact, it says there are only 1500 with the first name Sacha – sounds like a really small number, but I suppose there are a lot more with the spelling Sasha or Sascha
I think you’re probably right. I suspect my results came up the same because my first name’s also an unusual spelling.
But being unique is a fabulous thing, I think!
There’s only one Laura with my last name =)
That’s cool, isn’t it? I love being unique.
Yep! My last name is very unique here in the states, but in like Mexico and the Philippines it’s pretty common.
There’s only one Laura with my last name =)
Mine was– for Elizabeth Jones:8,727 (there are 4 others on my doc’s caseload)
For Liz Jones– 84
Serves me right for Jonesin’
Ha ha ha! Good one, Liz!
No matter how many people share your name, you’re still someone special. 🙂
Mine was– for Elizabeth Jones:8,727 (there are 4 others on my doc’s caseload)
For Liz Jones– 84
Serves me right for Jonesin’
Only 4 have my name ( 1st & last)