No, Not the Swimsuit Edition

So I’m sitting in the Dallas airport this afternoon, waiting for the second leg of my flight home from Mississippi. A twenty-something guy plops down in the chair opposite me, unwraps a burger, and slides a magazine out of a plastic bag. As he’s shoveling in the french fries and sucking on a soda, he’s flipping through the pages of the newest Sports Illustrated. Suddenly, he stops reading, looks up at me and back down at the magazine. Again. And again.

“That you?” he finally asks through a mouthful of fast food, pointing to a picture on the page.

“Sure is,” I answer. “That’s me, that’s my son, and that’s Governor Schwarzenegger in the background.”

Never in my life would I have imagined that scenario. Never mind the fact that the guy was eerily observant. What amazed me most is that I’m the girl you watched stumble and fumble through P.E. classes, and now I’m one of those women who turns down invitations to sporting events. And yet, there I am — including quotes and a photo — in a major sports magazine. Yep, life takes us down some interesting side roads and partners us with some unusual traveling companions.

(“Cracking Down: California makes college felons serve their time before getting playing time,” October 9th issue, page 24, if you’re interested.)


  1. JUST THE BEGINNING OF FAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I never buy SI, but I’m getting this issue! How exciting, Melodye! And what an ultimately COOL moment!

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