1. Oh, wow – I’ll bet that was powerful visiting a childhood home!

    And so cool that you met Debbi Garfinkle. She seems soooo nice, and Storky totally rocks. It’s one of my favorite YA books for voice and humor.

  2. Memories and Nancy Drew

    I love your story about visiting the old house. I’ve often thought about how great it would be to visit the house where I grew up, until we moved to the country when I turned eleven. I loved reading about your discoveries!

    Also-I had to laugh at your Nancy Drew reference. We had a Nancy Drew mystery going on at our house this week, too. Take a look at my blogs from the past week when you get a minute! (We can be girl detectives together!)

    • Re: Memories and Nancy Drew

      I remembered reading your Nancy Drew reference just before leaving the house this morning (in a huge hurry, sorry — no time to leave a comment). Great minds think alike, eh? So yeah, we should totally work together. 🙂

  3. Memories and Nancy Drew

    I love your story about visiting the old house. I’ve often thought about how great it would be to visit the house where I grew up, until we moved to the country when I turned eleven. I loved reading about your discoveries!

    Also-I had to laugh at your Nancy Drew reference. We had a Nancy Drew mystery going on at our house this week, too. Take a look at my blogs from the past week when you get a minute! (We can be girl detectives together!)

  4. I agree with Sara–Wow. This is so fascinating, just to hear about from this distance.

    And I bet you love STORKY–it’s a hoot, and very sweet.

    • Thanks, Dot! Honestly, all these discoveries are just as fascinating for me.

      I’m looking forward to reading STORKY tonight. How refreshing, to have a short and sweet book that I can devour in one sitting!

  5. I agree with Sara–Wow. This is so fascinating, just to hear about from this distance.

    And I bet you love STORKY–it’s a hoot, and very sweet.

  6. You go girl sleuth! I love Nancy Drew. My favorite books are my blue boards from the ’50’s – they belonged to my mother and her sisters.

    Boy o boy, I can not wait ’til this memoir of yours is published, I’m dying to hear the criminal/movie star story!

  7. You go girl sleuth! I love Nancy Drew. My favorite books are my blue boards from the ’50’s – they belonged to my mother and her sisters.

    Boy o boy, I can not wait ’til this memoir of yours is published, I’m dying to hear the criminal/movie star story!

  8. Your stories are so interesting! I can’t wait for your memoir!

    Isn’t Debbi great? She’s a member of my local SCBWI schmooze group. She also spoke last month at Agent day and I got a copy of the very first STUCK IN THE 70’s. Not only is she very talented, but she’s very nice.

    • Thanks, Kim!

      Debra mentioned that she knew you, and she also said that you go to a writing class somewhere in Orange County. I’d love to hear more about that…

      • She’s referring to the class I took at UCI extension program. I’m taking an advance class at one of the instructor’s homes. Lou Nelson who teaches the Novel class. Her class helped me finish two stories. I highly recommend her classes. She offers Beginning and Intermediate Novel writing at UCI plus an Advance writing class.

      • She’s referring to the class I took at UCI extension program. I’m taking an advance class at one of the instructor’s homes. Lou Nelson who teaches the Novel class. Her class helped me finish two stories. I highly recommend her classes. She offers Beginning and Intermediate Novel writing at UCI plus an Advance writing class.

  9. Your stories are so interesting! I can’t wait for your memoir!

    Isn’t Debbi great? She’s a member of my local SCBWI schmooze group. She also spoke last month at Agent day and I got a copy of the very first STUCK IN THE 70’s. Not only is she very talented, but she’s very nice.

  10. OK now……. once again you have peaked my interest. I have got to be careful not to fall off the edge of my chair. So many twist and turns to be had. I can’t wait until you have this in print but guess what? I’ll have to wait. Only one house that I lived in as a kid still stands today. I would love to see the inside. Well keep up the mystery and I have a very large “SPY GLASS” just in case you need one. :0)

    • Yay! I love it that Bubba, er, PapaDan likes to read my stories! And yes, you are soooo right that there are lots of twists and turns. Why, after this past weekend, I’ve got a serious case of whiplash!

      Keep that spy glass handy; I just might be making another trip to Texas someday. You never know… 🙂

  11. Keep digging, Girl Detective!

    Did your heart catch a little when you saw that love letter set in stone from another life?

    Please keep excavating, then write it all down, so we can look forward to reading the whole story in hardback.


    P.S. Storky made me crack up many times.

    • Oooh, I love that avatar! I’m going to have to dig up one for myself.

      Yes, I stopped to think about what transpired between the time my twenty-one-year-old mom wrote those words, and now.

      I’m digging — and writing — as fast as I can! Tonight, though, I’m taking a break to read STORKY. Tons of fun!

    • Oooh, I love that avatar! I’m going to have to dig up one for myself.

      Yes, I stopped to think about what transpired between the time my twenty-one-year-old mom wrote those words, and now.

      I’m digging — and writing — as fast as I can! Tonight, though, I’m taking a break to read STORKY. Tons of fun!

  12. It’s astonishing that the tub was still in the garage. And the etching in the cement. Tangible proof that you’re hot on the trail of your story. I know I’ve said it a zillion times, Melodye, but I’m so excited for you and this project!

    • Yeah, I know! Signs and wonders, right?

      Tell me a million zillion times. Believe you me, Tracy, I’m grateful for the encouragement.

      And ooooh, I discovered a fantabulous secret on my journey last week. Eye-popping, even!

  13. It’s astonishing that the tub was still in the garage. And the etching in the cement. Tangible proof that you’re hot on the trail of your story. I know I’ve said it a zillion times, Melodye, but I’m so excited for you and this project!

  14. Wow! How great is it that you were able to visit your old house! I can’t, unfortunately, because it was demolished a few years ago.:( The house wasn’t that run-down either. Someone simply wanted the land, and the house had been for sale for a while and the market is slow moving–it’s a very small town. All the kids are moving away to bigger and better things.

    Anyhow, it sounds like you had an amazing trip. And how cool about you finding the galvanized tub and the carved note from your mom in the cement! That is very cool. My name was also carved in the cement (basement) of our old house. 🙂

    Yep, I’ve seen the previews for the Nancy Drew movie. Looks cute!

    Hope you have a good week! 🙂

    • Aw, I’m sorry. But in truth, this was just one of *many, many* houses I lived in. Lots of places, I’ll not be able to revisit.

      The tub and carvings were special finds, especially since I wanted to include them in my book. Actually seeing what I’d remembered validated me and my memories, for which I’m really grateful. Signs and wonders, eh? 🙂

    • Aw, I’m sorry. But in truth, this was just one of *many, many* houses I lived in. Lots of places, I’ll not be able to revisit.

      The tub and carvings were special finds, especially since I wanted to include them in my book. Actually seeing what I’d remembered validated me and my memories, for which I’m really grateful. Signs and wonders, eh? 🙂

  15. Wow! How great is it that you were able to visit your old house! I can’t, unfortunately, because it was demolished a few years ago.:( The house wasn’t that run-down either. Someone simply wanted the land, and the house had been for sale for a while and the market is slow moving–it’s a very small town. All the kids are moving away to bigger and better things.

    Anyhow, it sounds like you had an amazing trip. And how cool about you finding the galvanized tub and the carved note from your mom in the cement! That is very cool. My name was also carved in the cement (basement) of our old house. 🙂

    Yep, I’ve seen the previews for the Nancy Drew movie. Looks cute!

    Hope you have a good week! 🙂

  16. How nice that they were so gracious to let you see your own home. Sounds like it was one powerful trip. The part about the etching in the cement sounds right out of a book. Very cool.

    • I felt privileged that they opened their home to us, and yes, there were many powerful discoveries on our trip. Thanks for stopping by to share my adventures. 🙂

  17. How nice that they were so gracious to let you see your own home. Sounds like it was one powerful trip. The part about the etching in the cement sounds right out of a book. Very cool.

  18. Your adventure sounds sooo wonderful, Melodye!!! I, too, have arranged to see my childhood homes in my adult life and what a treasured experience that is! Love that you are sharing all of this with us. This is the ‘extras’ if you will, of the author’s — like directors add to their films. Really enjoyable!

  19. Your adventure sounds sooo wonderful, Melodye!!! I, too, have arranged to see my childhood homes in my adult life and what a treasured experience that is! Love that you are sharing all of this with us. This is the ‘extras’ if you will, of the author’s — like directors add to their films. Really enjoyable!

    • “after all this time…”

      Ahem, listen here, you young whippersnapper, you! It was a while back, but it wasn’t during the age of dinosaurs, after all. Harumph!


      • Hehe, I’m kidding…But how long had it been since you’d last been there? I mean I’m getting excited with my parents pulling out some of my old toys and momentos from the basement that have been there for 10 years…To me that’s a long time lol.

      • Hehe, I’m kidding…But how long had it been since you’d last been there? I mean I’m getting excited with my parents pulling out some of my old toys and momentos from the basement that have been there for 10 years…To me that’s a long time lol.

    • Why thank you, Lorraine! I consider that a compliment. Wouldn’t it be fun to do some sleuthing in a sailboat? I love that romantic notion, even if I don’t love the water.

    • Why thank you, Lorraine! I consider that a compliment. Wouldn’t it be fun to do some sleuthing in a sailboat? I love that romantic notion, even if I don’t love the water.

  20. I sooo wanted to go to Garfinkle’s signing, but the day just ended up too packed.

    That discovery of the galvanized tub is so crazy, as well are most of the other things you’re uncovering. Keep sleuthing away there, Nancy.

    As to the Nancy Drew movie, I had a friend recently tell me that he heard it described as the next Harry Potter. I couldn’t help but laugh. Harry’s only been around for 10 years and has sold nearly twice as many copies as Nancy. There just isn’t any chance.

    • Bahahaha! That’s some comparison, isn’t it?

      Sorry I missed seeing you at the book signing, too. I’ll lend you STORKY, if you’re interested. It’s really cute and the voice is wonderful.

      • I’ll get back to you about STORKY. I always love reading a good book, but I’ve got 8 on my shelf right now, vying for attention. I appreciate the offer.

    • Bahahaha! That’s some comparison, isn’t it?

      Sorry I missed seeing you at the book signing, too. I’ll lend you STORKY, if you’re interested. It’s really cute and the voice is wonderful.

  21. Wow… I can’t believe that inscription in the concrete is still there! That’s too awesome. And I think it’s very cool that the current homeowner let you wander around your old stomping grounds. That is just very awesome.

    Sounds like you’ve made some very interesting progress, Melodye. That is just great. I’m so thrilled for you.

    So how did it feel to be walking around your old house again?

    • Pretty crazy, isn’t it? And yes, I felt very fortunate, very grateful to the current homeowner.

      Thanks for your kind words and for your question!! It was really weird to be in some of my old haunts. Very poignant, sometimes sad, and often very weird. In all dimensions of that word. My head is full of memories and emotions that I hope to get down on the page.

  22. Wow… I can’t believe that inscription in the concrete is still there! That’s too awesome. And I think it’s very cool that the current homeowner let you wander around your old stomping grounds. That is just very awesome.

    Sounds like you’ve made some very interesting progress, Melodye. That is just great. I’m so thrilled for you.

    So how did it feel to be walking around your old house again?

  23. Wow, so many nice compliments! Thank you! I’m so happy you came to my signing and I finally got to meet you.

    I really needed this. I just spent four hours in the emergency room with my blood-soaked ten-year-old and restless seven-year-old. My ten-year-old got three stitches after trying to cut his pencil with a scissors in school, and jabbing his finger instead.

    • I’m glad you stopped by to see all the kind words about you and the great book reviews. Print ’em out and and bask in their glory; they’re all yours and well-earned. 🙂

      I’m really sorry, though, to hear about your awful afternoon and evening. Poor little guys, poor you!!! Hope you’re all feeling better very soon.

    • I’m glad you stopped by to see all the kind words about you and the great book reviews. Print ’em out and and bask in their glory; they’re all yours and well-earned. 🙂

      I’m really sorry, though, to hear about your awful afternoon and evening. Poor little guys, poor you!!! Hope you’re all feeling better very soon.

  24. Wow, so many nice compliments! Thank you! I’m so happy you came to my signing and I finally got to meet you.

    I really needed this. I just spent four hours in the emergency room with my blood-soaked ten-year-old and restless seven-year-old. My ten-year-old got three stitches after trying to cut his pencil with a scissors in school, and jabbing his finger instead.

  25. Just catching up with people’s posts, and what you found is amazing – the love note from your mom took my breath away. Such a simple, sweet expression for such a profound, eventful life they spent together.

    Keep digging, keep writing, Melodye. This is wonderful.

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