Whew, these babies sure are a handful! Growing chicks need to eat every 15 to 20 minutes, so Mama Hummingbird’s chasing down food most of the day.
How do I know this? Well, hovercraft concerned "auntie" that I am, I called Wild Birds Unlimited when I didn’t see her for a couple of days. They put me in touch with someone from the hummingbird branch of the Wildlife Rehabilitation Society, who indulged my worry-wart tendencies urged me to sit still at the window and watch for her. Sure enough, Mama Hummingbird buzzed by within twenty minutes. Using a fighter-jet refueling maneuver, Mama Hummingbird buzzed alongside the nest, dropping food down her babies’ beaks.
Incidentally, the rescue worker assured me that I wouldn’t scare away the hummingbirds by taking their picture now and again. “They’re hardy little things,” she said. She did suggest putting a blanket or something soft at the base of the tree, since it’s surrounded by gravel-covered soil. “They’re daredevils, so don’t be surprised if they take several spills while they’re learning how to fly. If you find them lying on the ground, just scoop ‘em up and put ’em back in the nest.” Whew, one less thing for me to worry about!
Nothing wrong with being a hovercraft auntie.
I think it’s wonderful.
Melodye Shore
If my own kids are reading this, they’re probably rolling their eyes. I can’t help myself, truly. 🙂
My family and many others don’t understand what I do for animals. It’s just an instinct…and a good one. 🙂
I would have done the same thing girl and I am SO loving this story and these pictures! You know, we really do need to name them don’t you think?
Melodye Shore
Oh, that’s a great idea! But if they switch positions in the nest, how will we tell them apart? (See, there’s no end to my worry.)
I am so fascinated by this! What a good auntie you are!
Melodye Shore
Aw, thanks! I’m really glad.
I’m hoping I don’t seem like one of those overbearing types — you know, the woman who whips out pictures of her children at every opportunity. 🙂
Oh, if only all creatures great and small had hovercraft aunties like you. You’re cracking me up in laughter as well as busting my heart with love and joy.
You’re the best, Melodye!
Melodye Shore
Your kind words mean the world. 🙂
I’m probably a little overprotective…maybe because I wished so desperately for someone to watch over me when I was younger.
It’s been so cool to follow this story. I can’t wait until those little guys starting flying! I hope they don’t hurt themselves falling.
Melodye Shore
They won’t get hurt on my watch, not if I can help it. 🙂
I love these photos!
And I’m glad you got some expert reassurance.
Melodye Shore
Yeah, me too. I was really worried. I’m overprotective sometimes, can you tell? 🙂
Good job on calling in the reinforcements. Melodye on the case!
Melodye Shore
I’m all about information-gathering. And gathering tiny birds under my wing. 🙂
That’s a good idea to put the blankie at the bottom of the tree. And to talk to the rescue worker. If I’d seen one of those little fellows fall out of the nest, I wouldn’t have been sure if I should touch it or not.
Melodye Shore
We learn something new every day, don’t we? Mother Nature can teach us a lot, if we let her.
wow, I guess they are hardy. I never would have thought of the blanket. good idea!
Melodye Shore
To the outside world, the blanket might seem a little over the top. But I can’t help myself…I feel so protective of these tiny creatures. 🙂
You are doing exactly the same things I do… watch and love little creatures! Since we intrude into their world, I feel like we owe them a helping hand and a watchful eye.
Bless you! And, thanks for the great pics!
Melodye Shore
I think so, too. I believe we’re responsible for protecting one another, the animals, and our earth. I admit though, that I’m just a wee bit more protective than some. 🙂
I’m happy that you’re enjoying the pictures!
I have a feeling that you have made friends for life!!!!
Melodye Shore
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Those little ones look very hungry.I opened a magazine at the office today and guess what I found?
A simple mixture to feed hummingbirds. From the Texas Parks and Wildlife was the following mixture.
Mix one part regular household sugar to four parts water. Red food coloring is not necessary. NEVER use honey in place of sugar. Refrigerate leftover mix. Change sugar water in feeder every few days to keep it from fermenting. Scrub the feeder at each filling to prevent molds from growing. You can get a hummingbird feeder at a Wal-Mart, Hobby Lobby, or a pet store.
Bubba says he must have seen a hummingbird that got into some fermented sugar water as it was chasing a cat through the flower beds and into the pond.
Melodye Shore
You crack me up, consistently!
Thanks for the recipe. I have a feeder, now I know what to put in it.
I’m really enjoying your photos! And do not see anyting wrong with being a “hovercraft auntie.” I also like the idea of a soft blanket at the base of the tree.
Melodye Shore
Not that I could change my “hovercraft” tendencies if I wanted to. 🙂