Have you seen these purple bracelets? Just today, Oprah featured them on her show, but they’ve been popping up all over in the past couple of months. The brainchild of William Bowen (A Complaint Free World.org), these bands are a visible admonition to, as Gandi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to wear a purple bracelet on the same wrist for 21 consecutive, complaint-free days. If you find yourself kvetching, gossiping or criticizing, you have to move it to the other wrist and begin again.
“You will find that your entire life is happier, more loving, more positive and more abundant,” Bowen says. But wait, there’s more! He’ll send you a “Certificate of Happiness” if you quit yer whining for three weeks straight.
Sounds, um, challenging, doesn’t it? I’m not complaining, mind you, just musing. But hey, I’m game to try it, if you are. I’ve ordered 10 purple bracelets, and I’m going to wear one. I’m willing to mail out the other nine to LJ friends who want to join me in the challenge. We’ll blog about our efforts to fashion a complaint-free world, one purple bracelet and one day at a time.
(Psst! If you’re not into public accountability, you can secretly order any number of them from the organization’s website.)
LOVE THIS IDEA! I’m in! I hadn’t heard of them before. How did I miss this?
Re: YES!
Cool! I’m glad you want to play with me!
Email me your snail mail address and I’ll mail the bracelet to you:
newport2newport AT gmail DOT com
Hm! I’m the queen of complaining. Maybe I should try it…
“Hm!” and “Maybe…” don’t sound like green lights to me. Heh. Do you want to try this? If so, email me your address and I’ll mail one out to you. First come, first served, ya know…act fast, ’cause quantities are limited. 🙂
That’s me! The queen of non-committal, too. Since I’m making this transition to the new job, I probably can’t guarantee I can blog regularly for the next month or so… Probably best to let somebody else have the bracelet.
Oooh, nice hand-off. 😉
Hm! I’m the queen of complaining. Maybe I should try it…
Who was it that said, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then come and sit by me”?
That was Mae West, I think.
Was it the Mighty Dot who said, “Send me one of those blasted bracelets?”
HA! I don’t think so. I wouldn’t be able to post to my LJ for 21 days. 😉
I’m wondering about that re myself. 😉
Who was it that said, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then come and sit by me”?
Oh, I’m up for it. I’ve found myself complaining A LOT lately and it’s just hard to be happy when all you do is bitch….how do I send you my address?
I’m glad you’re going to join me! You’ve got that baby coming, which is really great news, but boy, those last few weeks of pregnancy can be pretty rough.
Email me your snail mail address and I’ll mail the bracelet to you:
newport2newport AT gmail DOT com
Oh, I’m up for it. I’ve found myself complaining A LOT lately and it’s just hard to be happy when all you do is bitch….how do I send you my address?
This sounds like just what I need! If you have enough, I’d love one (and I can also order my own, he-he) 🙂
Excellent! We’ll have fun. I think. 🙂
I rummaged around my email account, but I can’t find your snail mail address. Email it to me and I’ll get the bracelet right out to you:
newport2newport AT gmail DOT com
This sounds like just what I need! If you have enough, I’d love one (and I can also order my own, he-he) 🙂
I’m in! I am trying to focus on the positive lately, encountering lots of tempting negativity. So, yeah…I need accountability.
(on another note: are there any bracelets out there for going to the gym consecutively? Or regularly? Or relatively often…?)
Perfect! Send me your snail mail address and I’ll mail the bracelet right out to you! newport2newport AT gmail DOT com
That gym idea is a great one. You should mass produce them. Really, I think you’d make a fortune. 🙂
I’d love to give this a shot.
In fact, it sounds like just the shot in the arm I need right now!
Any left?
Great! It’d be fun to do this experiment with you. It’s first come, first-served…I’ll send bracelets to the first nine people who email me their snail mail address. Newport2Newport AT gmail DOT com
LOL… as a student, I absolutely, positively need to bitch, piss and moan about my professors. I’d take up this challenge come summertime when I’m not dealing with some of the ridiculousness of school. But until this semester’s over, I’m realistic enough to know that I’d have to switch wrists daily! LOL… But it’s most definitely an admirable goal!!!
Hmmm, there’s a squishy line between ‘need’ and ‘want,’ isn’t there? I understand, though, having been a student AND a professor. *g*
Hmmm, there’s a squishy line between ‘need’ and ‘want,’ isn’t there?
LOL…. Okay, you got me there. LOL… Busted!!!
OMG, I would nevernevernevernevernever make it through a single hour. :O
LOL! You can work on it for as many hours/days/weeks/months as you like. 🙂
LOL! You can work on it for as many hours/days/weeks/months as you like. 🙂
Oh, and they’ll send you a new one if yours wears out from having to switch wrists too many times. Heh.
Oh, and they’ll send you a new one if yours wears out from having to switch wrists too many times. Heh.
Good luck trying to make it 21 days!
I don’t think I could do it. I’d like to. I might even try, but I’ve been a bit of a whiner lately … well ok, not just lately. I’ll try, but I won’t wear the bracelet, so no one will know if I slip up. 😉
I’ll going to do my best, realizing of course that I’m only human, ahem, and will very likely make a few mistakes.
Hmmm, about your promise to “try”… Yoda says, “Do or do not. There is no try.” 🙂
*ducks for cover*
I can’t believe you would guilt me with Yoda 😉 Actually, that made me laugh – thanks!
Well, I know I complain and whine and I need to try not to do it as much. Right now isn’t the time to go cold turkey though. I’m still having problems from my concussion, so I’m reserving my right to whine a little. But I will try to do it less.
Good luck with your experiment – I’ll be rooting for you!!!!!!!
I’d try it….except that I’m due in like 21 days and I do NOT see myself making it through the rest of this pregnancy OR Labor without a bit of, er…complaining. ha. Or the proceeding month after that….Hmm….September is looking good….
Oh, I do understand. Those last few weeks of pregnancy seem to last an eternity, don’t they?
I’m always happy to “see” you here, Mandy! Hope you’re doing well — that baby-sized bump of yours included. 🙂
At first I thought ‘pishaw!’ and didn’t think I could do it or would be compromising my real feelings of sadness, etc. that just happen in life. But after a rough day and talking it over with a friend and getting some perspective, I saw the difference for myself, and (drum roll….) I’m in!
I’ll go online and order myself a bracelet.
Here goes!
But to get this out of the way: aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
LOL — and yay, I’m glad you’re in on Project Pollyanna. 🙂
I still have bracelets left, if you want me to send you one. 🙂
I like that you call it Project Pollyanna
I feel better about it now 🙂
I already ordered them, but thanks anyway
I could never do it. I’m the helpful one at work. No matter if the person is doing something I’ve told them not to do 5 times already, I’m the one they call for help. THEREFORE, I must be able to gripe to a select couple of people or I would not be able to be nice all the time. I don’t do confrontation, you see. Whenever I try it–even the very mildest type of confrontation, it turns out bad and I always wish I’d have kept my mouth shut. “Pick your battles” is my motto.
Good Luck to you though. I admire you.
Oh boy, what a lovely idea. My husband would love for me to do it but I know I couldn’t make a week, not with the post-move stuff. But I’m going to keep it in mind. Hmm…and perhaps order a couple for my kids.
Do you still have bracelets left? ::grins::
No, I don’t. However, You can order them directly (and for free) from the organization that started this project. I’ve included the link as a public service announcement. Heh.
sounds good! I think I’ll be joining you in this one.
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