Friday night, as I mentioned earlier, is always DATE NIGHT for my husband and me. It’s not usually a dress-up affair because, though we live in the la la land of cultural opportunities, we prefer casual outings over sophisticated soirees. And besides, I already attend quite a few dress-up events, as part of the “research” (yeah, that’s the ticket) I’m doing for my book.
So hmmm…where is this story going? It seems headed from Orange County to Beverly Hills, in a circuitous route through Santa Barbara. Oh, I know…I wanted to tell you what my Prince Charming husband bought for me during last night’s date. Ladies, you’ll understand, because, well, we women totally get that it’s all about the shoes!
The first birthday gift I ever got from my husband was a swag bag filled with practical and romantic presents, including a pair of Ugg slippers. This was a couple of years before they became a fashion “It” item, so my friend laughed — snorted, actually. “What are these?” she asked, holding them up for inspection. “These are for Arctic dwellers, not residents of sunny So Cal!” For me, however, they might just as well have been Cinderella’s slippers. I hate being cold (am terrified, actually, but again, I digress), and I adored him for giving me a gift meant to keep me snuggly and warm. I wore them constantly until very recently, when at last and alas, the last shred of shearling insides disappeared and the last bit of tread on the soles wore smooth. Sadly, and with much fanfare, I threw them out.
Flash forward to yesterday’s DATE NIGHT, during which my Prince Charming took me out to dinner, then steered the carriage Camry to Nordstrom’s, where he bought me a brand new pair of Ugg slippers, pictured right. I’m wearing them this morning and feeling like Cinderella all over again. No need for glass stilletto slippers; just a warm pair of Uggs will do it for me. And that he understands this about me is yet another reason that I’m in love with my Prince Charming, happily and ever after.
Now there’s a good man! As much as I’m Shoe Girl, I’m also all about the comfort and I have the World’s Coldest Feet. My husband used to mock my penchant for wearing wool socks until the first night I came to bed without them.
He’s bought me quite the nice collection of fuzzy slippers and socks through the years. Isn’t it wonderful when they understand?
Yes, it is. That’s when you know for certain that you’ve found a lifetime match. Lucky me, lucky you! 🙂
Now there’s a good man! As much as I’m Shoe Girl, I’m also all about the comfort and I have the World’s Coldest Feet. My husband used to mock my penchant for wearing wool socks until the first night I came to bed without them.
He’s bought me quite the nice collection of fuzzy slippers and socks through the years. Isn’t it wonderful when they understand?
That’s so romantic!
Re: Awwwwww…..
I totally agree!
Aaaw! I’m all warm and fuzzy and uggy inside!
I bought mnyself suome wooly slipper the other day – because just like you I hate the cold and especially cold feet. And I donlt know why I ended up in this cold, cold cold country!
I can’t imagine living in a cold, cold country after growing up someplace warm. It must be difficult for you, and I’m sorry about that. Good for you, though, treating yourself to warm slippers. 🙂
Oooh, those are gorgeous…and so is your hubby. What a sweetheart.
PS: I can’t stop looking at that picture. I might just have to put it on my Santa list… 😀
I so agree with you on both counts. /smile/
Definitely ask Santa for some; they’re perfect for slipping into just before you start writing!
I so agree with you on both counts. /smile/
Definitely ask Santa for some; they’re perfect for slipping into just before you start writing!
OOh, wow!!
Those are *awesome*!!
And I know just what you mean about those perfect presents that make your friends say, “Whaaa?”
Mine was a set of carhart coveralls with an arctic hood.
They don’t sell them in women’s sizes around here, so he hd to get me a medium men’s pair, and I have to roll the bottoms.
I look like the longlost borwn teletubby when it’s 20 below and I have to go feed–
but I’m WARM!!!!
You live such an amazing life, Liz. I want to know more about you every time you give me one of these little snippets. My favorite book of short stories was “All Creatures Great and Small,” by James Herriot. I just loved reading about him visiting the animals and traipsing around in barns and in meadows…I’m imagining you in a similar setting, with those coveralls on. Cute!
Oh, I *loved* James Herriot’s stories!!
We had the whole set, plus the dog and cat stories, and watched the series when it was on PBS.
But my mom says my love of farming dates back to a petting zoo I visited about age 2, when I laid my head on a little lamb’s head, and said, “Awwwwww”.
We do have sheep– and I’ve delivered more than a few babies, so I can totally relate to James’ stories!!
I’m also grateful my lambs are only a few pounds and do not require traction chains for difficult delivery, like cows. Yikes!! Helped a neighbor with one like that once(the calf was probably 150 pounds, and dead. ugh).
I’d prefer not to repeat the experience!
Oh, I *loved* James Herriot’s stories!!
We had the whole set, plus the dog and cat stories, and watched the series when it was on PBS.
But my mom says my love of farming dates back to a petting zoo I visited about age 2, when I laid my head on a little lamb’s head, and said, “Awwwwww”.
We do have sheep– and I’ve delivered more than a few babies, so I can totally relate to James’ stories!!
I’m also grateful my lambs are only a few pounds and do not require traction chains for difficult delivery, like cows. Yikes!! Helped a neighbor with one like that once(the calf was probably 150 pounds, and dead. ugh).
I’d prefer not to repeat the experience!
You live such an amazing life, Liz. I want to know more about you every time you give me one of these little snippets. My favorite book of short stories was “All Creatures Great and Small,” by James Herriot. I just loved reading about him visiting the animals and traipsing around in barns and in meadows…I’m imagining you in a similar setting, with those coveralls on. Cute!
Aw…how sweet!!! Love those ugs!
Yes, he’s sweet for sure, and I love the uggs, too. Do you have a pair? I highly recommend ’em!
Aw. What a good husband!
Thanks. He is, indeed, a remarkable man!
Aw. What a good husband!
Uggs are soo beautiful!!! (…so why aren’t they called “Beauts”?)
Ha ha ha ha! Very cute.
Uggs are soo beautiful!!! (…so why aren’t they called “Beauts”?)
Your husband is indeed a prince, and the shoes look fahbulous!
Thank you, darling. You’re right on both counts. LOL
Your husband is indeed a prince, and the shoes look fahbulous!
Those are really cute. It’s nice to have a few things that make you feel like a “princess.”
Exactly. You and I definitely agree on this one! And, more importantly, a woman should have a man who treats her like a princess!
Exactly. You and I definitely agree on this one! And, more importantly, a woman should have a man who treats her like a princess!
Those are really cute. It’s nice to have a few things that make you feel like a “princess.”
Glad your husband understands that cold feet thing, and congrats on landing another wonderful pair of slippers!
He’s a quick study, that man o’ mine. I love that he pays attention. 🙂
He’s a quick study, that man o’ mine. I love that he pays attention. 🙂
oooh, I’ve never seen those before. I think I want some! 🙂
Oh, you definitely do want a pair. They’re warm and soft — and oh-so-popular. They’ll keep your feet toasty in style.
Oh, you definitely do want a pair. They’re warm and soft — and oh-so-popular. They’ll keep your feet toasty in style.
Yes…fluffy and furry — and WARM! 🙂
Oh yeah, love the slippers! I’ve got the cold feet thing too, of course I do live in one of the cold places on earth! I finally found the solution – heated floors. With slippers. And socks.
Heated floors? Oooh, such luxury!
Heated floors? Oooh, such luxury!
Oh yeah, love the slippers! I’ve got the cold feet thing too, of course I do live in one of the cold places on earth! I finally found the solution – heated floors. With slippers. And socks.
Aw, you lucky girl you! And here I am in my Walmart cheapies…sigh…they keep my feet warm, what can I say???
It’s not the brand but the thought that counts, in my opinion. 🙂
It’s not the brand but the thought that counts, in my opinion. 🙂
They look comfy! Hey, I see people wearing Uggs in Miami, along with furry boots, and it always cracks me up.
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