It’s been a while, but I’m back! And I’ve brought with me a herd of local pinnipeds to help celebrate International Day of the Seal.
According to this PBS Fact Sheet, “There are 33 species of pinnipeds, which are colloquially known as seals.” But it’s no secret that my favorites are the local harbor seals, with whom I’ve become very familiar.
Even as nursing pups, these marine mammals are adorable.

Sure, they look a bit ungainly, but you gotta appreciate their persistence! Here, a yearling seal pup takes a breather in the surf grass, waiting no doubt for an incoming wave to help hoist him to the higher rocks where a raft of friends awaits him.

Harbor seals have highly developed senses, too–super powers that they use to detect changes in the environment, find food, and distinguish friends from predators.
That thick layer of blubber? It protects them from the cold. But as you can see, it also creates a cushiony pillow when they haul out on jagged rocks. And as for that fur coat, it’s a leisure suit and a wet suit, all rolled into one.

When they’re in the water, it’s hunting season. But when they’re not foraging for their next meal, these puppy-faced pinnipeds are all about rest. Reproduction, too, but mostly rest.
Here, for example, our friend Freckles is lifting his head just high enough to taste the sea spray that just awakened him from an afternoon snooze. Wasn’t long before he nodded off again.

There’s lots more I could say, in celebration of the seal. But I’m just now dipping my toe back in the water, so I think I’ll these photos speak for themselves.
One more before I go: A whole party in a single seal. Pretty sure this guy is giving International Day of the Seal his #SealofApproval!