Rabbit at Rest (in your pants)
Getting the Girl (in your pants)
Stumbling on Happiness (in your pants)
An Abundance of Katherines (in your pants)
Now try this with titles from your own bookshelves (The Devil Wears Prada…Better Than Yesterday…The Meaning of Wife…).
Actually, I think we preachers’ kids own territorial rights, if not copyright, to the idea behind this trend. Forced to sit in the front row of marathon church services while my father preached and (repeatedly) passed the offering plate, my siblings and I would try to keep each other awake. Often, we’d do so with a high-stakes but hilarious game of “Beneath the Sheets.”
The rules were simple: we’d open up our hymnals to a random page, point at a song title, and silently mouth the suffix, “beneath the sheets,” while trying not to laugh. Predictably, we’d dissolve into silent giggles. The consequences of out-loud laughter were fairly high: Interrupt the hellfire-and-damnation diatribe at the pulpit, and the wrath of the entire congregation would rain down mightily upon your small head.
How long would you last? Give it a try:
Silent Night (beneath the sheets)
Amazing Grace (beneath the sheets)
Rock of Ages (beneath the sheets)
Come, Lord Jesus…well, you get the idea!
Anyone else remember playing this game?
do you read the Brotherhood blog? I think actually Hank Green started the game… just to give him some credit!
do you read the Brotherhood blog? I think actually Hank Green started the game… just to give him some credit!
I wanted to be sure he had his “15 seconds” of blog fame! : )
And rightfully so! Thanks for taking time to leave a reminder for me to add to his accumulating minutes. 🙂
The Mrs. just told me the other day that her and her brother used to play the hymnal song game in church. Hilare!
The Mrs. wanted to add “Oh, For a Thousand Tongues Beneath the Sheets.”
Here are some others…
“A Virgin So Pure…”
“Arise, My Soul, Arise…”
“Revive Us Again…”
“When Winds Are Raging…”
“How Tedious and Tasteless…”
We missed you at PFL…I’m off to work now…
Oh, these are great! Tell her thanks for sharing ’em.
I was in San Diego ’til 6:00…too late to make it to PFL. I missed all y’all, too!
We did “between the sheets” with fortune cookies–we missed out by not expanding the game to other situations!
It’s never too late!
I’ve not tried it with fortune cookies. Mmmm…Chinese food for Date Night tonight? Sounds like a plan!
My two favorite kids’ books by Louise Fitzhugh:
Harriet the Spy Beneath the Sheets, and The Long Secret in Your Pants. Neither appropriate for the Scholastic Book Club, lol.
How’s this: BEFORE AFTER AND SOMEBODY IN BETWEEN (beneath the sheets)
How’s this: BEFORE AFTER AND SOMEBODY IN BETWEEN (beneath the sheets)
I have never, ever had giggle fits like I used to in church. What is it about church? Of course, with three sisters, it wasn’t that hard to start a giggle fit. One time I even had my mom going. Sheesh.
In Jennifer Lynn Barnes’ book Tattoo, I just passed the point where the girls in the book are playing this game but they use ‘in bed’ and fortune cookies. It must be a universal thing.
Here’s my list of books that I’ve read this year:
A Mango-Shaped Space (in your pants – oh my!)
The Salem Witch Tryouts (in your pants)
Queen of Babble (in your pants)
Major Crush (in your pants)
Hee hee, too fun.
I know. Probably it’s because we’re not SUPPOSED to laugh that we end up doing it. Temptation always works that way, no. 🙂
Love your game selections, too!
I know. Probably it’s because we’re not SUPPOSED to laugh that we end up doing it. Temptation always works that way, no. 🙂
Love your game selections, too!
Our version was “in the bathtub”. Caused endless hours of silent quaking in church.
In the bathtub, eh? That’s a great place, too! 😉
“Silent quaking…” perfectly describes the objective, if not the (more obvious) reality. Heh.
Our version was “in the bathtub”. Caused endless hours of silent quaking in church.
Makes me more eager than ever for that biography!
…I mean memoir!
Aw, thank you, Sharon! I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately!!!
Makes me more eager than ever for that biography!
We used to play “up your butt” on long drives, or stuck in traffic, with book or movie or song or TV show titles. “Lassie up your butt”–“Three Stooges up your butt”–“Hardy Boys up your butt”…Nancy Drew…The Star Spangled Banner…Superman . ..
Bwa ha ha! See, there’s no end to possibilities, given a clever prepositional phrase and a good imagination. 🙂
“The Beneath the Sheets in Your Pants Tent Revival.” Great title.
Tent revival in your pants…maybe even better?
Tent revival in your pants…maybe even better?
We always did it with fortune cookies, ending the fortune with “in bed.”
Yet another excuse for Chinese take-out tonight!
Yet another excuse for Chinese take-out tonight!
I must’ve led a very sheltered childhood. I never heard of these games. Of course, I didn’t go to church and we didn’t have fortune cookies in the tiny, tiny Wisconsin town of my youth. But still……..
Those were very fun to read and I can picture you in church trying desperately not to laugh out loud.
Well, it’s never too late to (re)capture your childhood, um, innocence. Heh.
Glad you had fun reading these. L)
Well, it’s never too late to (re)capture your childhood, um, innocence. Heh.
Glad you had fun reading these. L)
There’s always the fortune cookie game, where you add “in bed” to the end of each fortune.
Sounds to me like this game is maybe more popular/familiar than the ones I mentioned, even if the outcome is about the same. Heh. Hmmm….wonder if it’s a regional thing. I should have asked.
You have a point there, missy! What about BTY — better with “between the sheets” or “in your pants”? It’s a tough call!
You have a point there, missy! What about BTY — better with “between the sheets” or “in your pants”? It’s a tough call!
LMAO… never played that game before. When I used to attend church, we’d sit in the back of the room and simply talk crap and share gossip about our fellow congregants. Very respectful, you know. Can’t say I’ve ever really seen a hellfire and brimstone type sermon. Must be… something.
By the way, the first taping of that documentary didn’t come out, but it will be on a billion times this weekend so I haven’t given up on it. I’ll get it for you if I have to… well… learn how to use the VCR. I do need to get your email addy though!
Hope you’re having a good day!
See how much you’re missing? This is just one of many things I think might be worth describing in my memoir — in greater detail, of course.
Thanks for working on that documentary. I’ll be interested to hear your reactions, if you choose to watch it yourself. My addy is newport2newport AT gmail DOT com
Have a great weekend!
I think your memoirs would be a fascinating read! I probably will catch the documentary this weekend. I’ll let you know!
My brother and I play this when we get fortune cookies except we’ll just add in bed.
A prosperous future awaits you…in bed.
LOL! That’s the best!!!
LOL! That’s the best!!!
Thanks for all the giggles. I never did this in church, but hearing all this ends my week on a high note.
I was thinking about the books on my nightstand….
Drowning Ruth (in your pants)
The Confessions of St. Augustine (in your pants)
The Girls’ Guide to Hunting and Fishing (in your pants)
The New Natural Cat (in your pants)
Oh dear….
The confessions of St. Augustine (beneath the sheets) holds a certain appeal, no? LOL
FUN STUFF, thanks for weighing in. I’ll bet you’ll be thinking about this all weekend, everytime you pick up a book. 🙂
The confessions of St. Augustine (beneath the sheets) holds a certain appeal, no? LOL
FUN STUFF, thanks for weighing in. I’ll bet you’ll be thinking about this all weekend, everytime you pick up a book. 🙂
Oh my GOSH…I soooooo remember this! But I thought OUR youth group was the one who invented it. Only our tag line was “…in the bed.”
BTW…we really do need to compare notes sometime. I have two cousins who were Tent Revivalists working the western half of the United States in the 60’s.
We TOTALLY need to compare notes, ’cause that’s part of the span of time my dad was on the circuit! When are you going to be back in the O.C.?
Probably not until early to mid-March. I was back in Chino/Ontario and Camarillo most of the week-just-past, but didn’t have time to hit OC or Norwalk. I will definitely let you know!
Oh my GOSH…I soooooo remember this! But I thought OUR youth group was the one who invented it. Only our tag line was “…in the bed.”
BTW…we really do need to compare notes sometime. I have two cousins who were Tent Revivalists working the western half of the United States in the 60’s.