Come to the edge.
We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It’s too high!
And they came,
and he pushed,
and they flew.
–Christopher Logue
Early this morning, I visited our hummingbird high-rise. I counted two heads poking up over the nest, two beaks facing the sun.
As I carried my coffee to my office, I caught wing flurries out of the corner of my eye. A walnut-sized lump settled in my throat. Today, they’ll learn to fly. I climbed the ladder for one last picture of the two hummingbird hatchlings, nestled together in their tiny home.
Just a few minutes ago, I stopped by the picture window again. As if on cue, one of the birds suddenly pushed itself off the edge of the nest, like a jet backing away from the terminal. For a few long seconds, it hung suspended in mid-air, flapping its tiny wings good-bye. Then it propelled itself forward, darting up, up and away.
I spotted two newly-laid eggs just over a month ago. And now, one bird remains in the nest. No, I’m not crying. Not me. Pfft, why do you ask?
Oh Phoebe!
Helen looks cozy in the nest…
(yes, now that I named them I think of them that way..what? is that weird?)
Perhaps she is Phoebe O’Feather, since she took off on St. Patrick’s day!
Melodye Shore
Phoebe O’Feather — heeee! I love that!
Your names weren’t selected, but we thought they were wonderful, nonetheless.
Goodbye, little one!
Melodye Shore
I think I saw him flitting in the trees yesterday afternoon. Either that, or I was seeing his mom and dad.
Awww…it’s hard to let them go, I’ll bet! They’re so cute. Thanks for sharing their journey with us.
Melodye Shore
It certainly is, although it’s time for them to make their way in the world. Kinda like sending kids of to college, you know?
NOOOOOOOOOO! They grew up too fast! I just blinked and all of a sudden they are leaving the nest.
Now I feel like crying too!
Melodye Shore
I thought of you and your darling little girl…some parallels with her going off to school, no?
*hands you a Kleenex, and takes another for herself*
I’ve really loved watching your birds grow up! I’m glad this turned out better than the “eggs in the grill” incident I had a few years ago!
Melodye Shore
Ha! I’d forgotten all about that incident. And you’re right: it’s great that this is having a happy ending/beginning.
Ohhhhh ….
Melodye Shore
I couldn’t have said it better.
I’m so glad she could say goodbye to her good friend, Melodye.
I wish you well, little bird. Have a glorious life.
Melodye Shore
I know it sounds kind of silly, but I was really glad I got to see him/her fly for the first time. I would have felt kind of cheated if the baby flew off without one last goodbye. I’m such a sap.
“Have a glorious life.” What a wonderful wish!
Squeak sat in her little nest
and poked her sister Squawk
I think, she said, that we should have
a sister-sister talk.
If we don’t fly I’m just afraid
that one of us will smother
And, Lordy, that will disappoint
our helicopter-mother.
Fly safe, little birdies ~
Melodye Shore
This poem is so, so perfect! There are a couple of comments about it in my next post. 🙂
ooooh! I have so loved following along here! Gorgeous hummingbirds! Thanks for sharing!
Melodye Shore
Thank YOU for joining the fun!
Goodbye, little one! Aren’t they gorgeous?
Melodye Shore
They are, indeed. 🙂
*That* took my breath away.
I’ll just grab one of these fluffy tissues here….
Melodye Shore
Here, have another.
*Grabs another Kleenex for herself*
Ooooh! It does kind of feel like they’re your own bird-babies leaving, doesn’t it? Gets me a bit weepy, too…(sniff). I’m so glad you shared their little nursery with us!
Melodye Shore
It definitely does.
Thanks for watching them grow up with me. It’s been such a treat to be able to share this miracle.
Awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing!
Melodye Shore
I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed them…it’s been so much fun to play show-and-tell!
My kid and I both like these pics. How awesome!
Put out a hummingbird feeder (if you haven’t already) close to where they are and see if they stick around!
One time when I was working in the garden, I was wearing gloves with a big red stripe on them. A ruby-throated hummingbird came over and buzzed around my gloves and poked his bill on them a couple of times before he figured out there was no food there. So maybe you should wear red in the garden!
Melodye Shore
Oooh, that was a magical moment, wasn’t it? Hummingbirds are so persistent!
I put out a feeder last week. I hope it encourages them to stay.
Thanks for sharing the adventure with me. 🙂
Oh yes! Must get a feeder. I can’t believe how amazing your pics are.
Melodye Shore
I’ve got a bird feeder hung on my patio, around the corner from the tree. Dave (from Wild Birds Unlimited) warned against putting it too close to the nest, which would encourage other hummingbirds to invade the area and scare away the mama.
B-but… They’ll come back to visit, right? *sniff*
Melodye Shore
I saw one flying in a nearby grapefruit tree yesterday afternoon. I like to think its that bird. Dave (from Wild Birds Unlimited) said it’s likely they’ll hang around for at least a little while.
They grow up waaaaaay too fast!!!
our babies are getting feathers….
Melodye Shore
Oooh, how cool is that! Are they Costa’s, do you know?
Your baby’s getting big now, too, I’ll bet. I’m looking forward to hearing more about him/her!
I don’t know what type they are…the mama is green looking….(I should probably research instead of staring at them from my bedroom window! LOL)
Fly away home, free bird… Go sing your song, oh lovely hummingbird..
I think I am supposed to feel happy
but I’m not
One left home
It depresses me
to think you may never see her again
and if you don’t
we won’t
Oh how I love the photos
HOW did you get those?
They are gorgeous
And how did you post them here with the rapid turn-around you did?!
I want to be rational and maternal. I know kids leave.
But we don’t have to LIKE it.
Do we? {}
Melodye Shore
I know…it’s like a child that eventually has to make its way in the world. It’s definitely not easy to let go. I know you already know this, down to your core. And no, we don’t have to like it. But we have to accept it. Sigh.
Actually, my picture-taking set-up is fairly primitive. I’ve set up a tall ladder next to the tree. I climb to the highest rung, lean forward as far as I can, and snap the pictures with my Nikon CoolPix (on the macro setting). No special equipment, no photographic training. Just a love for those babies that I want to document for their baby “album.” 🙂
What an amazing journey. Thanks for sharing all of this with us…
Melodye Shore
It’s been such a miraculous experience. I can’t begin to say how much fun it’s been to share it…so thank YOU for coming by for show-and-tell. 🙂
random commenter
awww, that is beautiful.
Melodye Shore
Re: random commenter
Oh, I’m glad you stopped by to join the going-away party! Come back again anytime.
I’ve watched them grow and loved these daily posts! I’m choked up! sigh.
Melodye Shore
I’m still choked up. I keep checking in on the one remaining bird, appreciating it for as long as it’s willing to stay.
I’m glad you liked the posts…Thanks for sharing the journey!
Bye, bye, little guys!
Okay, if you’re not crying, I’ll cry for you! (But I know you’re putting on a brave front! Sending virtual tissues!)
Melodye Shore
Ha! Thanks for the tissues! You know me too well. 🙂
Awww. I believe you. But you’ve got such a wonderful baby book assembled for them!
Melodye Shore
What a great way to look at it, Liz. Thank you! (HUGS) you back.
Aww…her sister looks so lonely in there…she almost seems to be searching the horizon for her brave little twin.
Melodye Shore
She does seem to like the extra room she now has. Things were getting pretty tight in that tiny nest. Plus, she gets more food, which will make her strong enough to fly on her own really soon.
What a beautiful journey you’ve captured!
Of course sister bird could be thinking, “At last, some room!”
Melodye Shore
I was just thinking that same thing (see my comment right above yours).
I’m so glad that you came by to share in the journey. 🙂
Awww … Goodbye little one! The one that’s left in the nest looks like she’s wondering, ‘What the heck just happened? Where did she go?” I hope she doesn’t get to lonely before she dares take the plunge over the edge of the nest.
I’d definitely put out a feeder to keep them around. It will be neat to see if you can tell who is who when they come back next year to reuse the nest.
Thank you for taking us on this journey Melodye. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it! What a great photographic picture book you have. All you need to do is add some captions or poetry and it’s ready to submit.
Melodye Shore
She seems to be happy to have more room in which to spread out. I’m guessing that, plus extra food from Mama Hummingbird, will make her strong enough to take wing on her own really soon.
Thanks for your encouragement about writing something up about this…I’m seriously considering it. I need to educate myself about the possibilities first, though. I know nothing about the children’s market.
Did you read my latest post, by the way?? 🙂