Be like a bird
That pausing in her flight
Awhile on boughs to light,
Feels them give way
Beneath her and yet sings,
Knowing that she hath wings.
Victor Marie Hugo
I’m imagining myself as that proud but admittedly obnoxious auntie who brags incessantly about her nieces and nephews, who whips out their most recent photos at every opportunity. I can’t help myself, I swear it. Our baby hummingbirds are just so adorable, and it’s been such a miracle to see them hatch and grow.
They’re so funny. Now and again, I’ll see one of them stretch, ruffle her* wings, and poke at her iridescent plumage with her very long beak. The second hummingbird, forced to the very edge of the nest by all the activity, gets a wild-eyed look that says, "Mom, she’s touching me! Tell her to move over!" Just when it seems one or the other’s about ready to topple overboard, they both get really still — almost as if to say, "Whoa, that was scary!" But not long afterward, the other one follows suit, nudging her sister with her beak or an outstretched wing. "Hey, wanna try that again?"
Doesn’t look to me like they’re planning a weekend getaway, though. I’m glad to have them around, for whatever time they choose to stay.
*Their coloring seems to suggest that they’re both female Costa’s Hummingbirds. We won’t know for sure until they reach full maturity.
Awww! They’re starting to get their ‘pretty’ feathers!!!
Melodye Shore
Aren’t they shiny and glittery? Every day, they grow more beautiful.
Oh they’re getting so big!!! You’re not the obnxious auntie for sharing pictures as the little ones grow! Now if you subjected all to a day-by-day slideshow, that might be a different story. 😉 Kidding!
I’m so glad your babies are getting all big and strong. Mine left the nest last week, though I still see them buzzing about the tree now and again. Oh they grow so fast, don’t they?
Melodye Shore
I love that yours still hang around the tree. It’s nice that they consider it home base, isn’t it? I’d hate to think I’d never see mine again after they learn to fly.
A slide show…hmm, I hadn’t thought of that…lol.
‘they both get really still — almost as if to say, “Whoa, that was scary!”‘
You have a PB unfolding before you ~
Melodye Shore
Yes, I definitely do. It’s an amazing work, and I most assuredly am not the Author.
well, don’t underestimate your power of observation.
it’s wonderful reading your voice overs for them. 🙂
Love your chuparosas! They are so cute! I need to get another feeder. One time I took my sun conure outside while the carpet got professionally cleaned. One of the little hummingbirds buzzed right up to my bright orange parrot, probably thinking he was a pretty flower! Let’s just say my parrot didn’t like that!!!
Melodye Shore
Thanks for teaching me the Spanish word for hummingbirds!
You have a parrot? How cool is that? LOL, though, that a tiny hummingbird buzzed him!
Oh! I’ve only been online very sporadically and missed these posts. They are so adorable! Have you named them, or did I miss that post?
Melodye Shore
I’m glad you managed to come by for at least one!
I haven’t named them, no. I think they’re both females, but I can’t be certain until they’re no longer “adolescents.” That said, maybe we should have a naming contest…think so?
Oh, yes. A contest would be fun. I’m sure people can come up with all sorts of gender-neutral ideas.
I showed my daughter all your pics this morning and she was sighing left and right. The progression has been amazing.
Melodye Shore
Yes, it most assuredly has been an awesome sight. How’s your mama hummingbird doing? Have you managed to peek in on her eggs?
I tried but her nest is such a deep one, I would have to get right on top of it to see inside and the way it is tucked in the tree I can’t do that. Hopefully I will see some beaks peeking above the rim soon : )
I love watching your babies!! Even with the ruler there, it is so hard to imagine how small they are!
Melodye Shore
The photos make them look bigger than they are — as an artist, you probably understand that whole perspective thing better than I. All I know is that up-close-and-personal, they’re tinier than you can possibly imagine.
You must get a picture of them when they’re ready to fly!
Melodye Shore
I’ll do my best, count on that. I’ve got my camera always at the ready!
Love and prayers for a great life to you, Little Birds!
Melodye Shore
Ah, Meg, what a sweet thought! Thank you, on their behalf. 🙂
I just can’t wrap my mind around how SMALL they are! Geez!
Melodye Shore
I know…I’m the same way!
Awwww! Your photos are terrific Melodye! It’s amazing how small they really are!!
I’m going to stick with the classics:
Lucy and Ricky
Beezus and Ramona