And once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return.
Leonardo da Vinci
By all accounts, these hatchlings should be flying by now. But if this snapshot’s any indication, it seems our hummingbirds plan to hunker down until Mama Bird stops feeding them or they tumble out the sides of their overstretched nest.
I’d love to have the hatchlings hang around forever, but I realize their survival depends on their abilty to take wing and fly. I suspect that’ll happen very soon; in the meantime, I hope my hummingbird entries haven’t overstayed their welcome.
This is the best photo yet! They look so cozy I don’t blame them for taking their time leaving the nest.
Welcome back, Melodye.
Melodye Shore
The orange blossoms have opened, filling the air with beautiful fragrance. Plus, their nest is made of such soft materials…I can’t imagine leaving either!
Thank you for the welcome home. It was a very productive, very positive trip.
Awww!! Look at those little honeys! All feathered out now. I wondered how long it would take.. I wonder what adolescent hummers look like, come to think of it. Adolescent turkeys look every bit as awkward as adolescent humans, but it’s hard to picture something this tiny as awkward, somehow.
Melodye Shore
Here’s a link to the hummingbird photos I took a week ago. Do they look like awkward adolescents to you?
Melodye Shore
“…amazing little masterpieces.”
Exactly so!
Wow! I’m in awe that you are able to get such close and wonderful pictures.
I can’t wait to get plants in my yard again so I can have the sounds of nature in my backyard.
Melodye Shore
I can’t wait to see your garden pictures again!
These are the most incredible pictures! I’ve loved watching the babies develop. I hope you’re keeping some sort of picture journal (other than here, I mean,) because I could easily see this selling 🙂 I would pay for a little coffeetable book of these cuties.
Melodye Shore
Aw, thank you. I’m so happy that other people enjoy the hummingbirds as much as I do. They’re amazing creatures, and I’ve been so fortunate to see them grow from such a close vantage point. No doubt about it, I’ll miss them when they fly away!
I have loved all the photos!
I show them to my kids. Hopefully you’ll get a few more pictures… maybe?
Melodye Shore
I’ll take pictures for as long as the hummingbirds are willing and able to hang around. 🙂
Absolutely amazing how they fill up that nest now — here’s to happy flying 🙂
You should do something with these stunning pictures! Ever think about writing a magazine article about them? Picture book?
Melodye Shore
I don’t know if I have the talent for picture book writing. (Although I’d be happy to partner with someone who does!) But a magazine article…hmm, that might be kind of fun!
Aren’t they beautiful!
Do you know if they do a few practice runs first and come back to the nest, or do they fly off at once?
Melodye Shore
The link I have in this entry suggests they leave the nest after they do a few practice runs — and the males never sit on a nest again!
This additional site suggests they fledge anywhere from 18-28 days after hatching, but the mama bird feeds them for up to 40 days.
Awww.. they look so big! But they are only an inch? amazing!! My MIL has a ton of hummingbirds on her farm in the spring, so she and I are going to go nest hunting!
Melodye Shore
Here’s a photo from this afternoon, this one with a measuring tape. Yep, the pictures are big, but they really are that small.
Happy nest hunting!!!
I love this pic! You can see all the colors – amazing!
Melodye Shore
They’re showing off their plumage, aren’t they? And with good cause — they’re gorgeous little creatures.
What super power lens you must have on your camera! Simply amazing close-ups!
Melodye Shore
Why thank you. 🙂
Actually, it’s taken with a Nikon CoolPix on the macro lens setting. That, and I’m standing on a very tall ladder.
Melodye Shore
Don’t they look cozy? I was so happy to see them again when I came home from my trip!
The birdies are cute as usual, but I really love the Leonardo da Vinci quote.
Melodye Shore
Ah, me too. I’m glad you noticed. 🙂
they are amazing, melodye
i really love this photo
i hope you had a good trip!
Melodye Shore
Oooh, pretty icon! You already knew I’d love it. 🙂
I had a wonderful trip, thank you — lots of great research findings, plus I had a good time!
Awwwww! Wonderful photos Melodye. I’ve enjoyed them all but this one is perfect… their shimmery green-blue plumage, wide open mouth crying, “Feed me! Feed me!” and the comfy, soft-looking nest.
And with the smell of orange blossoms drifting in the air I wouldn’t want to leave either!
Melodye Shore
They keep getting more beautiful, don’t they? With subjects like this, the photos are bound to be good, even for an amateur photographer like me.
They’re still cozied into the bottom of the nest today…from all appearances, they’re not ready to go anywhere yet.
Your hummingbird entries could never overstay their welcome!!!