Hot Summer Read

ADIOS TO MY OLD LIFE is generating some sizzling heat from book reviewers:

“This brilliant debut resonates with the sparkling rhythm of Ali’s talent. Her path to independence via reality show madness makes us cheer for her every step of the way . . . because all a girl really needs is love, laughter, and a rocking guitar.” — Alesia Holliday, author of American Idle

Ferrer weaves an electrifying tale about fame, fortune, and friends that will leave you demanding an encore.” — Soleil, Story Connection Express.

Congratulations fashionista_35

(We all know how difficult it is to write, much less get a book published. And so, along with the positive press she’s getting, I’m thinking it would be nice for Barb to receive congratulatory messages and/or reviews from us on her blog.)

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