Whew, is it hot in here, or is it just my post about children’s books and global warming? That little ol’ blog entry earned the #1 spot on BuzzFeed’s* Culture Buzz page today!
Aha moment: I had no idea that BuzzFeed even existed until someone sent me an email to tell me about my fleeting encounter with “popularity.” Lesson learned: LJ’s a great writer’s community, but our blogs also offer us outreach beyond our imagination. Isn’t that cool?
Here’s the link, for as long as it lasts. To your right, you’ll see the gross picture creative graphic that accompanied the entry on BuzzFeed’s Top Ten list. Thanks,
lilrongal , for adding the screenshot as a comment (below).
*From Buzzfeed’s website: “We use technology and human editors to find the hottest buzz on the web. Each weekday, we publish ten stories that highlight the best stuff emerging from the Internet popularity contest.”
Wow! Check you out! That’s awesome!
I was shocked.
I’m not! You’re a fantastic writer and great person with a lot of terrific thoughts and insights on a wide variety of topics. You definitely spur lots of great conversations!
Wow! Check you out! That’s awesome!
Very cool!
Cool — and haute!
Thanks, Lorraine.
Cool — and haute!
Thanks, Lorraine.
Very cool!
Very Haute!
Too cool!
melodye, that rocks!
It rocks like a boulder!
It rocks like a boulder!
melodye, that rocks!
OMG, how did you do that? I couldn’t convert the image to a jpg. Can you email it to me?
Thanks so much Ronni! You did what I could not. Must be that techno-proficiency gene. Plus, some magical software. XO
Check up top for a hat tip to you. Thanks again!
Check up top for a hat tip to you. Thanks again!
Melodye– there’s a little button over in the cluster to the right of the main part on the keyboard that says “Print Screen”. It’s usually above the delete key.
You push that and then you can open up a word doc or email and just hit paste (cntrl + V). It pastes it right in.
Btw— AWESOME!! You’re famous! ha!
OMG, how did you do that? I couldn’t convert the image to a jpg. Can you email it to me?
Way cool!
Thank you!
Way cool!
You are ALWAYS hot stuff!!!! ;-D
I’m surrounded by haute friends.
You are ALWAYS hot stuff!!!! ;-D
Go, you!
Thanks — I’m glad you came over to join our little party!
Hey, that’s what I said when I saw your new kitchen lighting. Beautiful! and thanks.
Woohoo! you are famous! Congrats!
Infamous, more like it.
Go Melodye! You’re always on top of the interesting topics!
I love sharing ideas with my friends.
Go Melodye! You’re always on top of the interesting topics!
Ooo! Neato! I haven’t even paged back far enough on my f’list to see your post but cool!
Such a cool surprise. and hA! That’s a perfect icon for this post!
Thanks, Dot.
Here’s looking at you!
Here’s lookin’ back at ya, with a big smile on my face, ’cause I’m glad to see you. Bogart, too.
Here’s looking at you!