Here’s wishing everyone a Happy Hallowe’en. No tricks, just treats!
I’m also sending out good vibes to all you NaNo’ers out there. Such brave souls–you inspire me! No novel-in-a-month at this end, but I’m pushing ever forward on my revisions. Go you, go me…let’s help each other over the finish line!
UMMMMM…. Snickers, Good-N-Plenty and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups to you. Now enjoy the treats as you race toward the finish line.
Good-N-Plenty, Good-N-Plenty! Remember Choo Choo Charlie?
Thanks for all the goodies! I’m well stocked with treats now…plenty of fuel for the days ahead. Thanks for taking that excuse off the table. 😉
Yay, go go go on your revisions! *sends LOADS of chocolate to help you through*
Happy Halloween!
Mmmm chocolatejust what I needed (or craved, more like it)! Thanks for the supportive cheers and Halloween treats!
Good luck with your revisions! *hands you a freshly-baked pumpkin chocolate-chip muffin* I’m working on revisions for my agent and also trying NaNo for the first time. It might be crazy. We’ll see how it goes.
It’s hard to type when my mouth and mitts are full, but I DEFINITELY appreciate the delicious muffin! Wow, did you bake them yourself? *Is impressed*
I’m glad to know that I’m not alone in working on revisions. I’ll be sending you good vibes this month, doubled up because you’re also (wow oh wow) doing NaNo!
Happy Halloween and revisioning to you, Melodye! xo
Thanks, sweet Lorraine. It’s always a treat to “see” you! I’m going to be channeling all your zen-like vibes this month…I want to challenge myself, but not to the point where it’s overly stressful. When I take tea breaks, I’ll daydream about the day we meet up at Powell’s again. Won’t that be lovely?