Get ‘er Done!

Thank you, brandie_writer for letting everyone know how things turned out in Sacramento, and thanks all of you for the fabulous welcome home! 

Short summary — plus pictures — of what I’ve been up to in the last couple of days:

Tuesday night, beachalatte and I got acquainted over dinner at an Italian bistro in Sacramento. I’ve always loved reading her richly textured, enthusiastic posts, but to actually meet her in person … what a gift! When Maya Angelou speaks about “rainbow people,” surely, she must have someone like Meg in mind. Sunshine radiates outward from Meg’s inner spirit, sending a full spectrum of bright colors out into her world. We talked for hours and hours, interrupted only occasionally by a solicitous waiter and, oh yes, the guy who elevator-eyed Meg approvingly as he passed by, did a double-take and then shouted, “Hey, nice legs!”

Here’s a photo of the two of us in the restaurant. Doesn’t the duck behind us look like it belongs in one of Meg’s picture books? And hey, will someone please tell me why, on the eve of a big event, my hair always and suddenly takes to looking shaggy and unkempt?
Around 11:00, Meg and I finally said goodnight. I spent the next couple of hours going over the Education Committee’s bill analysis, tweaking my presentation to address expressed concerns and factual omissions that might negatively influence the Senators’ votes. After coming this far, I wasn’t willing to leave anything to chance!

The hearing started at 8:30 Wednesday morning. By the time we got to first position on the docket, there were 6 (out of 11) Senators present. My heart sank. I knew the absentee Senators would have to weigh in by the end of the day, but I really wanted all of them there to hear my testimony before they voted. Nevertheless, I took my place in front of the dais and spoke confidently and from my heart. A few questions were asked and answered; a last-minute interloper in shorts and a tank top grabbed the mike for a bit of drama; and then the Chair called roll and recorded everyone’s vote. The final tally? A unanimous YES! 

Here’s a picture of Assembly Member Jay La Suer (the bill’s author) and me in his office, right after the vote.

As to next steps, the bill is now headed to the Senate Appropriations Committee for a review, which shouldn’t be a problem since there are no significant costs attached to implementing this law. It’ll be up for a full vote of the Senate within the next couple of weeks. Senators tend to follow the wishes of the policy committee(s) that review a bill prior to their vote, so this step shouldn’t be a problem either.  So…barring any unforeseen complications, Governor Schwarzenegger should be signing AB 2165 very soon!

Thursday’s agenda? A haircut appointment, horseback riding, writing time, and maybe even a nap.

UPDATE: User pic makeover, because Meg (very nicely) suggested I needed one.


  1. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{MELODYE}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    I had the BEST time last night with you,
    and I am so PROUD of you,
    and I think you did GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    See you in LA Friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    M 🙂

    • I loved being with you, too, Meg. You are a jewel in my crown of friends.

      I can’t stop thinking about ROCKABYE HIPPO. I wish I’d memorized the words. It’s so, so beautiful, and I know you’ll sell it quickly.

      YES, L.A.

      • {{{{{{{{{{{{{melodye)))))))))))))))

        ah, and obviously your listeners found the jewel too.
        I just got your phone message. .thank you, that was GREAT!

        Can’t wait to see you again in LA and I sent you links per our conversation.
        Did you receive?
        M 🙂

        • Anonymous

          I got the emails and plan to use those links this weekend. The website information looks really, really good. Thanks!! =:)

  2. Congrats, again! Thanks so much for sharing your story and pictures with us! You are positively glowing in the bottom one, and rightly so! You go, girl 🙂

    • I feel great about the outcome of the hearing, and I feel grateful to my friends for being with me in spirit when I made my presentation. Thank you for that.

      Meg and I had a marvelous time! 🙂

    • Yay, the squirrel and squirrel fisher are here for the party!

      I’m glad you like the picture. I’m a visual person, and I love photos: they help me see what people/situations look like as I read about ’em. You, too?

  3. You’ve earned the nap, girl!
    And thanks for the picture so we can see that, yes, both you a nd brandiwriter most definately DO exist!

    So glad things fell into place up north for you. Must have been all the e-world cheering. (Your hard work and determination had a little to do with it as well!)

    • Ooooh, I love your icon!!!

      Thanks for your kind words of support, Lisa. I am very gratified by how things turned out. It’s not officially over yet, but I can see the finish line in sight. YAY!

  4. I love the pics. People never look the way you imagine they do.

    You look like you’re about to do the happy dance in the second photo. And rightly so. Big hug and congrats, Melodye!

    • I’m glad you like the pictures. I’ve posted a few photos posted on my blog before, but I’ve never seen one of Meg.

      I was having a hard time sitting still for that picture; I WAS doing the happy dance!

  5. You totally are radiating in the second photo! Such great news! Congrats again!

    Oh, maybe in the fall we can get together. It’s hard right now with my five year old. By then you’ll probably have an agent and your book picked up by some prestigous publisher.

  6. Congratulations on a great job!
    And thanks for posting the pictures. It’s great to see you and Meg together. Wish I could have joined you!

  7. A huge congratulations and a Thank You to Melodye! I’ve been lurking on your blog and have found this whole saga to be very moving. You have worked hard to get this passed and you must be relieved and thrilled. I hope you get some rest.

    • Thank you so much, Jennifer. I am, indeed, relieved and thrilled. And very, very tired. I think I can rest much more easily now that the major hurdles are behind me.

      Hope you post to your blog soon; I’d love to read what YOU’RE up to, as well. 🙂

  8. Congrats

    Congratulations! What fabulous news!

    You and Meg are adorable! I’m glad you had a good time. (love the new user pic by the way!)

    • Re: Congrats

      Thanks, Kim! I’m really, really happy about the way things are turning out.

      Hey, thanks, too, for the feedback on the user pic. Might as well, since I just got a haircut and all. Meg says I look like Cathy Rigby, but I think that’s because I’m short. =:)

      • Re: Congrats

        Okay, I did notice that you are short. I’m 5 feet tall (5′ 1/4″ if I want to push it). We short people need to stick together!

        • Re: Congrats

          Well, compared to you, at 5’2, I’m almost a giant. LOL

          And yes, we do need to stick together, if only to make ourselves more visible!

  9. Thanks for the update – I hope the bill has smooth sailing from here on out.

    Fun pictures too, and I like your new user pic!

    • I appreciate your ongoing support!

      I love seeing pictures on LJ blogs; it’s so much fun to see the faces behind the posts. It was great seeing Beachalatte (Meg) in person, and I thought you might enjoy that, too. 🙂

      • You’re welcome, and you’re right – I did enjoy the pictures :0)

        I have real pictures on my website, and I’m having fun with the cartoon sruble on LJ.

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