Finally, the finish line of AB 2165’s legislative marathon is just around the corner. And if yesterday’s vote is any indication, it seems (dare I say it?) justice will soon be taking a victory lap.
Here are the final mileposts to passage:
August 16 (yesterday): The California Senate passed unanimously California Assembly Bill 2165!
On or after August 18 (likely, next Monday): The California Assembly will conduct a floor vote, to indicate the Assembly’s concurrence with the Senate. (It’s likely a pro forma vote, but please keep this in your thoughts.)
Within 12 days of the Assembly vote, Governor Schwarzenneger must sign or veto the bill.
The L.A .Times has been holding its story on the bill pending the Senate vote, but the reporter told me it should be in print any day now. And USA Today promises a follow-up to their initial article once the bill’s on the way to the Governor.
Great job Melodye!
And all that success on top of reworking your NF proposal and finding an agent in the midst of it all.
Congratulations and continued success!
Re: Congrats!
Thanks, Sacha! It’s certainly been a wild, wild ride.
That’s great news, Melodye!
Keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes according to plan.
Thanks! Every digit-crossing counts.
Super news. How cool will it be when it’s signed. I’ll be checking back for the update.
Believe me, it won’t be any secret that it’s signed, when it happens. I’m sure you’ve figured that one out by now.
Congratulations! Welcome to the home stretch. I’m confident that this will breeze through, with all of your hard work. I hope the champagne is chillin’!
Yep — I’ve got a special bottle cooling in the ‘frig.
Do I dare sigh yet???? When is this a done deal for REALSSS????
Get ready to exhale…but hold your breath just a tinybitlonger. For sure, it’ll all be over by then end of the month — Gov’s signature included, God willing.
(Signing an idea into law takes LOTS of time and energy, I’ve found!)
I’ll feel relieved when it’s all over. For now, though, it’s good to stop for a mini-celebration, in honor of this latest victory. Yay — and thanks for celebrating with me!
I am so thrilled for you Melodye
When you come back up here to celebrate, we have to meet up again!
Absolutely! I’m counting on it, Meg!!!
our fingers are crossed for you and everyone who’s worked on this bill! i just read your link to the USA today article. seeing what the baltimore ravens get away with, i’m really happy to see this bill goint through. i worked in politics for 7 years and it takes so long to pass a law – but this feeling as you get close is amaaaazing!!!
Thank you so much! I appreciate that you understand how difficult, but important, this is.
Actually, I’ve been working on this one alone — other than the support of the bill’s author, Assemblyman Jay La Suer, that is.)
working on this alone????? that’s a lot of lobbying and organizing! congratulations and I toast many mimosas to you for just that part!! well done. i’ve been part of groups of established organizations in DC (i.e. the AFL-CIO w/ 14 million members and millions+ of dollars) or groups at the state level unable to achieve that….it’s remarkable what one person can do.
Re: alone??
“it’s remarkable what one person can do”
Especially a mother bear whose cub has been injured! LOL
Thank you for your many kind words — and for the mimosa toasts! =:)
And do you gfet to shake the governor’s hand? Maybe a little hug? Peck on the cheek?
In any case, great job!!
We’re trying for a signing ceremony, but I’m not sure that’ll happen. It’d be great to have a photo and the signing pen, though…I’d give both to my son, as symbols of what we’ve accomplished and (more importantly) what he’s overcome.
Way to go!!