Fashion’s slippery slope

Meryl Streep won best actress honors for her brilliant, boss-from-hell homage to Anna Wintour in “The Devil Wears Prada.”  Again, as always, it’s all about the shoes.

Nevertheless, it’d be a cold day in h*ll before I’d pull on a pair of Yaktraks over my Manolos! A girl has to hold tight that fine line between form and function, no? I didn’t even know they existed until my Birkenstock-wearing son, who lives near Seattle, casually mentioned he might buy a pair (*inward wince*).

Come to think of it, what sort of fashionable footwear’s best suited for this inclement weather? Here in Orange County, the citrus may be freezing, but indoors and in the evenings, my Ugg-swaddled tootsies are not. By mid-afternoon, our temps are hitting mid-60’s, warm enough to brave the elements in a pair of Roxy flip-flops.

I’m sending warm thoughts to those of you who are affected by the freezing weather. If you must be out and about, please be careful. Maybe today’s not such a good day to be prancing around in those Pradas….


  1. I have one pair of sandals, which I wear year round. Never have to think about shoes that way! i ahve to admit, once or twice of late my toes have felt cool, though I tell myself to enjoy it–it will be sweaty weather all too soon again.

    What has amused me about fellow southern Californians is seeing people use beach towels to cover their more delicate patio plants. I feel horrible about the citrus freeze, tho.

  2. I’m at work, so I couldn’t check out all the links, but we all have fashion that we are frightened by, or at least I do! I can only assume that the shoe-like objects you linked to are hideous :0)

    It’s cold here today, but it’s about 95 in my office (not kidding) so I’m dressed for warmer weather.

    • YakTraks…have you heard of ’em? Me, either, ’til my son told me about them. They’re the equivalent of tire chains for the soles of your shoes. I practically fell off my chair, laughing.

      Office buildings are always either too hot or too cold, am I right?

        • *Seizes on a topic worthy of procrastination, er, further discussion*

          At what point (age, habitat, or weather condition) should we compromise fashion for functionality? Discuss.

      • I’ve seen shoes like that in a catalog – not sure if they were the same brand. I think if you live in the land of snow and ice it might be an idea. But otherwise, they would look really silly.

        I don’t want to live in the land of snow and ice (I grew up there – brrr!), so I don’t think I would ever get those shoes.

        Yes, office buildings are impossible temperature wise. But I have to say that trying to work in the tropics is a bit much. There wasn’t even a breeze today to help. I can’t wait for the AC to come back on 😉

  3. Okay, seriously. Those things are ridiculous. It’s like having chains on your tires. Which I also think is silly – and wrecks the roads. Just get all weather tires if you live where it snows. Yeesh.

    Oh to wear sandals all year round. What a luxury. I haven’t seen flip flops since early September. Sigh.

      • Um, it’s called balance 😉

        Seriously, you just walk more cautiously. I don’t even wear boots most days. I don’t know, maybe if you were a jogger or something those strange little foot spikes would be handy, but usually the sidewalks are so bumpy with snow and ice that most people jog indoors. Anyone who works outdoors just wears winter boots.

        • As far as the fashion footwear thing, well, we all still try to get away with the cute little heels and such, but then you kind of look like morons anyway walking into the restaurant or bar all hanging on to each other for dear life.

          • lol!

            Long ago, in my personal Gulag days, I lived where snow and ice reigned (rained?) supreme. I’d just moved from the O.C., so I only had high-heeled shoes…landed flat on my butt more times than I can count. Winter weather, not for me!

  4. YakTraks? Manolos? I’ve got no idea… give me a pair of Nike’s and I’m good to go. I’m a simple boy. Maybe I’m not such a fashion plate, but damn if I’m not comfortable.

    I’m sending warm thoughts to those of you who are affected by the freezing weather

    Does that include those of us in Long Beach where it was in the 40’s last night???? 🙂

    • Comfort makes its own statement, no? I get that. 🙂

      Yeah, waaaah on the 40-degree temps in Long Beach! I don’t think you or I will garner any sympathy from our East Coast friends.

      • Or your northern friends either 😉

        Today it was a balmy 20 F (and I know you think I’m joking about the balmy, but on the weekend it was -26 F!)

      • Or your northern friends either 😉

        Today it was a balmy 20 F (and I know you think I’m joking about the balmy, but on the weekend it was -26 F!)

      • LOL…. yes, comfort makes its own statement. I think it says, “Damn, I’m cold.” 🙂

        I don’t think you or I will garner any sympathy from our East Coast friends.

        Well that’s okay, it’s all about the West Coast anyway. 😉

    • Comfort makes its own statement, no? I get that. 🙂

      Yeah, waaaah on the 40-degree temps in Long Beach! I don’t think you or I will garner any sympathy from our East Coast friends.

  5. YakTraks? Manolos? I’ve got no idea… give me a pair of Nike’s and I’m good to go. I’m a simple boy. Maybe I’m not such a fashion plate, but damn if I’m not comfortable.

    I’m sending warm thoughts to those of you who are affected by the freezing weather

    Does that include those of us in Long Beach where it was in the 40’s last night???? 🙂

  6. Today was a day for the $7.50 Payless shoes, but before you go getting all crazy on me, know that I wear these shoes all the time, not just on inclement weather days. I love Payless.

  7. Thanks to Sex and the City, I know about Manolos, and I covet a pair….but they’re far out of my price range and neatly placed in my dream range.

    We’re waiting for snow here – and it’s boiling hot inside. Soon as I get home, I’m barefoot. At work, it’s my low heeled black leather boots made perfectly for this weather and my cozy winter coat….

  8. Melodye, I bought that movie for myself for Christmas, and watched it today for the first time

    You always are “in the same zone” or something or another with me
    I love that.
    I simply love that.

    Thank you for this post.
    I needed.. .just to know my Melodye was out there!

    • Isn’t the movie great?

      I love that we connect as we do, too, Meg. You are such a vibrant spirit…Your rays of sunlight beam all the way down here and into my heart. 🙂

    • Isn’t the movie great?

      I love that we connect as we do, too, Meg. You are such a vibrant spirit…Your rays of sunlight beam all the way down here and into my heart. 🙂

  9. Now that’s a perfect reason to consider function over form, if ever I heard one! Good thinking.

    You should totally post a photo of your YakTraks affixed to those high heels. I have trouble picturing it…it’d be a cultural study for your friends from SoCal and the Deep South. 🙂

  10. Now that’s a perfect reason to consider function over form, if ever I heard one! Good thinking.

    You should totally post a photo of your YakTraks affixed to those high heels. I have trouble picturing it…it’d be a cultural study for your friends from SoCal and the Deep South. 🙂

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