1. Anonymous

    Definitely a treasure!

    I’ve been missing an old photo album for years now, and it’s killing me.

  2. Anonymous

    I’ve been meaning to see the flowers for several years now, but haven’t done it yet…

    Yes, the museum is right by Legoland. It’s small, but full of interesting displays and instruments you can try out.

  3. Anonymous

    Looking at something in black and white makes you see it in a new way. I love those old fashioned dresses you and your sister are wearing. Thanks for posting the photo.

  4. Oh, this is a treasure! I’m so glad you found it and shared it with us, Melodye. It makes me wonder what that sweet little you of long ago was thinking about. 🙂

    • Truth be told, I was probably wondering how long it’d be before I could kick off those ill-fitting, hand-me-down cowboy boots. Boy howdy, they were pinchy! 🙂

  5. Anonymous

    bAiJd YAk xaOF

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