Yesterday, the self-proclaimed “Educator in Chief” provided the press corps with a real-time, “show, don’t tell” lesson about his character. You know, kinda like the Great Teacher, who famously used parables to make a point, but with an action hero and an oversized Tonka Toy tossed in for good measure.
Here, a Newsweek reporter tells the story:
“Touring a Caterpillar factory in Peoria, Ill., the Commander in Chief got behind the wheel of a giant tractor and played chicken with a few wayward reporters. “I would suggest moving back,” Bush said as he climbed into the cab of a massive D-10 tractor. “I’m about to crank this sucker up.”
As the engine roared to life, White House staffers tried to steer the press corps to safety, but when the tractor lurched forward, they too were forced to scramble for safety.”Get out of the way!” a news photographer yelled. “I think he might run us over!” said another. White House aides tried to herd the reporters the right way without getting run over themselves. Even the Secret Service got involved, as one agent began yelling at reporters to get clear of the tractor.
Watching the chaos below, Bush looked out the tractor’s window and laughed, steering the massive machine into the spot where most of the press corps had been positioned. The episode lasted about a minute, and Bush was still laughing when he pulled to a stop. He gave reporters a thumbs-up. “If you’ve never driven a D-10, it’s the coolest experience,” Bush said afterward.”
They must have simplified the driving mechanisms. or maybe he’s, ah, good at handling his joystick?
Hey, you just made me spew a mouthful of coffee!
or maybe he’s, ah, good at handling his joystick?
Probably not near as good at handling his joystick as Condi is. 😉
tea all over the keyboard!
Whaaaat? Like you haven’t heard the rumors that Bush and Condi are riding the hobby horse. 😉
Ew. Ew. EW. But then I;ve just never been into bestiality–even with chimps.
OK, you two behave now! This post’s about the President riding a TRACTOR, remember?!
Well yes, but we’ve hijacked it and turned it into a post about the Preznit riding a CONDI! 🙂
Ooooohhh… Better hope Chimpy doesn’t read this. I’m sure he’d send you off to Gitmo in a heartbeat for talking about his Sugar Mama like that.
Even toyingly, do you see how they have tried to frighten and silence people?
I joke about it because I’m acutely aware of the drift towards fascism this country has endured and I don’t want to scream every minute of every day. I’m very aware of how our right to speak out, among other freedoms, have been stifled by this “President.” Trust me, I’m very aware even though I make light of it.
As for impeachment… I have to say that I’m against it. I don’t think that impeachment is the answer and I think it would be little more than a symbolic gesture at this point. Especially if you weren’t able to impeach Cheney as well. I’m against it for a few reasons. First, it would bog this country down and shut the government down completely. It would prevent the new Democratic majority (I love hearing that) from doing the work we sent them there to do. Secondly, what specifically are you going to charge him with? What impeachable offenses can you prove? Oh sure, the House can draw up articles of impeachment, but we don’t have any specific evidence in hand to convict him in a Senate trial. Yes, we know he’s committed high crimes and misdemeanors. He’s absolutely worthy of impeachment. But what we know and what we can prove are two different things and we don’t any have solid, concrete evidence yet. Mostly because the Dems didn’t have the power to hold hearings and subpoena witnesses until this month. And since taking over, they’ve been holding hearings left and right. But until they come up with the smoking gun, until they have irrefutable proof of high crimes and misdeameanors, he’ll never be convicted in the Senate trial. It could be months before they develop some bulletproof evidence. And an impeachment trial could drag on for months beyond that. So we’re going to shut down our government to impeach him for the last 8 months in office? I would much rather see Congress grow a backbone and start trumping him at every turn. Some of the Republicans have already showed a willingness to work with the Democrats on some key issues. Wouldn’t it be better for the Congressional folk to work together to build a veto-proof majority, thus ensuring his lame duck status and render him impotent while still continuing to carry on the people’s business? I personally think so.
Hey now! See comment to Sartorias, below. 🙂
That icon is awesome. LOL…
Your icon is awesome too! Did you make it?
Thanks. But no, I had to ask a friend to make it for me. I’m not very… technologically gifted. lol… But I thought it very… timely.
HA! Boys’ toys sometimes are… 🙂
Too bad Bush doesn’t blog — this could be a winning entry in the BETTER THAN YESTERDAY prank contest.
Too bad Bush doesn’t blog
You’re assuming Chimpy can spell or knows how to use these here internets. I mean didn’t he just learn to use “The Google?” 😉
* Like maybe his intelligence?
Ummmmmm… his what? I’ve known doorknobs with more intellectual acuity. 🙂
* Like maybe his intelligence?
Ummmmmm… his what? I’ve known doorknobs with more intellectual acuity. 🙂
Am I the only one who sees a metaphor here? Replace the press corps with the American people, and I’d say it’s pretty apt.
ACtually, replace the press corps with the whole freaking world.
Nope, you’re not…that’s exactly what I read into it!!!
I was going to say:
Substitute the word ‘tractor’ for ‘policy in Iraq.’
What a doofus cowboy.
It’s a perfect metaphor, isn’t it? Sadly so.
EXACTLY. Exactly.
What a creep
Playing with his itty bitty toys.
It *is* creepy, in a playground bully kind of way.
Yup. Bulldozing his way wherever he wants…
I’m Canadian. I’m amazed, shocked and flabbergasted that the Americans managed to allow that idiot back into the White House a second time. (The first time, he wasn’t really elected; he stole the election.)
He knew exactly what he was doing. I’ll bet the press corp will heed a warning the next time they see him behind the wheel of a tractor. I’ll bet he was having a good time seeing the press corp scattering like a bunch of ruptured ducks in a hail storm. Sorry I didn’t get to see it. Would have been a hoot and a holler.Remember Dukakis in the tank?
You know, that kind of behavior could get you fired in real life. Especially if you’ve never driven one of those things before. I’m 5’3″ and actually got to stand in the bucket of a front-loader (don’t know how many tons it was, but it was substantial) and rode in it for a short distance. The upper teeth of that bucket were shoulder-height. The cab itself … you have to climb a mountain to get to it. And once you take off the brake, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, it will lurch forward pretty quickly.
Truman wouldn’t have pulled a stunt like that. Of course, he actually *knew* how to run farm equipment, too. He wouldn’t have unleashed a 36-ton machine on the reporters; he would have unleashed Plutarch quotes instead. Those were the days!
Excellent point…bullying is for those who don’t have the power, intelligence, and fortitude for a fair fight.
You’re right: this isn’t the first time he’s done something like this. I have no idea why the media gives him a ‘pass’ for this bullying behavior.
Dukakis in the tank? *winces*
OMG! My husband was telking me about this! I just can’t stand that man. I can just hear his stupid laugh now/
Excellent icon choice for this thread! And your points are well-taken. Blergh on having a president act like such an ass.
This reminds me of the M*A*S*H episode where Frank Burns drives a tank to impress Margaret and sends everyone running for cover.
Oh, yeah…I remember that. But I *laughed* when I saw that episode; when I read this, I cringed.
Have you noticed how many people despise this BullDozer?
It appears he is donning more protective gear for his faux bulldozer ride than our young soldiers get to wear while getting massacred in Bush’s War on America that Started in Iraq.
Has this man no shame?
It’s so not funny anymore.
It’s OUR House
You’d evict your own Aunt Tilly on less charges!
It is not funny at all. It feels like we’ve got crazy-drunk Uncle Joe over for dinner, and he’s ruining everyone’s night — plus destroying everything that’s not nailed down while he’s at it. Someone, anyone, please kick him out of the house!
sick feeling in pit of stomach….
I’ve been out of the loop and didn’t know about this…ahhhh!
We’ve got a sick ol’ guy in the White House.
I can just see his “I’m just joshin’ ya!” shoulder shaking laugh as he’s doing this.
Blech! We deserve so much better than this guy….
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