Good morning, everyone! I’m so, so glad to be here again! Once again, I must ask your indulgence: My blogging legs are kind of wobbly, and I’m trying to gain traction again with WITNESS. I’m feeling a bit awkward after so much time away from both, so I’ll appreciate any insights or suggestions you’re wiling to offer.
It’s been a frazzling few weeks, I won’t lie. But as with Felix and his Magic Bag of Tricks, I’ve collected a handful of routines that help keep me relatively sane. First, my fitness plan. I’ve made it to the gym several times a week, and I’ve enjoyed an occasional yoga classes, plus horseback riding lessons. FUN! I’m also feeding myself well. It’s no secret that I’m not superwoman. This stuff comes easier for some. But when I falter, I pick myself up and try again. No judgment, just a compassionate reminder to myself that good nutrition (along with regular exercise) helps fuel everything else.
Equally important (at least for me): I’ve not let go of my voice lessons. They helped me stay centered –mind, body, and spirit–even when situations (and people) throw me off-kilter. Again and again, I’m reminded of the power that comes of using one’s voice….the inward strength (peace!) that comes of making a joyful noise, even when the world filled with cacaphonous, ear-splitting noises.
I’ll let Stevie Wonder play me off the LJ stage today, with a soulful rendition of HIGHER GROUND…the song I’m working on now. It harkens me back to Thomas Whitfield’s HIGHER GROUND, a prayerful hymn I loved singing as a child. Then, as now, it lifts my spirits.
Thanks, AM! It feels really good to be home.
your posts are always so lovely. You have a wonderful spirit!
You are so sweet to say that! I’m definitely a work in progress. 🙂
So very happy to see you here, Melodye! And I’m very glad you kept up with those voice lessons. Hard to put a price on something that gives you that kind of peace and strength.
I’m really glad to see you, too, Amy!!!
My voice teacher is incredible…so talented, encouraging and kind! Even when I’m not feeling motivated, I feel better for having shown up, y’know? I learn something new about music (and myself!) every time I have a lesson. And without exception, I come away with a song in my heart. 🙂
It’s great that you kept up with the voice lessons. When something gives you peace it must be always in your life.
Yes, yes, yes! You said it right, Anabel! I’m challenged by the lessons in every way. In return for my efforts (sometimes, just showing up is the hardest part), I receive innumerable gifts–chief among them, peace & joy.
Melodye, glad you are feeding yourself with good food, horseback riding(!), and joyful noises.
The transitions back to a quiet computer are always tough, so I’m glad you’re being patient with yourself. But we are here to keep you company! I’m on the porch today with wild geranium and roses at my elbow, and Jama’s coconut-macademia tea, iced. The dogs are hot and sleepy. I’ve got a swim scheduled for later this afternoon to keep me going, and would be so happy if you join me in cyber space.
I’m going to a three day writing retreat in two weeks, and not only will that be good writing time, but I want to have a solid piece done to bring with me to nudge along. Such retreats, if I can manage a few times a year, are great not only for the work done there, but in anticipation and afterglow. So if you can arrange something like that, perhaps a few dedicated days sometime?
Pouring you tea…
I’m lucky in that I get to focus on the things that feed me well. And I never lose sight of the fact that it wasn’t always that way. I pray that I never lose my sometimes-overwhelming sense of awe and gratitude for the gifts I’ve been given.
High on the list: friendships with people like you! Your day sounds wonderful, and I’d be delighted to tag along. Thanks for the tea AND the invitation! xoxo
I’d also like to arrange a retreat of sorts. I’ve been considering that lately, in fact. I do wish I knew someone in this area who’d want to accompany me, but maybe for now I should just think about having a solitary retreat? It’s not my style, per se, but I’m thinking I’d accomplish a lot if I didn’t have the day to day distractions. Plus, as you said, there’s much to be gained from the preparation, the activities themselves, and the feeling of accomplishment that comes of both. Hmmm…
I’m so happy to see you back around and I’m so happy to see you doing such wonderful things for your mind, body and soul. Your presence has definitely been missed around here!!! So nice to see you back. 🙂
I’ve really missed you guys. And I’m looking forward to catching up with you, Kevin!! How’s the writing coming???
And we’ve really missed you!
The writing is going good actually. Now that I’ve been bounced out of Idol, I have the time to focus all of my energy on a sooper seekrit project that I’m *SUPER* excited about!!! 🙂
Re: synchronicity
We’re singing the same song again, I’m not surprised, and dancing to the same beat. 🙂
I like the idea of raising the volume, of giving voice to positive songs. So yeah, let’s banish those baddies to the farthest, darkest reaches of the landfill, shall we? No good comes of keeping junk music in our repertoire.
I think that’s a good song choice for you. Hope you reach your Higher Ground with Stevie’s help! 🙂
(catching up on an old post here)