1. I love Collins in general, and that poem in particular (along with a good dozen or so others). Instead of something being the mother of invention, it’s the niece of inspiration – derivative & subordinate, instead of creative. Brilliant.

    Still, I need to clear some detritus myself. Which includes a rather thorough cleaning of the entire house. Alas.

    • I thought you, of all people, might notice that poetry-averse Melodye found inspiration in a poem. 🙂

      Alas on all the housecleaning chores; I sympathize, I truly do. But we’ll feel much better–breathe easier, step more confidently, think more deeply–when the clutter’s cleared away.

    • Happy clearing out to you, too! It’s a lot more fun, now that I know I’m not alone in doing this.

      Yay for everyone who’s brave enough to de-clutter, clean and polish our spaces, whatever that means to/for each of us.

  2. I can’t write if my desk is too messy. I’ve still got a long way to go to clear out the piled-up boxes from moving. When I do tackle the shredding and sorting it feels good. My problem is a lack of storage space. I think we’ll be visiting Ikea soon…

    • I read it that way, too. Given that it’s poetry, I’m guessing it’s open to literal *and* figurative interpretations.

      Random thought: If you employ a housekeeper, can you off-load that mind de-cluttering, too? 😉

  3. but I think Collins might be giving a playful nod to those of us with messy traits and/or elaborate writing rituals. Maybe he’s encouraging us to drop our mindless tasks, in favor of actual writing. (Do you read that or something different?)

    I think you’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head. It sounds a little tongue-in-cheek it does. Very sound advice. Here’s hoping that in 2011, I can clear off my physical/mental desk just enough to encourage those long rows of ants.

    Thanks for this, Melodye!!!

  4. I like that. Then again, while I’m not a neat-freak, I do tend to get overwhelmed and unmotivated when I’m surrounded by mess. It is a lot easier to get my work done when I’m in a clean environment.

  5. Isn’t that funny. I have been thinking about the very same thing. I am off this weekend and had already decided to clean-out the clutter and coordinate the mess. I want to start the new year with a bright yellow pencil of my own 🙂

    Thanks for sharing, Melodye. Love the photo BTW.

    • I like that I’m not alone in this…it’s a daunting task, all this decluttering & re-organizing!

      *wades into piles of clutter, bright yellow pencil held aloft*

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