Invading MySpace

“I’ve covered murders, grisly accidents, airplanes falling out of the sky and, occasionally, dirty politics. But in nearly two decades of journalism, nothing has made my insides churn like seeing what my 13-year-old daughter and her friends are up to on”

Column One in today’s LA Times follows a mother’s journey into the inner sanctum of MySpace and describes what she discovers there about her daughter’s world. 

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. From writing the genre to understanding the generation I’m writing about, I’ve got so much to learn about Young Adult fiction (YA). The article isn’t the end-all; it’s just one experience, one point of view. But it’s an important perspective to think about and one I can learn from. 

What do you think about MySpace and/or this article? I’d love to hear from you, if you’re willing to share what you know.

UPDATE: Thanks so much for all your comments! Just warming up to the subject? Take a peek at zeisgeist‘s latest blog.

Writing YA

This week, I’m beginning my foray into fiction; I’m working on an assignment for Laurenbarnholdt‘s Young Adult (YA) writing class. I’ve done some initial research on plot structure, character development, and dialogue (yada yada)  — hours of work so far, translated into four pages out of a requisite ten. I’m no YA prodigy, that much is already clear.

An article in this morning’s LA TImes is all about YA-writing prodigies of all ages, but it focuses its attention on teens authors who “write life as they live it,” in books intended for their peers. “Why let a bunch of middle-aged people tell you what it’s like to be an American teen,” reporter Josh Getlin asks.

Courtney Toombs, coauthor of The Notebook Girls, says few adults understand teens. “Your parents think you just get on the school bus in the morning and you sit in your class all day, and you go somewhere and you come back,” she says. “They don’t realize that you live this entire life that they really don’t know about.”  Oh yeah, that’s just what I needed to hear.

But can teen authors really write? This article says yes. “Teenagers, after all, are forever sending text and instant messages. They spend hours updating blogs and keeping online journals. The discipline that adult wannabes fight so hard to master in night classes and writing colonies — the need to write, write and write some more — comes effortlessly to many teens. For them, daily life on the Internet has become an almost natural prelude to the writing of short stories, essays and novels.”

One LJ friend makes her case: “Why should I have to wait years to get a book deal?” asked robbiewriter, author of the novel Better Than Yesterday, which will be published by Delacorte in 2007. “I mean, I’ve been writing since I was in the eighth grade. I felt that I had something to say.”

But some industry experts say teen writers are gifted exceptions. “Until our educational system gets better we won’t see much of this,” said E. Lockhart, who wrote The Boyfriend List (required  reading for Lauren’s class) and Fly on the Wall: How One Girl Saw Everything.”

I find Lockhart’s success story comforting. “It took me until I was at least 30 to write a publishable book,” she says, “and 38 to write a decent book.” “Some people are prodigies, God love them, but it’s not that common. Fiction takes time to do well.”

Some authors suggest that, when it comes to writing, it’s all about talent and discipline rather than age. “I don’t see a huge talent difference between one age group or another,” said Kaavya Viswanathan, author of How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life. “It all comes down to who has the dedication to sit down every day and put something on paper. It all starts from there.”

I’m trying out this genre of writing, mainly because it sounds like a lot of fun. It’ll encourage me to see the world from a different vantage point, and I believe it’ll improve my overall writing skills, too. But whatever an author’s age or reason for writing YA, there’s no doubt that there’s a market for good work. 

According to Getlin, “While revenue in other sectors of the book industry remains flat, YA is booming… A key reason for the success of YA books, which run the gamut from romances to mysteries, thrillers to self-help, religion to sports, is that there are far more teenagers than there were 15 years ago. They’re part of the 12- to 21-year-old demographic that spends a staggering $170 billion annually on entertainment, including books.” I gotta admit it: that’s motivation, too.

You can read the whole article here.

Watch This!

Close on the coattails of April Fools Day and Daylight Savings Time, there’s another landmark moment this month. Someone with apparently too much time on their hands has figured out that, at 1:02 tomorrow morning (Wednesday, April 5, 2006), the time and date will be 01:02:03, 04-05-06

If you’re a night owl who’s fascinated with numbers, you’ll want to synchronize your clocks right now, so you can celebrate the occasion at precisely the right time. But I’m an early-to-bed writer, so I’ll  probably sleep through this chronological quirk. 

Oh, and one more thing, way off topic. Though I usually don’t post about politics here, this morning I’d like to dedicate a song to (soon-to-be-former) Representative Tom Delay: It’s Hard Out There For A Pimp. Bwwaahahaha.

I’m Not Foolin’

Six random truths about me, revealed on April Fool’s Day:

  1. My father was an itinerant preacher – his cathedral, a two-thousand person tent. Ever seen “The Apostle,” with Robert Duvall? That’s a close-up view of my dad. One day, I might write short stories with similar scenarios, viewed through the eyes of a child.
  2. I once taught at an exclusive school for children of the wealthy and well-known (think Matthew Perry, the Portiers, the Hiltons). For Christmas that year, I unwrapped lots of luxe gifts, purchased at stores on Rodeo Drive by personal assistants, in mass quantities for me and the rest of the staff. Sentimental tokens of the students’ and parents’ affection for us teachers? On so many levels, not.
  3. I’ve been interviewed by Time magazine, for a lengthy feature article about an area of my expertise. That two-hour interview translated into a one-sentence quote, taken out of context, of course. Wasted: at least two of my fifteen minutes of fame.
  4. As celebration of a significant birthday (ahem, and don’t ask), I rode my Bianchi from Seattle to Portland. Just me and ten thousand other riders, biking 198.6 miles over the course of two days. I cherish the medal I got at the finish line, proof positive that I am far from the finish line of my life.
  5. I am the shiksa exemplar for the Yiddish word farblondjet: that is, I’m frequently lost, really lost. I’ve got a great moral compass, I think, but no geographic sense of direction at all. (And no, it’s not lost on me, the inclusion of ‘blond’ in that word.)
  6. Next week, I’m venturing into new territory, and already I feel a bit lost. I’m taking a YA fiction-writing class – for this nonfiction writer, a bit of a stretch. It’ll help hone my overall writing skills, though, so I’m excited about that. Learning new things makes me feel stupid sometimes, but I’ve rarely felt foolish for trying.

Wrong Genes for These Jeans

According to this morning’s LA Times, denim stretched super tight across your behind is once again front page fashion news. How tight? Really tight – in a Brooke Shields, nothing-comes-between-me-and-my-Calvins kind of way.

These are essentially updated ’80s leggings, a recycled trend with a denim twist. And though the designers won’t tell you, your common sense no doubt will: These jeans are probably best suited for a very narrow (forgive the pun) market. 

I’m not sure how this fad will play out in Peoria, but considering global diversity in, er, assets, I can already visualize how slight differences in hip and leg measurements will make huge differences in interpreting this fit. Don’t make me look. 

The thought of denim as compression garment for one’s legs and nether regions is, well, depressing. So while trend-spotters gush over tight white jeans for the men folk and purple drainpipe denim for women, you can definitely color me disinterested.

With regard to my wallet and this season’s It jeans, check it: I’m checking out.

Images of the Place I Call Home

alg has a great meme going on, so I decided I’d co-opt it, then change it up a little bit.

Here’s how it works: You ask to see a picture of something (or some place) in the area where I live, and I’ll post my photos to my blog. Take a peek at the real Orange County — through the lens of an LJ friend!

I realize I’m running the risk of suggesting an already-overexposed idea. So, if you’ve already seen enough of The O.C. or Laguna Beach, I’ll understand; just skip this post and move on.

Edenzdream asked for a beach shot, which was easy, as the ocean’s very close to my home. Here’s one my favorite vistas: a cliff overlooking Laguna Beach.

Since he asked for something frightening, I’m giving Jonstephens this picture of the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland — the smile-free corner of the Happiest Place on Earth.