I’m deeply honored to announce that my personal essay, "Luz," will be included in the Young Adult anthology, DEAR BULLY: 70 Authors Tell Their Stories (Harper Collins, summer/fall 2011).
My first (non-academic) publishing credit…a heartfelt contribution to a very worthwhile project. This issue is intimately important to me and all I stand for, so I can’t begin to express all the joy and gratitude I’m feeling in this moment.
(Why yes, those *are* teardrops on my keyboard, why do you ask?)
Great news. What a wonderful gift!
Thank you! I hope my little essay helps make a difference.
Oh Melodye!!!! I am so incredibly thrilled for you!!!! This is so amazing and so utterly awesome. I am SO proud of you. It’s a well deserved, well earned publishing credit. This is so awesome. Congratulations, my friend. *HUGS*
*hugs you back*
Thanks, Kevin! I’m grateful for your kind words and enthusiastic support. xo
Congratulations! Nothing like the thrill of that first creative publication! Enjoy the moment!
Thank you! I didn’t anything done yesterday…just a lot of pirhouettes around my office.
That is amazing, huge, huge congrats!
Who knew, when I took your YA-Writing class, that this would be the eventual outcome? Thanks for all you taught me back then…and even now.
Congratulations! That is fantastic news!
Thank you! I’m thrilled beyond words!
So thrilled for you. Congratulations, Melodye! YAY for YOU!!
Oh Jama, thank you! I’m so incredibly excited about this…my tummy’s doing cartwheels!
Thanks for celebrating with me, AM!
That is just wonderful!
Oooh, thanks for bringing your hummingbird icon to the party! Even more, I’m grateful for your kind words of celebration.
Congratulations Melodye!!! Wonderful news!
I’m so excited for you! Can’t wait to get this book too! Congrats!!!!!!
Thanks, Kim! This was a good week for both of us, wasn’t it? I’m honored to be celebrating with you.
Thanks so much, Lisa, for joining my little celebration. Love that you brought an enthusiastic group of revelers with you!
Yay! Congratulations!
Thanks, Terri!!! I appreciate your support so very much!
YEAH!!! Is this the anthology Carrie Jones is part of? So excited for you!
It is! I’m honored to be part of Carrie Jones and Megan Kelley Hall’s amazing project.
I’m so glad you’re here to help me celebrate!
Can’t think of anyone who deserves it more!
Oh Barb, you’re the best!!
I couldn’t be more happy for you, dear friend. Congratulations.
Thank you so much, ((Susan)).
I’m glad you brought Cassie with you to the party! 🙂
WOOHOO!!!!! I’m so happy for you!!!!!
WoooHooo is right! I can’t stop smiling! 🙂
What wonderful news! Congratulations, dear Melodye!
Thanks so much, Lorraine! I am so grateful for your friendship and encouragement.
YaY Melodye!
Thanks, Laura!! For once, I think Susan Miller got it right.
Yay for you. Definitely cause for a celebration!
Believe you me, I haven’t stopped celebrating since I heard the news. My stomach’s doing cartwheels, and I’m pirhouetting around the house like it’s Christmas morning.
Thank you for stopping by to share my celebration! xo
A big C O N G R A T S !
A huge HUG of THANKS!!
Melodye! I’m so very happy for you (and for those who will get to read your words)!
Thanks so much!
Hey, I like your new (?) icon. You look radiant in that photo.
Rose!! Thanks so much for your very kind words…for all your support, today and everyday.
What good news for I hope many readers!
Re: Joy!
Joy is the perfect word for this occasion, Jeannine! I’m ecstatic about this news, and I’m ridiculously happy that you–everybody–stopped by to celebrate with me.
Hurray is right! Thanks for stopping by to help me celebrate this great news.
That is so great! Speak loudly, against bullying. Proud to know you.
Thank you so much for your sweet words of support and encouragement.
It takes a chorus of voices to drown out the bully…It’s a privilege to be included in this effort.
Wow, that is AWESOME!
Be sure to give a shout when it comes out!
Thanks, Sherwood.
When it’s published, you can bet I’ll shout the news from the mountaintops!
I am buying that one for a couple of people!
Lovely 😀 Having read your touching (and well-written) account, I’m not surprised! I’m so glad others will get to read it, as well.
((Robin)) Thank you!
I’m so grateful for all the feedback you gave me as I worked through my (many) drafts. I’ve got no doubts it made a big difference.
Wonderful news! I can’t wait to read your essay! Congrats!
Mighty Dotificus!! Thanks so much for stopping by! The party’s a lot livelier, now that you’re here! 🙂 🙂
Melodye!!! I knew there was a reason I came to LJ for a quick peek. Congratulations, friend. Your story is beautiful and heartwrenching and uplifting, and I’m so proud of you for facing those memories and sharing them with others.
Wow. You’re amazing.
((Tracy)) Thanks so much for your kind words. They–YOU–mean more to me than you might realize.
I’m so glad you peeked in on LJ. If I hadn’t seen you here, I might have had to track you down, because the celebration wouldn’t have felt complete without you.
Thank you, Lauren!! (That icon? Looks exactly how I feel!)
Yahoo! :>)
I’m so glad you’re here, Christine, to help me celebrate! Thank you!!
Congratulations. That’s wonderful, and such a worthy topic.
Thanks, Karen! The topic is so very close to my heart, so I feel doubly blessed for having been selected.
Congrats! And for a great cause, too.
Thank you! It’s an incredibly important cause…one that’s very close to my heart. I’m over-the-moon happy about being included in this project.
Congrats to my California friend. I’m not surprised cause I have faith in your writing. Can’t wait for your book to hit the shelves. Take a few minutes to relish in the sunshine and enjoy your accomplishment.
Thank you, my Texas buddy, for your ongoing faith and support. How are YOU doing these days? I haven’t seen you much on LJ…
I am doing fine. Been busy but not a lot of time for LJ. I make a quick peek and then out. I do have a new post I think you will like. NOw I want to be political incorrect and wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and an even better New Years. I have a feeling your book in works will make it to the publisher and then on to the best sellers list. Keep up the work and always remember to smile and take in God’s handy work all around you.
YAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAY!!! OK, BOO for bullying; yeah for your essay acceptance! I’m so thrilled for you!!!
Boo yah!
Thanks for your kind words! It means a great deal to me that you’ve stopped by to share in my celebration. I’ll look forward to your review when the anthology hits the shelves.
Fall 2011 will be HUGE! 🙂
Congratulations! What wonderful news!
Thanks, Jenny!!
Have I told you how much I adore your bookcover? The image–artistry and thematic underpinning–is absolutely stunning.
Thanks, Melodye. A big shout out to my editor who did such a fantastic job on it. During the cover design process, she sent me the final two they were trying to decide between. I was equally pleased with them (they were very different!) and would have been very happy with either of them!
You must be so excited to be a part of this anthology. What a wonderful, important project.
Congratulations!! That is fantastic!!
Thank you, Sara! It’s so nice to see your smiling face at my party. 🙂
Re: YAY!
Oh my goodness…it’s The Tiara! *weeps*
Thank you, Cynthia. I’m choked up right now, so I trust you’ll interpret this big ol’ smile as a thank you.
Re: exciting!
Yes. This.
Here, in your lovely comment, lie the underpinnings of Luz.
(((Thank you!!)))
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!! I am so happy for you! Cheers! -Nancy
Nancy ~ Thanks so much!! I’m still dancing in the clouds about this news… 🙂
((THANK YOU!!!!))
Hooray! Congratulations, Melodye! I can’t wait to read this anthology.
Thanks so much, Jessica! It’s so amazing, this opportunity. I can’t wait to read everyone’s contributions.