I have you and a handful of other LJers tagged (from within LJ) to let me know when you have posted a new entry. I get an email with a couple of lines from the post. 🙂 I’m also reading you, even when I’m too crazy insane to post myself or respond to you.
Missing from this picture (but highly visible in the store): a multi-colored forest of shiny Christmas trees. Black, purple, pink, and turquoise…and last but not least, snow white!
I suspect it’s some combination of both. Can you even begin to imagine the conversation that must have occurred between the bookstore buyer and the manufacturer for Sparkly Purple Jesus??
Sadly, the line has disappeared completely. Nobody draws the line any more in anything… it’s anything goes, all in the name of money (or power) but, even though I think it’s backasswards, the corporate mentality is understandable.
What’s gets me is that there are people out there that would buy this crap. Not in my house!!
You bring up an interesting point here, K, which I’ve been mulling over since I first set eyes on sparkly purple Jesus. That is: Do you think someone deliberately designed these figurines to be offensive to some? Or were they perhaps influenced by their own cultural and/or creative sensibilities?
Anyway…I’d love to hear your thoughts, in whatever forum you choose to share them. (Same goes for anyone who wants to weigh in with an opinion.) xo
Hmmm, good question. I know us So. Califorians are tolerant of many things but this rubs me the wrong way. It could just be the artist being kind of Andy Warholish and showing his interpretation of Jesus. Or also a more subtle way of being offensive like those guys in LA who had mannequins of the the Pope hanging on their home on Halloween covered in blood. They said they didn’t ‘mean’ to offend but also said they didn’t believe in the Vatian and how they’d looked the other way with the molestation charges against priests. Neighbors were upset and offended. But the neighbors felt they did nothing wrong.
So I don’t know. Personally I think it’s tacky. I’d never buy one. But someone else might think differently.
WHAT is all that doing in a bookstore anyway. Is it part of some new book and toy packaging? I think Santa is the only one missing from the group. Oh my. We’ll do anything to make a buck.
Our Borders has a fairly large area in which journals, pens, toys, and tschotskies are displayed/sold. Not packaging, per se, but I’m imagining it’s another way to entice paying customers into the store. I understand the traditionalists’ point of view, but hey, if it keeps bookstores open during this economic downturn, I’m good with that.
It’s kitschy, I’ll give you that. 🙂
Oh my…
…[glittery] goodness!
Ouch. All they need are a few cherries on top.
Hmmm, maybe. But perhaps that’d be gilding the lily. 😉
Sweet Jesus, it’s the end of the world!
Yea, verily!
That is THE tackiest Mary I ever saw in my life!
Amen to that! I found it curious that Jesus bears the Immaculate Heart of Mary on his glittery purple chest.
Don’t doubt the ways of Sparkle Jesus, dude.
No doubt.
Just awe and wonderment, yo.
Hah hah! The coordinating penguins and flamingo are new, I think. And the deer with pearls…I think previous years they’ve only had boas. How refined!
Nothing says “navity” like pearl-draped reindeer and sparkly pink flamingos.
It’s Vegas Jesus! 🙂
Ha ha ha! It’s quite the creche, isn’t it?
it is! The flamingo is what made me think of Vegas the most though, lol!
*clutches pearls* Gracious me!
My eyes! My eyes! Help!
Grab your sunglasses! 🙂
Even though I KNEW what I was going to see I had to click over here. Ouch, my eyes. That is one scary display!
LOL, if it’s scary, it’s in a B-movie kind of way. *peeks through splayed fingers*
P.S. Whoa, are you prescient? Wondering how you knew what I’d posted…
I have you and a handful of other LJers tagged (from within LJ) to let me know when you have posted a new entry. I get an email with a couple of lines from the post. 🙂 I’m also reading you, even when I’m too crazy insane to post myself or respond to you.
YIKES! And what’s with those colorful glittery penguins?
Guessing here, but perhaps they followed the bright flourescent lights to the nativity scene? 😉
That’s in a BORDERS??? Where???
Although it could very well be here. It’s sort of a glittery blingy place.
SoCal. Orange County, to be more precise.
There must have been some fascinating conversations among bookstore buyers & product manufacturers!
Ugh. I saw purple and pink trees for sale at Borders, and that was eyesore enough.
Oh yeah….
Missing from this picture (but highly visible in the store): a multi-colored forest of shiny Christmas trees. Black, purple, pink, and turquoise…and last but not least, snow white!
Re: Oh yeah….
Because black and turquoise trees look totally natural… :>P
Re: Oh yeah….
And nothing says ‘Winter Wonderland’ quite like a metallic pink tree. 🙂
Re: needed it.
Goes to show: blessings don’t always arrive in brown paper wrappers. 🙂
Is it wrong that I am enjoying this so much?
If enjoying this is wrong, I don’t wanna be right. =;)
This is too awesome for words.
My thoughts exactly.
Now I have “We Three Penguins” playing in my head.
Hee! Who knew that penguins’ annual migrations were guided by a bright star in the East?
Jesus, is that you?
There is just something so wrong with all this! Either these people have a sick sense of humor or they really are that tacky!
Re: Jesus, is that you?
I suspect it’s some combination of both. Can you even begin to imagine the conversation that must have occurred between the bookstore buyer and the manufacturer for Sparkly Purple Jesus??
Oh, ICK. But yet, strangely fascinating. I can’t … seem … to look … away…
WOW! Just, wow.
“Oh, ICK. But yet, strangely fascinating. I can’t … seem … to look … away…”
Exactly! There’s a razor-thin line between fascinating and over-the-top. Some might say they’ve breached it. 😉
Tacky!! Tacky!! Tacky!!!
Lol, Sharon…tell us what you really think. 😉
I’ve seen flashy Buddhas in Borders, too. Wonder where it is that people draw the line…?
Sadly, the line has disappeared completely. Nobody draws the line any more in anything… it’s anything goes, all in the name of money (or power) but, even though I think it’s backasswards, the corporate mentality is understandable.
What’s gets me is that there are people out there that would buy this crap. Not in my house!!
Omigosh. That’s almost kind of sacrilegious!
You bring up an interesting point here, K, which I’ve been mulling over since I first set eyes on sparkly purple Jesus. That is: Do you think someone deliberately designed these figurines to be offensive to some? Or were they perhaps influenced by their own cultural and/or creative sensibilities?
Anyway…I’d love to hear your thoughts, in whatever forum you choose to share them. (Same goes for anyone who wants to weigh in with an opinion.) xo
Hmmm, good question. I know us So. Califorians are tolerant of many things but this rubs me the wrong way. It could just be the artist being kind of Andy Warholish and showing his interpretation of Jesus. Or also a more subtle way of being offensive like those guys in LA who had mannequins of the the Pope hanging on their home on Halloween covered in blood. They said they didn’t ‘mean’ to offend but also said they didn’t believe in the Vatian and how they’d looked the other way with the molestation charges against priests. Neighbors were upset and offended. But the neighbors felt they did nothing wrong.
So I don’t know. Personally I think it’s tacky. I’d never buy one. But someone else might think differently.
WHAT is all that doing in a bookstore anyway. Is it part of some new book and toy packaging? I think Santa is the only one missing from the group. Oh my. We’ll do anything to make a buck.
Our Borders has a fairly large area in which journals, pens, toys, and tschotskies are displayed/sold. Not packaging, per se, but I’m imagining it’s another way to entice paying customers into the store. I understand the traditionalists’ point of view, but hey, if it keeps bookstores open during this economic downturn, I’m good with that.
That said…Yeah, where’s Shimmering Santa??
I’m late to the party, but that does take my breath away!
LOL, it seems to have that effect on people. *hyperventilates into paper bag* 😉
(I just now so your comment–sorry for not responding to it before now! LOVE your angel-doll icon, by the way.)