For the past week, I’ve been on the East Coast, visiting family and friends in Connecticut and New York. Instead of an essay on all the things I did (and avoided doing) on my trip, here’s a random list of six:
1. Ambled down country roads lined with Victorian-style homes, horse pastures, and wildflowers on the days spent in Sharon; bustled down crowded, cracked sidewalks and into tiny consignment shops in NYC.
2. Fell asleep to the deliciously unfamilar sound of silence in Sharon — and to the blaring horns of taxicabs and wailing ambulance sirens in New York City.
3. Ate split pea soup at a cottage diner in Stockbridge, Massachusettes with my family, and met Robbiewriter for lunch at Balthazar, a famous French bistro in New York City.
4. Visited the Random House building and met Robyn Schneider’s editor, Jodi, and tried not to look too awestruck as the two of them discussed edits, galleys and author photos for her upcoming YA novel, Better Than Yesterday.
5. Nursed blisters I got while running for subways, traipsing through the Columbia and Barnard campuses, diving in and out of boutiques, and jaywalking across SoHo streets. (How it is that Carrie Bradshaw could do all that while wearing Manolos, while I couldn’t manage it in flats?)
6. Finished first-draft revisions of my own nonfiction work in progress, which I hope to polish up over the next several days and send out to potential agents by the end of this week.
The Connecticut branch of my family lives on almost 60 acres in the hills abutting the Berkshires. Here’s what their property looks like before the sun burns off the morning mist:
Seems like everyone’s been posting overtime in my absence, so it’ll take me a while to catch up with all y’all. Meantime, please let me know if there’s something going on that I shouldn’t miss!
How lovely! It sounds like a perfect break! I’m heading for the northeast on the 23rd – can’t wait! And here is a link to a photo blog in Sharon, if you’re interested!
It was perfect in many ways — just as I’m sure your sister’s visit is, as well.
Have you been to the northeast before? What stops do you have planned on your journey across the pond?
Thanks for the Sharon photo blog link!
What a wonderful trip–you got everything from cosmo culture to country living! Hope you’re feeling rested and ready to tackle your project.
Good luck with the agent search!
Yep, it was a wonderfully contrasted set of adventures — just what we wanted and needed.
Thanks so much for the good wishes. I’m ready to write again, and I’m looking forward to sending out queries and submissions!
gorgeous view!!!!!!!!!
Isn’t it? It’s so amazing to think about waking up to that, day after day, season after season. In autumn, the foliage is spectacular — oranges, yellows, and reds blaze a brilliant path across the hillsides.
I love the sound of silence and jaywalking across SoHo streets (We did it in London’s SoHo).
Great view in the picture. Who new Connecticut had anything to offer besides the best high school education?
Now take that revised manuscript of yours and go searching…Agent! Agent! Agent! Agent!
Connecticut is exquisitely beautiful and oh-so-historical. In many ways, it’s the antithesis of Orange County. I love it there for precisely the opposite reasons I love where I live.
I’m back at work on my manuscript this morning. I’ve got my eyes on the publishing prize.
I love the smell of end rhymes in the morning.
ha ha. Even when they’re unintentional?
Especially so.
And get back to writing. *You too, Jon* Yeah, me too. The whole day is ahead of us.
New goal: 1,500 words for me today.
how perfectly lovely and how deserved!
Thank you, Meg. We needed the respite (and the excitement!), which we got in spades!
Sounds like a wonderful trip–you didn’t tell me you were in CT!
I was in Sharon — I don’t think that’s near you, is it? Otherwise, I would have tried to connect with you. I’ll be back in October, though, and would love to meet you in person then!
Cute icon, btw. Any reason for it, other than the fact that it’s adorable?
That’s our ghost squirrel that hangs out at our birdfeeder–email me in October!
That’s just stunning. I miss the NE and far eastern Midwest. (Especially when it’s a million degrees outside.)
Sounds like your trip was really wonderful–
How it is that Carrie Bradshaw could do all that while wearing Manolos…
Because SJP is a freak of nature? Eh, console yourself with the fact that she’ll probably have crippled feet by the time she’s fifty.
I never said I was nice or anything! Sheesh. 😛
LOL — but I was hobbling about on crippled feet after walking around in sensible flats!
Though I do love Southern California, I could totally see myself having a second home in the NE. It feels so welcoming to me, in so many ways.
Speaking of stunning…I’ll send you an email about your WIP. I *devoured* it on the trip.
Devoured? Meep! Oh, I am seriously all a’twitter now. Can’t wait for your email. 🙂
Yes, *devoured* — yum!
I sent you an email just now. =:)
What a view!!! It sounds like you had a well-deserved week of family, friends, and fun! We’re glad you came home to us, though. 🙂
Aw, thanks, Brandi! It feels good to be home (on LJ and in the OC).
I’m getting geared up for another trip to Sacramento on Tuesday, so let’s catch up by phone after that, OK? Looking forward to it!
Sounds like you had fun. I can’t even imagine what it was like to actually go to an publishing house in New York and look at galleries, ARC, etc. So exciting.
I loved the photo. I’ve never been back East but heard it’s a place to visit.
Oh, yes, you simply MUST go back East! There’s so much to see and do, and it’s worlds away (literally and figuratively) from where you are now.
What a lovely trip you had, and very productive. That photo is breathtaking! You have a second career as a landscape photographer, dear.
Thanks, but I think it’s the subject matter more than the camera holder that’s made the difference in this shot. Beautiful, isn’t it?
No news here except I’m glad you’re back!
I’m glad to see you here, too. Hope you’re doing well! Drop me a line when you can…
Sounds like you had a great time and the picture is breathtaking..what a view! NeW England is so picturesque. i’ve lived here my whole life..beautiful, that is, when it is not raining for days on end…which is what it has been doing here in Mass. At least i got to see the sun at 7pm tonight through the window at Old Country Buffett.
Beautiful view! Imagine my surprise when I read your blog and saw Sharon, CT and Stockbridge MA mentioned. The Berkshires are my stomping grounds as I have relatives from Stockbridge/Glendale/Great Barrington to Adams/North Adams/Savoy/Florida on the Mohawk Trail. Ever been to Chesterwood? My grandfather was the caretaker for Daniel Chester French and I used to play hide and seek among the statues at Chesterwood as a child. I even have some of his sculpting tools.
And my good friends and neighbor from Vermont moved to Sharon,Ct. Fred Stimpson was the Episcopal minister in Sharon for many years.
Small world!
I’ve not been to Chesterwood specifically, but I’ve been through it a few times. I’m not a native Northeasterner, but my husband is. BUT I love that area. It’s so…idyllic!
Now that I know you live in the area, I’ll have to let you know next time I’m back there. I’d love to meet you in person!
Please email me anytine as I’d love to get together. However I’m in south central Vermont near the Conneciticut River not CT, although as I said I have relatives scattered all through the Berkshires. My aunt who lived in Hartford,CT for years and years has recently moved to Florence,MA
You were in CT
and you didn’t visit MOI!???
Re: You were in CT
What?! Oh no…Did I miss out on a great opportunity or what?! I didn’t know/remember you lived in CT, or else I would have made arrangements to connect with you there. Do you live anywhere close to Sharon (in the far NW corner of the state)?
Next time, for sure!!
Glad to hear from you on your LJ! I was wondering what you were up to (not that I should talk). Sounds like you had a great trip!
Sounds like it was a wonderful trip, and the picture is beautiful – it looks so peaceful and relaxing there!