1. You are the organized version. . . .

    You need to go back and re-read that journal entry I did with the loose outline (I just replied to your question about the midbook reversal in a comment.) I edited it to point to several ultra-organized people’s posts about their Storyboards. If you need an outline, then maybe the way you work is closer to theirs than to the pantsers’. They have the outline down to an obsessively organized form! Pooks, Candace, and whoever that other person is all use a piece of foamboard and tack scene cards to it and then rearrange the scene cards and play with things before writing. I could never DO that, but maybe it would be just the ticket for you. Go look.

    My journal apparently serves as my memoir.

    • Re: You are the organized version. . . .

      I’ll definitely re-read that entry. And hey, thanks for the answer about reversals. That really helped.

      I’m not so anal-retentive — er, organized — as to need a story board and color-coded cards. But I do think it’ll be easier to write, now that I’ve created an outline, an overview, synopsis, and spreadsheet. Heh, looking back on that sentence now…maybe I *am* obsessive.

  2. That’s a very fine and productive April, Melodye!
    If I wasn’t doing another round of revisions, I’d have joined
    your summer shape up. But if you do another, like an end-of-summer-wrap-up, I’ll join you for that! 🙂

    p.s. I got what you said about the purple bracelet. For a few nights I wanted to think of three happy things and see if I slept better. But i found that for some reason, that just created more stress and curmudgeonlyness in me. So I tossed out that idea and I’m reading a book instead before going to bed and that has worked out just fine!
    If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? 😉

    • *Takes a bow*

      You can make those revisions your Summer Shape-up goal. Take a look — everybody’s got different objectives for the month.

      I’m nodding in total agreement with the point you made in your second paragraph. 🙂

      • Fair enough. But I sooo want to be done before June 1.
        Like I want to be done tomorrow. (Not realistic).
        But I’m shooting for May 15th.

  3. Sounds like excellent writing plans.

    I didn’t try the Purple Bracelet thing. I am already far too guilt and anxiety ridden, and that would have added yet another internal jab. As it is, I live in the moment far more than I did when young, I stop and deeply appreciate so many small things through the day, and I am hyper-aware of the fragility and shortness of life, so I hardly need more metaphorical butt kickage than I already have on board!

    • “Yea, verily” to all you’ve said about the Purple Bracelet project! And hey, thanks for the supportive words about my writing goals. It’s good to have goals, but in the end, I think the implementation has to be fluid. Organic, if you will.

  4. Hello. I’m not sure if I’ll join you for the Summer Shape-up, but I’ve decided to friend you after seeing you on ‘s and ‘s journals. Im’ interested to see how everyone does with this challenge, and I may get on the ball eventually for a personal mini-challenge.

    I actually like the purple bracelet idea; I bought a blue one recently that features the word “sloth” on it, to remind myself to quit being lazy. Stopped wearing it after awhile (since I kept forgetting to put it on, natch), but maybe I can readopt it for the no-complaints project.

    • Thanks — I’ve friended you back. 🙂

      I’ll be interested to hear how your no-complaints experiment works for you. “SLOTH”? LOL!

  5. Too, too funny! I also stopped wearing mine, because just thinking about it made me feel negative and whiny 🙂 I’m also a pretty positive person by nature, so maybe we’re just beyond the purple bracelet (that’s my story, and I’m sticking with it)!

    Wow, you accomplished a TON this month — good for you!!

    • I so agree with you on the purple bracelet experiment. Too much focus on the negative.

      Thanks for the kind words. I really do feel proud of what I managed to accomplish. Plus, I learned a lot. 🙂

  6. Sounds like you’ve got the system wired. Good for you. I’m really pulling for you. If you do another summer manuscript shape-up after my semester ends, definitely sign me up.

    Good luck with hitting all of your goals. I know you can do it.

    • I’ve taken back my right to whinge!

      Thanks! I admit that it feels pretty good to see my accomplishments written up into such a long list.

      Good to see you again, Dot. I promise not to tell anyone that you’re skulking around the internets again. 🙂

  7. You were very productive, Melodye! Nice going! Oh, and that purple bracelet thingy–I don’t believe in that. Complaining can be therapeutic as long as you don’t do it to hurt anyone. Venting is healthy if you ask me–as long as you don’t dwell on it. It’s a way to de-stress. 🙂

    OH, and I thoroughly enjoyed your vblogs! I’m so jealous that you have a writing buddy you can hang out with! You guys seem to have so much fun together–uh, I mean you seem to work so well together. *wink*

    • I feel pretty good about last month…it didn’t start out too well, but I caught up with myself. 🙂

      I agree with you about the bracelet thingy. I wanted to try it out, though, to see if my privately held thoughts about the project were true. For me, at least, they were.

      I’m glad you liked the vlogs. Too bad Robyn’s in Israel, and is then heading back to NYC. I need to find another procrastination, er writing partner.

    • I feel pretty good about last month…it didn’t start out too well, but I caught up with myself. 🙂

      I agree with you about the bracelet thingy. I wanted to try it out, though, to see if my privately held thoughts about the project were true. For me, at least, they were.

      I’m glad you liked the vlogs. Too bad Robyn’s in Israel, and is then heading back to NYC. I need to find another procrastination, er writing partner.

  8. You were very productive, Melodye! Nice going! Oh, and that purple bracelet thingy–I don’t believe in that. Complaining can be therapeutic as long as you don’t do it to hurt anyone. Venting is healthy if you ask me–as long as you don’t dwell on it. It’s a way to de-stress. 🙂

    OH, and I thoroughly enjoyed your vblogs! I’m so jealous that you have a writing buddy you can hang out with! You guys seem to have so much fun together–uh, I mean you seem to work so well together. *wink*

  9. So *looks around and whispers*, I don’t have to be ashamed that I took off my bracelet?
    I felt so bad, since you’d taken the time to send it to me and everything. And, it really was helpful to realize how quick to complain/criticize I have been. Awareness is huge!
    But…there was no way I was gonna make it 21 straight days without switching that thing.
    Plus, it made me want to smack Hubby everytime he (who wasn’t wearing a bracelet) pointed to my bracelet and grinned. He got such a kick out of making me change it over!

  10. So *looks around and whispers*, I don’t have to be ashamed that I took off my bracelet?
    I felt so bad, since you’d taken the time to send it to me and everything. And, it really was helpful to realize how quick to complain/criticize I have been. Awareness is huge!
    But…there was no way I was gonna make it 21 straight days without switching that thing.
    Plus, it made me want to smack Hubby everytime he (who wasn’t wearing a bracelet) pointed to my bracelet and grinned. He got such a kick out of making me change it over!

  11. Wow, Melodye, what a grand list! I’m in awe. 🙂

    And I have to say, I’ve been mulling over joining in on your summer shape-up, but am not quite sure if I can manage being accountable for something yet. Ugh, that sounds so bad that I might just join in and prove myself wrong. Heh.

    • (((LORRAINE)))

      You always make me feel so good about getting things done!

      I’d love, love, LOVE to have you join us. Please do. Start small. Choose a realistic goal. Nothing back-breaking or mind-bending…just enough to keep that forward momentum going. No pressure, though. If you decide not to, I’ll certainly understand. You can always come visit, to see how we’re doing. And there’s no additional charge for latecomers, so feel free to change your mind 🙂

    • (((LORRAINE)))

      You always make me feel so good about getting things done!

      I’d love, love, LOVE to have you join us. Please do. Start small. Choose a realistic goal. Nothing back-breaking or mind-bending…just enough to keep that forward momentum going. No pressure, though. If you decide not to, I’ll certainly understand. You can always come visit, to see how we’re doing. And there’s no additional charge for latecomers, so feel free to change your mind 🙂

  12. Wow, Melodye, what a grand list! I’m in awe. 🙂

    And I have to say, I’ve been mulling over joining in on your summer shape-up, but am not quite sure if I can manage being accountable for something yet. Ugh, that sounds so bad that I might just join in and prove myself wrong. Heh.

  13. You certainly were able to regroup well after your initial derailment. Love the binder you created (I saw it on your writerly vlog). Tori actually created a WIP notebook for my current project. It’s got some pretty funny “rules” on the first page :]

    • You totally need to share that list of rules with me!

      I love having a binder. It was ThatGirlyGirl’s idea. It’s made a big difference to corral all my ideas and papers into one place. Makes me look all smart and official-like. Heh.

      • Here are the Commandments Tori put on the first page of my notebook. And, yes, that’s what she called them.
        Thou shalt not profane thy pages with grocery lists, to-do lists, putdowns of thine writing ability, rants unless they are in-character.
        Thou shalt keep this notebook for one story.
        Thou shalt finish this story.
        Thou shalt take this notebook everywhere.
        Good Luck!

        [sigh] she knows me very well 🙂

      • Here are the Commandments Tori put on the first page of my notebook. And, yes, that’s what she called them.
        Thou shalt not profane thy pages with grocery lists, to-do lists, putdowns of thine writing ability, rants unless they are in-character.
        Thou shalt keep this notebook for one story.
        Thou shalt finish this story.
        Thou shalt take this notebook everywhere.
        Good Luck!

        [sigh] she knows me very well 🙂

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