EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!
I just heard some wonderful news: This afternoon, California Assembly Bill 2165 sailed through its last committee hearing on a unanimous vote of consent!
Assemblyman La Suer strode to the podium and started to speak: “AB 2165 prevents student athletes…” he began, and then got cut off by the committee chair. “I make a motion for passing the bill,” Senator Murray said, and all the other Senators followed his lead. “Great presentation,” they laughed, and went on to debate the next bill on the docket.
Now, the bill goes for a vote of the full Senate, followed by a vote on the accepted amendments in the Assembly. It’s likely both votes (pretty much pro forma) will happen sometime next week. Then (cue drum roll), on to the Governor’s desk for Schwarzenneger’s signature!
Thanks to all of you who’ve supported this legislation — and my family — as we’ve worked through the process of passing the bill. It understand it may get tiresome to hear about this, but I’m very grateful for your patient support, as it’s been a long and often painful road. As I mentioned to a friend, I’d never go into politics full-time. If I did, I’d probably die of a heart attack or a broken heart.
ABOUT THE BILL: AB 2165 would prohibit California student-athletes from participation in athletic endeavors or on athletic teams if, after enrollment in CA public colleges and universities, they are convicted of a violent felony or certain sex crimes and have not yet served their sentences.
If this topic is news to you, here’s a link to a USA Today article about my personal/professional involvement in this, and here’s a blog entry that gives the backstory on the bill.
CONGRATULATIONS! You must feel wonderful because YOU really made a difference. Hmm…maybe this will spread across the US?
Thanks so much! It feels remarkable to have an impact, especially since it’s been our way of getting back personal power, of seeing good come from a terrible situation.
Wanna initiate legislation in your state? Since it affects NCAA-affiliated schools (among others), and since the problem it addresses doesn’t stop at the California border, it stands to reason other states might choose to get involved.
By the way, my older son is studying for his Master’s degree in Library Information Services (or some such) at UW. So there’s our six-degrees-removed-from-kevin-bacon link!
Oh, Melodye, that’s wonderful, beautiful news!!! Congratulations on this well-deserved victory!
Thank you so much Brandie!!! Looks like it was a very good day for both of us.
I have to admit, though, that it’s been hard to concentrate on my writing.
What wonderful news! Here’s to the quick passage and actual signing into law of the thing.
Thank you for the very nice wishes! I’ll take ’em and hold ’em close.
All right! That is GREAT news!!!
It certainly is, Kelsey. I appreciate your cheerleading for me all these months.
You have fought so hard for this, and your son has personally suffered. Thank God this bill will become law.
For my son’s sake — and for the families who might otherwise experience what we went through — I’m grateful.
See, that’s just it–you went to bat for your son, and you’ve now offered justice for anyone else in the future. I’m so proud of you!!!! 😀
Awesome news! Congratulations!
Thanks — and I sure do appreciate your being my cheerleader!
Exactly. =:)
I’m so happy to hear this news, Melodye! Woohoo!!
Thank you so much! I’ve been dancing around all afternoon — like the girls in your icon, only far less graceful, I’m certain. LOL.
Hopped over from a mutual friend’s LJ…hope you don’t mind, but I liked what I read and friended you.
Welcome, new friend! The more, the merrier! =:)
Yeah, this is great news!!! I’m so happy for you. See, one person can make a difference.
Yes, this is one of the important things I take away from this experience: that each of us can have an impact (hopefully positive) on our world.
Thank you! I’m so, so happy.
Congratulations! You worked so hard for this.
Yes, it’s been hard work, but definitely worth it. Thanks for supporting me all along the way.
That is Wonderful news!!!!
I’m so happy for you – congratulations!!
I forgot to sign in and was called anonymous, lol.
I sure have appreciated your ongoing support. It makes such a difference to have friends along on a journey like this. Thank you!
Love your new icon, btw. Really cool!
Hooray!!!! Such good news!
Thank you! It *is* good news. Definitely happy-dance-worthy, (I so love your icon!!)
Yay, congratulations!!
Thank you! It’s been a long journey, and it feels good to see the finish line in sight.
Ah…how wonderful…SOOOOOOOOO very happey for you.
Yes, it’s a wonderful feeling to have come this far. It’s helped so much to have friends like you to cheer me on… 🙂
How wonderful! You’ve worked long and hard for this!
Thank you for stopping by to celebrate. 🙂
It’s definitely worth the hard work, if this legislation makes a difference for others who might otherwise have experienced what we went through.
Melodye – this is GREAT NEWS!!!!!
Arnold, sign away! 🙂
YES! We’re hoping that he’ll have a signing ceremony for this (and other bills, of course). I’d love to hand over to my son the signing pen, as a symbol of what we’ve accomplished. 🙂
Oh Melodye, what else can I add except for a gigantic YAHOO for you!!! This is so so FANTABULOUS. Congratulations.
It’s always been very important to me that my sons see me as a soft place to fall and also a source of strength. This effort symbolizes my commitment to being that kind of mom… As author of HUGGING THE ROCK, I feel certain you’ll understand.
Fantastic Melodye! Great outcome for all your hard work.
It looks like we’ll make it to the finish line, which is SO GREAT, but I think I’ll be able to really relax and celebrate when the bill’s actually signed into law.
How’s your YA work coming along?
Good, working on book #2. I’m thinking Five Ways will need quite a bit more work though.
Sorry, I wasn’t logged in. The previous message was me.
I know I’m a tad bit late (I was out of town), but a hearty congratulations to you and the bill! It’s a fine day.
Yay!!!!!! Fingers crossed for the next round!