Hers was the booth at the far corner of the Farmer's Market, in rural New England. My eyes gravitated toward her fruit pies–apple and berry, and a mixture of both–overlaid with the fanciest crusts I'd ever seen.
I oohed and aahed over the hand-crafted flowers, musical instruments and birds. I marveled at the glistening fruit, peeking out from that golden-baked crust. "You MADE these?" I finally asked.
The vendor nodded, eyes twinkling with a mixture of pride and amusement.
"They look too good to eat," I said.
A smile played at the corner of her mouth when she responded. "Shouldn't it always be that way?"
She didn't want her picture taken, but she humbly suggested I could take a photograph of her handiwork instead, so that I could share this pie with you. Mmmm, feast your eyes!
Raspberry??? It is beautiful! YUM!
Melodye Shore
I think it’s an apple-berry pie. Drool-worthy, isn’t it? 🙂
That looks relish!
Melodye Shore
And yet…almost too pretty to eat, am I right? 🙂
Oh, I dunno . . . I looked at that and thought, oven . . . vanilla ice cream!
Melodye Shore
Mmmmm, warmed pie with a big scoop of ice cream melting over the top… 🙂
I’m guessing she does that with cookie cutters?
Melodye Shore
You’re probably right! I’d originally assumed she cut them free-hand, but they are uniform in size and shape. Still–clever idea, no? 🙂
So pretty! And so much work for something that will get eaten!
Pssst, M, check your email.
Melodye Shore
I’m guessing she gets a certain measure of enjoyment from the artistic process. Maybe, too, she likes that her designs encourage customers to stop & smile.
I’ve been lax about my inbox since we returned from New England, but I’ll check my email this morning. A message from you would = a great start to the day. xoxo
That does look fantastic! 🙂
Melodye Shore
Wouldn’t it be fun to share? 🙂
Do I see bacon in the pie?
Melodye Shore
LOL, no bacon. But I’m seeing bacon in so many things of late that I wouldn’t be at all surprised. (Would that appeal to you, PapaDan? I’m not thinking I would like it.)
Bacon Pie doesn’t really appeal to me but extra bacon with the two eggs in the morning sounds good.:0)
Pie is art. ;>)
Melodye Shore
It requires a certain touch & temperament, which is probably why I’ve (so far) not mastered the art of baking pies. Have you? 🙂
I haven’t had the courage to make my own pie crust yet. But I’ve made a few pies with store-bought crusts, even though it feels like cheating. :>)
Melodye Shore
I wish I had one of her pies right now. We could share it for breakfast!
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A beautiful photo of a beautiful pie! I wonder if some of the berries were cranberries? That might make it just about perfect.
Melodye Shore
Oh, maybe they are cranberries! You’re right, Peter–that little bit of tartness would likely offset the sweetened apples in a very tasty way. Mmmm, now I’m wishing I would’ve asked. Wishing, too, that I had a slice of cranberry-apple pie in front of me, this very minute.
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