I had such a fabulous birthday! Everyone should feel so lucky, so loved as I did yesterday. May I tell you about some of the fun stuff that happened?
While drinking coffee and reading the Sunday Times, I listened to my older son’s radio show (“Desert Shores,” West African music, on KUGS.org). Is there a more relaxing Sunday morning ritual than this? I don’t think so.
I also played around in my garden — admiring the camilias blooming against the back fence, trimming the roses, and planting the pansies I’d bought a couple of days ago. This is yet another reminder of why I live in California: I love seeing flowers in my yard all year long.
I had a really fun afternoon with my 90-year-old friend, Posy. First, we had lunch at King’s Restaurant. I had crab cakes, and she put on a bib and tackled a spiny lobster. As you could probably predict from seeing this photo, she won!
We also cruised the local mall. Can you believe it: Santa’s already set up shop! When Posy sat on his lap, Santa asked her if she’s been naughty or nice…Posy just winked. Ho! Ho! Ho!
When I got home, these beautiful flowers were sitting on my dining room table. Another gift from my thoughtful husband!
We headed down to Laguna Beach, where we stopped to eat dinner at one of our favorite restaurants (read: Italian, casual). I had an appetizer-sized order of mussels (continuing the seafood motif from lunch, I guess) and my husband ate cioppino. Great food, laughter, and exciting conversation about what the upcoming year might have in store for each of us.
I got lots of phone calls — from my younger son, my friends, and other family members. Also, I was surprised to see that so many friends had stopped by my blog to leave messages for me, and my Inbox was full of e-cards, too. Thank you so much, everyone! I’m overwhelmed (in a very good way).
Now, looking ahead…I was a slacker this weekend took a three-day breather from writing, and now I’m excited to complete my manuscript makeover. I’m reminded that we Scorpios will have lucky days on November 13, 20, and (especially) November 22, so I’ll be doing my part to make that happen, and I’ll also be sending out positive thoughts for all of you!
Glad you had a wonderful birthday! I’m catching up on LJ now that the conference is over.
I’m going to miss you on LJ. Hope you stop by now and again… Meantime, best wishes on your writing projects — and your life! 🙂
Thanks–I got my editor last night!!!! Jennifer Klonsky!!
it was a fun birthday!
I think all the scorpios have pretty high expectations for this month!!
YES! YES! Next week is our week. We own it!
Sounds like a lovely day.
Yes indeed, it was. Mainly because I was surrounded by loving, wonderful friends and family. That’s what matters most, right? 🙂
Sorry I missed your big 5-oh! It looks like your day was filled with all your favorite things. It seems so odd to see you write about planting flowers this time of year–living in Cali must be wonderful.
Happy belated birthday, Melodye!
Hey, I’m glad you joined the party, even if you were a bit late. You can show up ANYTIME! 🙂
I do love living in California. I was born here, and this is where I want to stay. Not that I don’t like visiting colder climates…it’s just nice to know that I get to come home to warmth, palm trees, and the beach. Today, it was 80 degrees here in the OC. How was it where you live?
I’m late to the party! I’m late to everything nowsadays, *sob*. But I had to drop by to say you are BEAUTIFUL, inside and out, and I’m glad you had a great day.
We were waiting for you, Dot, and I saved you a piece of birthday cake. The end piece, where there’s lots of yummy frosting.
Thank you so much; I’m humbled by your words.
Oh my gosh, Posy looks like a blast!!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh, Posy looks like a blast!!!!!!!!
And you’re… FIFTY???
I’ve got to come visit you and drink some of that youth potion sometime soon!!!! 🙂
Posy is a hoot and a half. You’d love her, Roni! And I know you’d love her.
Yes, you do need to come visit, youth potion or no. (Thanks for the compliment, anyway. You’re sweet.)
Mmm…crab cakes. You are one lucky woman. And those FLOWERS..my-oh-my.
You love crab cakes, too? See, we have so much in common!
Aren’t the flowers spectacular? SO’s my husband. 🙂
Mmm…crab cakes. You are one lucky woman. And those FLOWERS..my-oh-my.