1. Again?! Yet another memoirist was caught throwing truth to the wolves. Unbelievable.
"Be sure your sins will find you out," my father used to preach. Touch of irony, that.
But there’s a great deal of truth to what he said. It’s peeking out from the pages of this fabricated story.
Hmm…I feel a sermon blog entry coming on.
2. Hello, hummingbirds, Day 11! This picture’s way bigger than they are. Truth is, this nest (birds and all) is only about an inch-and-a-half long. But in another ten days or so, the hatchlings will be full-fledged hummingbirds!
Gasp! So tiny! But we get to examine them in such big detail. They’re so beautiful.
I couldn’t believe it when I read the news about that memoirist. The audacity of the lie! Telling people you were raised by wolves?!
How is it that her story didn’t ring false to her ghost-writer and/or her publisher? I don’t get it.
I’m so glad we have beauty in our world, and that we are blessed with eyes that see it.
Ahhh, their beaks!! Melodye, I think you’re a self-assigned aunt or allomother! 🙂
And for the author. To tell such an outrageous tale – I don’t think she even knows truth from fiction, and believes it as she goes along and changes the story, that becomes her new story/life. Not to hold her accountable, but for the ghost writer and the publisher not to research this really strange story is negligent in my opinion. I think it would have prevented more pain for Holocaust survivors and their families. Ai.
I am very sad about the pain this may have inflicted on Holocaust survivors and their families. I am also sorry for the trust she broke with her readers.
sigh, sigh, sigh. Unbelievable.
I know, right?
Oh, these little birds are so amazing. Such wonder in this world…and I thank you for sharing it with us.
Hard to imagine making up such stories, but it does seem like this author is a troubled soul.
Have you read Natalie Goldberg’s Old Friend from Far Away, The Practice of Writing Memoir? I just got it out from the library and it makes me think of you. 🙂
I haven’t seen their mama much lately — she must be really busy gathering food for her fast-growing chicks.
I believe everyone carries within themselves stories so remarkable that it’s unnecessary to embellish.
Artistq sent me the CD version of that book — it’s fabulous! (Thanks for thinking of me…I’m really touched.)
they’re so cute! Our babies just hatched (according to youngest son)
Oh, the babies!!! Soo precious. It’s hard to imagine they’re so tiny…
Wow, what a picture! I definitely think you could make a book about hummingbirds.