My writing group works very hard, but we also know how to party. Example: Donna, our Southern Belle extraordinaire, helped us kick-start the New Year with a King Cake celebration.
King Cakes help commemorate Epiphany (January 6th), the day the Three Wise Men honored baby Jesus with precious gifts. They taste a lot like gooey cinnamon rolls, but the dough is baked into a ring and decorated with purple, green, and gold—the colors of Mardi Gras. Some say the shape represents unity and friendship; others say it symbolizes the circular path the Wise Men followed, in order to lead King Herod away from Joseph and Mary’s baby.
A pecan, bean or plastic doll (each representing the baby Jesus) is tucked inside the cake before it’s baked. Finding the baby is an honor; among other things, it means you get to host the next party. King Cake celebrations used to be reserved for Fridays during Mardi Gras, but now they happen every day during the weeks between Epiphany and the first day of Lent.
All that to say…
The timing couldn’t be better—this blog is having big-time cravings for carbs fun and friendship. Even in the saddest of times, I think it’s important to reach out to others, and to find joy in the moment. So I’m hosting a traditional King Cake celebration, but with a bit of a twist.
Here’s my King Cake. Doesn’t it look delicious?
Please help yourself to a big ol’ slice of gooey goodness. Go on, it’s guilt-free! On Thursday morning, I’ll draw a name from among the revelers who’ve stopped by to join us. The lucky winner gets the baby, of course. And you know what that means…another party! I’ll also send the winner a special prize.
King Cake recipe and photo
P.S. Thanks to
for giving me the Kreativ Blogger Award. I’m lucky to be surrounded by so much inspiration and talent! Each one of you deserves this award, so how ’bout we share?
That is quite a cake!!!
Isn’t it beee-you-ti-ful?!
Congrats on getting the baby! And if you don’t mind, I think I’ll grab another slice…. ;-D
Take as many pieces as you’d like!
I’m really glad it wasn’t a *real* baby. I love ’em, but that one’s much easier to take care of during a party.
Yummy! I enjoyed a King Cake exactly once…when a company I was working for at the time received one as a thank you from a Southern client. It was delish. But yours looks even BETTER.
Congrats on getting the baby! 😀
I think the fantastic company is what makes this King Cake so tasty.
Yum! I’ve actually never heard of this tradition, but I think I like it. Do you get good luck for the year if you find the baby? It kind of reminds me of how they used to tuck a plum into Christmas Pie (like in Little Jack Horner).
It’s a fantastic tradition! Now that you know what fun they are (and how tasty the cake…). perhaps you’ll want to hold a King Cake celebration in *your* neighborhood. 🙂
(Try the links, or Google, to learn more about the King Cake traditions.)
Seriously, I have never heard of King Cakes, but the moment you mentioned cinnamon rolls I started drooling. And the colors are so pretty! Wow.
You have such a fun journal. I admire you enormously.
The cake’s delicious, isn’t it? And calorie-free, to boot!
Thanks for your sweet words. I love LJ, don’t you? And I’m so glad we’re friends!
I’d never heard of King Cakes before! How exciting!! Hope the baby doesn’t mind all the crumbs :).
Hang around me, chickadee, and I’ll teach you lots about Southern eats.
Don’t mind the crumbs…we’ll let the dog Hoover ’em up.
That was indeed a yummy cake! Yours is just beautiful.
It was amazing! Just like our group. I really missed seeing all y’all last week. I’ll be there for sure on Thursday.
That cake looks tasty!
Here, take a big piece. One bite, and you’ll be hooked. 🙂
I am now hearing the little Brownies from the movie WILLOW hollering “I stole the baby!”
The cake does look good, though.
LOL! Grab a plate and fork–There’s enough cake (and babies)to go around.
*smacks lips*
Mmm, yum!
Ronnie! I should have guessed you’d be up for a party.
SO glad to see you! Be sure to have some cake.
Oh you brought back some of the good memories from living in New Orleans. I had almost forgotten about King Cakes!
And yeah, you, for getting the baby! A perfect start to the New Year/new chapter in your life.
We have to keep these memories alive, don’t you agree?
You’re so right about the baby. I saw it as a good luck omen.
Regarding your post after this one – I won’t post the first words out of my mouth.
And hugs.
Regarding your post after this one – I won’t post the first words out of my mouth.
So very this.
To me and to so many of us, the intent was clear from the outset.
I’m so glad to read this, Barb. I didn’t intend to offend anyone–quite the opposite.
*hugs you back*
oooh! what a cool idea! I’d never heard of a King Cake!
oh and babies are ALWAYS a good idea, LOL! ::hugs::
Now that you know how fun they are, you’ll want to spread the joy! 🙂
Especially since there are babies! 🙂
Your King Cake looks AMAZING, I’m VERY impressed!
I love stuff like this!
Oh me, too! It’s a Mary Poppins-like tradition.
I love your glittery icon, by the way. It’s perfect for the party. 🙂
I like to look my best at parties!
LOL! Those bunny ears remind me of that party scene in Legally Blonde. 🙂
I would like to be Elle Woods when I grow up.
What a neat idea, Melodye — I can’t think why anyone would think otherwise 🙂 Especially if they know you at all!
What she said. 🙂
(((Thank you)))
I’m so glad you came to the party!
(((Robin))) Thank you for coming to the party!
Delicious! Would you believe a friend just sent me a whole bag of babies??!! We’ve been wanting to make a King Cake.
Seriously? Sounds like serendipity to me. You should definitely post a picture (please)!
Wondering…will you make more than one cake, or are you planning to load up the King Cake with multiple babies?
How cool! It’s beautiful! I’ve heard of this tradition before – but never made a King Cake. Yours looks delicious! *hugs*
It’s good to see you! I’m glad you surfaced long enough to join in the fun. Take a big slice of cake–I know you’ve been working hard. xo
Oh yeah, looks very cool and yummy too! And I’m always ready to celebrate friendship and unity with you, Melodye. xoxo
The party’s not complete until Miss Lorraine arrives! Here, have a cuppa tea, and don’t forget some cake! xo
Oh myyyyy!
how did I miss this?
(cause I’ve been awol, that’s why)
That looks so very tasty– glad you got the baby!
(and uhm… someone found this offensive?*totally confused*)
Off to check out your recipe!
I think perhaps they thought it was too soon after my father’s death to post a festive post. I meant no disrespect, really I didn’t.
Pull up a chair, Liz. I’ve got a slice of King Cake ready for you. 🙂
Well, I’m a ‘thinkin’ that there are many ways to celebrate closing the circle of a person’s life, and this is a good one. Fie on the headshakers– it’s *your* loss. They can cope with their own losses as they see fit.
I’m sorry about your dad– I suspected that might be the case, but hadn’t seen the post.
Thank you, Liz. I agree that everyone needs to process things in his/her own way. And I don’t think there’s ever a “bad” time to surround yourself with much-loved (and loving) friends.
*snuggles into your hugs, and hugs you back*
As an Orthodox Christian, Three Kings is still observed with our faith. Some will call it my “little Christmas”, but it’s not really Christmas! I still celebrate on December 25th. But, thank you so much for this entry.
I enjoyed learning about the Kings Cake. It looks so good, and my goodness, I would gladly partake in some gooey goodness – but I have enough of it of my own….my birthday cake (Jan 27th). =)
Happy Belated Birthday!!! Here, I’ll wrap a piece of King Cake for you to save in your freezer. You just never know when you’ll need/want a slice of sugary goodness. 🙂
Re: you post after this one: King Cakes ROCK! I think they’re much less “offensive” than munching on a chocolate cross at Easter.
Ahahaha! You get an extra slice for making me laugh out loud. Have I told you lately how much I love you?!!
Yah, but keep telling me! 😀
Congratulations on finding the baby! I’ve heard about King Cakes but have never tasted one…and as for those who think it’s too soon for celebrating … tell them your Irish!
The Irish cry at births and celebrate at deaths. An Irish wake is the traditional Irish way of celebrating ones life and ensuring that they have a good send off.
Aha! How did you get so wise?!
I am, in fact, part Irish. So this is a very good reason–as if I needed one, right?
Thanks, Sharon. xo
I’m part Irish too! As well as Scottish, Welsh, and English, not to mention Native American and French Canadian