Happy Valentine’s Day!
Photo credit: Bleeding Hearts, from DailyPhoto.org
P.S. Quick, does anyone have a pair of warm boots or a coat I can borrow? I’m headed to Texas today, and wouldn’t you know it, the weatherman just told me I should expect snow. Oh, no! I don’t have a decent winter jacket in my SoCal wardrobe, and the closest I come to cold-weather footwear are these! (Don’t you dare laugh at me; I can’t help it that I’m delicate flower weather wimp who’s better suited for warm climates.)
What a lovely photo! Did you take it? The pastel pink of it blends wonderfully with the pastel blue of my blog.
Thanks, and HVD to you and yours!
Oops, I forgot the photo credit. It’s up top now. The picture’s beautiful, isn’t it? Nature gives us the best gifts… 🙂
That’s beautiful! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too!
oh, oh, oh, you just twanged my heart. Are those fucsia? No, they can’t be. Maybe a hybrid? But they ARE beautiful! Happy Valentines Day to you too!
They’re bleeding hearts. Gorgeous, aren’t they? Nature sure knows how to knock our socks off, doesn’t she? Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours. 🙂
They’re bleeding hearts. Gorgeous, aren’t they? Nature sure knows how to knock our socks off, doesn’t she? Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours. 🙂
They’re bleeding hearts. Gorgeous, aren’t they? Nature sure knows how to knock our socks off, doesn’t she? Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours. 🙂
Wishing you a Valentine’s day as perfect as the picture.
((HUGS))I’m wishing the same for you, too!
Wishing you a Valentine’s day as perfect as the picture.
Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!!!
Thanks! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too!!!
Thanks! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too!!!
It’s so beautiful!
Happy Love Day, from one weather wimp to another.
Although, if one of us lives in SoCal and one lives in Maine, you’ve got to wonder who is the smarter weather wimp.
Have fun in Texas.
Thanks! You should totally come visit me…maybe as part of your book tour? It’s a two-fer: you’d get warm, and you’d have a write-off on your taxes. 🙂
I’d love to send you my winter wear as I am insanely sick of it all – but I woke up to -32 C (-27F) this morning, so I guess I’ll need it for a little while longer.
Oddly enough, we get bleeding hearts here, of course we won’t see them for quite some time. Beautiful pic!
Happy Valentines!
I can’t even imagine how cold that is. Brrrrrr! Try to stay warm, Sacha!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours. 🙂
Happy day, Melodye.
I’d love to lend you my coat but we’re too far apart and I seem to need it now that we’re down in the teens again.
Have a good trip and research well!
I definitely wouldn’t want to leave you coatless and freezing cold! Thanks for the sentiment, though. 🙂
Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too.
Thanks for posting that beautiful picture, Melodye! We have a snow storm heading this way, too, and our snow storms would not be complete without a mix of rain and ice pellets, as usual. Sigh….
Anyhow, I wish you the best of luck on your trip. Happy Valentine’s Day, and stay warm!
Thanks for your good wishes. I’m back home now, where I’m warm again, in every sense of that word. I hope you’re managing to stay warm, despite the snow storms. Be careful out there!
Hey Melodye!
Glad to know you made it home safe and sound! The weather has warmed up a bit over here, but we’re still getting snow. They are calling for another few inches before the end of the day–and then bitter cold again tomorrow. Sigh…
I hope you have a nice time in Texas researching your book! Stay warm!
Thanks, Cathy. I had some great experiences in the Great State of Texas. I’ll post a little later, but some of my trip’s best talked about over, oh…let me think…lunch. Yeah, that’s the ticket! Check your calendar and let’s set a date. 🙂
Thanks, Cathy. I had some great experiences in the Great State of Texas. I’ll post a little later, but some of my trip’s best talked about over, oh…let me think…lunch. Yeah, that’s the ticket! Check your calendar and let’s set a date. 🙂
Good luck down in Texas!!! Sorry, I don’t think you’d like the coats or footwear I could offer!!! 🙂
It wasn’t as cold as I was told it would be (no snow or ice, at least), but I was glad I brought my ski coat. Brrrr…and I’m really glad to be home, where it’s warm!
It wasn’t as cold as I was told it would be (no snow or ice, at least), but I was glad I brought my ski coat. Brrrr…and I’m really glad to be home, where it’s warm!
Have you ever been to the Huntington Library in San Marino? They’re having an exhibit until June about the history of the LA Times, and “the constitutional right to a free press” (including some of their battles over the years). I saw it today, and for some reason, thought of you. :>)
Moi? It made you think of me? I can’t imagine why! *wink* I’ve been to the Huntington Library before, but I haven’t seen that particular exhibit. Thanks for telling me about it…I’m going to put it on my calendar!
I thought maybe it’d give you an idea for a blog. It was interesting.